Odlok o Državnem načrtu razdelitve emisijskih kuponov za obdobje od 2008 do 2012

26. april 2007 - Vlada RS je izdala Odlok o Državnem načrtu razdelitve emisijskih kuponov za obdobje od 2008 do 2012. Državni načrt predstavlja temeljni dokument, na podlagi katerega bo Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor do konca leta 2007 podelilo emisijske kupone vsem upravljavcem naprav, ki so za obratovanje naprav pridobili dovoljenje za izpuščanje toplogrednih plinov.

2007-05-07T13:29:06+02:007. 5. 2007|Novice|

E-news update May 7 2007

1.1. UN scientists warn time is running out to tackle global warming
1.2. IPCC report confirms EU call for deep cuts in global greenhouse gas emissions
1.3. Confusion threatens to limit potential of key Kyoto Protocol mechanism
1.4. Bush, EU Leaders Stress `Common' Agreement on Climate
1.5. NGO Statement at the Opening Session of CSD 15 – 30 April 2007
1.6. Climate change threatens security, UK tells UN
1.7. Maritime policy to bring jobs and fight climate change

2.1. Ukraine announces its ambition to become a first player on AAU trade market

3.1. Japan pledges $100m to support clean energy projects in Asia
3.2. Environmental groups condemn IPCC call for large scale biofuels as a climate disaster in the making
3.3. PepsiCo going all renewable energy
3.4. China could overtake US as biggest emissions culprit by November
3.5. India , Japan sign agreement on energy efficiency

4.1. Russia and the Kyoto Protocol 2007
4.2. International Young Scholar Network for Earth Systems Science, Third Workshop
4.3. IEW meeting 2007: first announcement
4.4. Scientific framework of environmental and forest governance
4.5. DISCCRS International Interdisciplinary Climate Change Symposium
4.6. COP 13, COP/MOP3

5.1. Green Paper on Market Based Instruments

2007-05-07T11:53:30+02:007. 5. 2007|Pomembno|
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