Delavnica za NVO ‘Trajnostna energija’

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» Trajnostna energija «

ki jo v okviru projekta Energija za Evropo organizirata Focus društvo za sonaraven razvoj in Slovenski E forum.

Delavnica bo potekala 11. aprila 2007 ob 14. uri v prostorih CNVOS na Povšetovi 37 v Ljubljani.

2007-04-03T12:09:17+02:003. 4. 2007|Napovednik|

E-news update April 2 2007

1.1. Global talks on new climate deal must start now, commissioner says
1.2. European Union's climate change goals will cost €1 trillion
1.3. China , Norway in new climate pact
1.4. New report calls for decisive, concerted, sustained actions to combat climate change
1.5. Commission takes legal action against six Member States over missing information
1.6. Denmark to host 2009 U.N. summit, aims for new climate treaty
1.7. Climate change top of APEC agenda

2.1. The Greens say Biofuels Are Not Green
2.2. Commissioner Piebalgs welcomes increased cooperation with the US on energy issues
2.3. Natura Opens First of Three Spanish Biofuel Plants
2.4. Singapore to Spend US$230 Mln on Clean Energy Research
2.5. “Scrap Euratom!” demand Europeans

3.1. The winners and losers of climate change
3.2. Warming will end some species
3.3. Climate change set to overwhelm the world's poorest

4.1. "International and EU Climate Change Policies after COP 12 / MOP 2
4.2. International "Coping with Nuclear Waste" Conference
4.3. Russia and the Kyoto Protocol 2007
4.4. International Young Scholar Network for Earth Systems Science, Third Workshop
4.5. YouPEC - European Youth Perspective on Energy and Climate
4.6. IEW meeting 2007: first announcement
4.7. Scientific framework of environmental and forest governance
4.8. DISCCRS International Interdisciplinary Climate Change Symposium
4.9. COP 13, COP/MOP3

5.1. Dictionary and Introduction to Global Environmental Governance
5.2. Introduction to Energy Analysis
5.3. Size, structure and distribution of transport subsidies in Europe
5.4. Guidebook to markets and commercialization of forestry CDM projects

6.1. Capturing and storing CO2 underground - Should we be concerned?

2007-04-02T13:09:49+02:002. 4. 2007|Pomembno|

Focus postal član T&E

24. marca 2007 je Focus postal polni član organizacije European Federation for Transport and Environment (T&E).

2007-03-29T09:11:22+02:0029. 3. 2007|Novice|

Evropejci zahtevajo: “Odstranite Euratom!”

Bruselj, 23. marec – Na 50. obletnico EU in jedrske pogodbe Euratom je 780 organizacij in 630,000 posameznikov zahtevalo opustitev Euratoma in rabe jedrske energije po vsej Evropi. Evropski energetski komisar Pielbags je danes prejel darila ob rojstnem dnevu pogodbe: škatle, polne podpisov proti jedrski energiji. Organizacije so pozvale države članice EU da poiščejo pravno sprejemljivo možnost enostranskega umika iz jedrske pogodbe.

2007-03-23T11:10:00+01:0023. 3. 2007|Pomembno|
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