Sprejeta energetska politika za Evropo
Svet EU je na zasedanju 8. in 9. marca 2007 sprejel sklepe, ki opredeljujejo nadaljni boj EU proti podnebnim spremembam.
Svet EU je na zasedanju 8. in 9. marca 2007 sprejel sklepe, ki opredeljujejo nadaljni boj EU proti podnebnim spremembam.
Učna ura za ministra Vizjaka Na javni razpravi o evropski energetski politiki z evropskim komisarjem Piebalgsom, ki je potekala 9. marca 2007 v Cankarjevem domu, je bilo iz nagovora ministra za gospodarstvo, pristojnega za energetiko, jasno razvidno, da enači pojma zagotovljen [več ...]
1.1. Europe sets benchmark for tackling climate change
1.2. EU leaders take timid steps to fight climate change
1.3. EU's sustainable energy future must not turn into hot air
1.4. EU takes front seat on climate and clean energy
1.5. Eurobarometer: Europeans support greater EU action on energy and climate change
1.6. World renowned experts to advise President Barroso on energy and climate change
1.7. Campaign to demand an end to World Bank spending on oil and other fossil fuels
2.1. Baltic Sea Region to Warm Sharply in 21st Century
3.1. International Workshop on Numerical Modelling - Policy Interface (NMPI 2007)
3.2. New EU Policies for Sustainable Energy and Climate Protection
3.3. Workshop: Climate Change in South-Eastern European Countries: Causes, Impacts, Solutions
3.4. "International and EU Climate Change Policies after COP 12 / MOP 2
3.5. International "Coping with Nuclear Waste" Conference
3.6. Russia and the Kyoto Protocol 2007
3.7. International Young Scholar Network for Earth Systems Science, Third Workshop
3.8. YouPEC - European Youth Perspective on Energy and Climate
3.9. IEW meeting 2007: first announcement
3.10. Scientific framework of environmental and forest governance
3.11. COP 13, COP/MOP3
4.1. Urban Air Pollution in Asian Cities: Status, Challenges and Management
4.2. Cogen Challenge - Database for Cogeneration Units
5.1. Tenders: emission reduction potential – scenario modeling
5.2. 3 million Euro available for supporting energy efficiency and renewable energy projects
5.3. Online Communication Survey
5.4. Greenpeace Job Posting: Climate & Energy Policy Campaigner