Piknik ‘Tudi jaz’

Vabimo vas na piknik 'Tudi jaz', s katerim želimo ob letošnjem svetovnem dnevu okolja predstaviti kampanjo 'Tudi jaz', ki bo skozi interaktivno razstavo prikazala, kako vsak od nas vpliva na svet preko svojih navad. Piknik bo potekal 5. junija med 14. in 20. uro v etno klubu Zlati zob na Zaloški 69 v Ljubljani. Več informacij je na voljo tukaj.

2009-06-01T09:26:18+02:001. 6. 2009|Napovednik|

E-news update 1 June 2009


1.1. Climate change: 'Bali Road Map' seeks compass
1.2. Leaders called to special climate talks
1.3. UNclimate-change talks in Bonn prepare for post-Kyoto treaty
1.4. UN's Ban tells business to stop climate lobbying
1.5. Commission welcomes fall in 2007 greenhouse gas emissions for third consecutive year


2.1. WHO report highlights health sector's carbon footprint
2.2. Industry calls for funding to cut CO2 emissions
2.3. EU, Norway join forces on CO2 capture and storage
2.4. Fund aims for certainty in post-2012 carbon markets


3.1. NGOs walk out of industry-dominated nuclear talking shop


4.1. EP elections: Briefing for MEPs on climate change - CAN-E
4.2. Friends of the Earth Europe Annual Review 2008
4.3. ArcelorMittal:Going nowhere slowly
4.4. Public money for fossil fuels in the EU and in three EU member states
4.5. EU Leadership or Losership?


5.1. Anti Nuclear European Forum (ANEF)
5.2. Take part! Be a participant on the tour!
5.3. The Bonn Climate Change Talks - June 2009

2009-05-31T22:39:44+02:0031. 5. 2009|Pomembno|

Predstavnica Focusa na podnebnih pogajanjih v Bonnu

Med 1. in 12. junijem 2009 bodo v Bonnu potekala podnebna pogajanja v okviru Konvencije ZN o spremembi podnebja in Kjotskega protokola, katerih se bo udeležila tudi predstavnica Focus društva za sonaraven razvoj, Barbara Kvac.

2009-05-29T13:11:03+02:0029. 5. 2009|Pomembno|

E-news update 25 May 2009


1.1. US climate strategies appear to be losing steam
1.2. World Bank sees key role for offsets in post-Kyoto deal
1.3. House panel approves climate change bill
1.4. Business leaders meet on climate change


2.1. EU defends cap-and-trade scheme as 2008 data unveiled
2.2. China Looks for Big Cuts in Emissions


3.1. Kazakhstan Continues Technical Feasibility Study To Host Nuclear Fuel Bank
3.2. Ethanol formula, climate bill collide in House


3.3. Cash-for-clunkers program crashes up against the environment


4.1. LCA negotiating text for Bonn


5.1. Anti Nuclear European Forum (ANEF)
5.2. Take part! Be a participant on the tour!
5.3. The Bonn Climate Change Talks - June 2009

2009-05-25T13:48:55+02:0025. 5. 2009|Pomembno|
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