Ukrepati moramo, preden bo prepozno

Ljubljana, 6. november 2006 – Med 6. in 17. novembrom 2006 bodo v Nairobiju potekala podnebna pogajanja, kjer bodo predstavniki vlad celotnega sveta razpravljali o nadaljnih rešitvah v boju proti podnebnim spremembam. Znanstveniki in nevladne organizacije vse glasneje opozarjajo, da je potrebno ukrepati hitreje, sicer bo prepozno za nas in naš planet. Fokus društvo za sonaraven razvoj politike izziva s t. i. 'Podnebnim dogovorom'."

2006-11-06T06:34:36+01:006. 11. 2006|Pomembno|

E-news update October 16 2006

1.1. Commission asks Member States to provide important information in the fight against climate change
1.2. EU moots border tax to offset costs of climate action
1.3. Clean energy fund for poor countries
1.4. UK Government Plans Bill on Climate Change

2.1. Energy efficiency and renewables is the only strategy to meet climate targets
2.2. New Global Framework for Climate Risk Disclosure Released on 11 October 2006
2.3. European Wind Energy Association Recommends Specific Targets for Green Electricity

3.1. New report warns of cost of delaying action on climate
3.2. Trees Respond Slower to Climate Change that Previously Predicted

4.1. Launch of the European Wind Energy Technology Platform (TPWind)
4.2. "Empowering people for sustainable energy" conference, 9 November
4.3. Climate change and business conference 2006
4.4. Renewable energy and liberalization in electricity markets: Lessons and recommendations for policy

5.1. 2 new reports of FoE on climate change
5.2. New study: “Emissions Projections 2008-2012 versus NAPS II

6.1. Invitation for comments – JI project in Russian Federation
6.2. Invitation for comments – JI project in Ukraine (1)
6.3. Invitation for comments – JI project in Ukraine (2)
6.4. Invitation for comments – JI project in Lithuania
6.5. Application for accreditation under JI
6.6. Openning of call for experts (JI assessment team members for accreditation)
6.7. Call for comments on double counting and additional expert members to the CDM A/R WG

2006-10-16T14:11:45+02:0016. 10. 2006|Pomembno|
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