Sredstva EU za 50 škodljivih projektov

Bruselj, 25. februar – Organizaciji CEE Bankwatch in Friends of the Earth Europe sta danes v Bruslju predstavili nov zemeljevid [1], ki predstavlja 50 okolju neprijaznih infrastrukturnih projektov z vprašljivim ekonomskim ozadjem, ki bodo izvedeni ali pa so načrtovani v srednji in vzhodni Evropi. Na osnovi podrobnih raziskav pripravljeni zemljevid z naslovom ‘Cohesion or Collision?' predstavlja kontroverzne projekte v vrednosti 22 milijard evrov. Del teh sredstev je ali bo pridobljen iz evropskih strukturnih in kohezijskih skladov ter s strani Evropske investicijske banke (EIB). Na zemljevidu se je znašel tudi slovenski projekt: gradnja 6. bloka Termoelektrarne Šoštanj.

24. 2. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E – news update 18 February 2008

1.1. China urges agreement on climate change
1.2. UN hosts post-Bali ministerial session on climate change
1.3. Prince Charles calls for greater EU efforts on climate change
1.4. Nations seek compromise in climate change talks
1.5. U.N. leader Ban presses Bush on climate change

2.1. Ethanol Revolution Links Agriculture, Energy Sectors In New Model
2.2. Bank concedes to anti-nuclear pressure

3.1. World oil market could slowdown: energy agency

4.1. EU ministers urge caution on cost of climate plan
4.2. Ken Livingstone declares war with £25 congestion charge
4.3. Nobel winner urges oil execs to help cut emissions
4.4. Firms will act on CO2 only if its cost triples, says Shell

5.1. Renewable Energy in Islands: markets for the future 29-30 May 2008
5.2. HIDROENERGIA 2008 Early Bird Registration available till 31 March 2008
5.3. IEA: Meeting Energy Efficiency Goals: Enhancing Compliance, Monitoring and Evaluation

18. 2. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E – news update 11 February 2008


1.1. Russia, Ukraine next to trade Kyoto carbon credits
1.2. Top UN official: Int'l climate change treaty hardly concluded in 2 years
1.3. G7 to consider climate change fund – Japan
1.4. We Have a Roadmap
1.5. Climate 'tipping point' warning
1.6. Global meltdown: scientists isolate areas most at risk of climate change


2.1. Food-based biofuels can spur climate change
2.2. The case for investing in energy productivity


3.1. Completing the Mochovce Nuclear Power Plant in Slovakia - Reactors from the 70's for the 21st Century


4.1. The 4th Annual Brussels Climate Change Conference 08
4.2. World Biofuels Markets Congress
4.3. IEA: Meeting Energy Efficiency Goals: Enhancing Compliance, Monitoring and Evaluation

11. 2. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E – news update 4 February 2008

1.1. France urges U.S. to do more in combating climate change
1.2. World's big polluters note change in US climate stance
1.3. Nations Try to Advance Climate Road Map
1.4. UN: Climate Change May Cost $20 Trillion

2.1 Carbon emissions show slight fall

3.1. Dutch Bank ING withdraws from Slovak Nuclear Project - Mochovce 3 and 4 too risky

4.1. Concentrated Solar Power Congress
4.2. Measuring your Carbon Footprint
4.3. Voluntary Carbon Markets New York
4.4. 3rd International Solar Cities Congress
4.5. The 4th Annual Brussels Climate Change Conference 08
4.6. World Biofuels Markets Congress
4.7. IEA: Meeting Energy Efficiency Goals: Enhancing Compliance, Monitoring and Evaluation

5.1. YFOE Germany is looking for an Intern or Freelancer,"Coordination of international climate actions", starting April 1st or earlier.

4. 2. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E – news update 28 January 2008

1.1. Denmark opts for open trade under EU climate plan
1.2. Climate change 'significantly worse' than feared: Al Gore
1.3. EU countries more talk than action on efficiency: EC report
1.4. EU agrees goal for climate deal by April 2009
1.5. EU faces tough climate change road
1.6. Business Leaders in Davos Call for a Clear Post-2012 Climate Change Agreement
1.7. Japanese PM puts forward new initiative on climate change

2.1. CAN EU: EU Climate and Energy Package Reaction: Lessons learned but class not dismissed!
2.2. FoE Europe: Greenhouse gas target too weak to stop climate change
2.3. Greenpeace Europe: EU CLIMATE PACKAGE: A GOOD START, But ambitions still do not match the challenge
2.4. WWF: WWF complains at EU performance on climate change

3.1. 40 % greenhouse gas reduction up until 2020 - how to do it?

4.1. Sustainable Energy Week
4.2. Renewable Energy Policy Workshop

28. 1. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Cilji podnebno – energetskega paketa nezadostni za rešitev podnebja

Ljubljana/Bruselj, 23. januar 2008 – Evropska komisija je danes sprejela sveženj zakonodajnih predlogov, ki naj bi omogočili doseganje evropskih podnebno – energetskih ciljev, sprejetih marca 2007. T.i. podnebno – energetski paket bi lahko bila izjemna proložnost, da EU utrdi vodilno vlogo v boju proti podnebnim spremembam, vendar zaradi pomankjivosti posameznih predlogov Evropa te priložnosti ni izkoristila. Za resnično podnebno učinkovitost paketa morata Evropski parlament in Svet predlog bistveno izboljšati, pri tem pa mora Slovenija kot predsedujoča Svetu EU odigrati odločilno vlogo. 

23. 1. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Stališča Focus društva o dosjejih, ki obravnavajo ukrepe za varovanje podnebja

V okviru predsedovanja Slovenije EU pričakujemo obravnavo nekaterih izjemno pomembnih delov okoljske, energetske in prometne zakonodaje EU. Ker lahko Slovenija odigra pomembno vlogo pri obravnavi, želimo predstaviti nekaj stališč in predlogov za zagotavljanje okoljske učinkovitosti teh dosjejev. Poudariti želimo, da predstavljena stališča v veliki meri predstavljajo stališča evropskih mrež okoljskih nevladnih organizacij. Vlado pozivamo, da jih obravnava resno, saj je v EU merilo kakovosti predsedovanja tudi upoštevanje mnenj civilne družbe.

21. 1. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E – news update 21 January 2008

1.1. Climate change measures to be signed and sealed before EU elections
1.2. EU climate policy 'too negative'
1.3. Nuclear power won't cure climate change: Finnish PM
1.4. Sarkozy attacks EU carbon targets
1.5. EU to stick to climate plan despite rival protests

2.1. France and Germany push ahead with own energy liberalisation plans

3.1. Car industry's green claims a fairy tale says Greenpeace
3.2. EU to allow poorest members to raise CO2 emissions
3.3. Slovakia halts EU legal challenge over CO2 emissions
3.4. EU Biofuels Policy Left in Tatters
3.5. Biofuels could make matters worse in battle to prevent climate change

4.1. IPCC scoping meeting on Renewable Energy Sources
4.2. Sustainable Energy Week
4.3. EU-Japan Symposium "Climate Change and Perspectives for Japan - EU Cooperation"
4.4. Renewable Energy Policy Workshop

21. 1. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E – news update 14 January 2008

1.1.EU seeks OK for climate package by mid-2009
1.2. WMO to seek satellites to monitor climate change
1.3. EU Poised to Announce Controversial Climate Package

2.1. EU wants German, French power plan by end of month
2.2. Turkey's role in European energy security
2.3. New nuclear plants get go-ahead

3.1. Lack of clear EU energy policies threatens surge in power prices

4.1. Slovene presidency of the EU – WEB PORTAL

5.1. Sustainable Energy Week
5.2. EU-Japan Symposium "Climate Change and Perspectives for Japan - EU Cooperation"
5.3. Renewable Energy Policy Workshop

14. 1. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E – news update 7 January 2008


1.1. Council plans for coal-fired power station angers green campaigners
1.2. UK seen giving green light to new nuclear plants

2.1. Japan puts climate change at top of G8 agenda
2.2. Natural catastrophes will grow with climate change: re-insurer
2.3. Facing the Facts about Climate Change

3.1. Romania to contest EU carbon emission cuts: report

7. 1. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E – news update 24 December 2007

1.1. Russia delivers first nuclear fuel to Iran

2.1. White House seeks to reassure on climate deal
2.2. Disappointments on Climate

3.1. EU's carbon trade revision threatens import tax
3.2. Aviation to be included in EU emissions trading

4.1. World Biofuels Markets '08, 12th - 14th March 2008, Brussels Expo
4.2. Abu Dhabi Hosts 1st Energy Summit Post Bali, 21-23 January 2008.

24. 12. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Akcijski načrt z Balija šibkejši kot bi moral biti

Ljubljana, 17. december 2007 — Konferenca o podnebnih spremembah na Baliju se je v soboto po dramatičnem zapletu in razpletu končala s sprejetjem načrta o začetku dvoletnih pogajanj, ki se bodo leta 2009 končala z dogovorom o novem sporazumu za nadaljna zmanjšanja emisij po letu 2012. Akcijski načrt z Balija je zaradi močnega oviranja pogajanj s strani ZDA šibkejši kot bi moral biti.

17. 12. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E – news update 17 December 2007

1.1. Climate Plan Looks Beyond Bush's Tenure
1.2. U.S., E.U., compromise on climate change
1.3. EU may boycott US climate change talks
1.4. Government Proposal Has Potential to Derail Bali Climate Conference
1.5. Gore wrong on US being climate change obstacle: US
1.6. Bali Climate Conference Enters Final Negotiations
1.7. Bali climate talks find focus in fund for poor nations
1.8. Crunch time' for climate change
1.9. Gore has 'no plans' for US presidency, warns CO2 cuts needed for survival of civilization
1.10. UN blitz year on climate change is linked to poverty goals
1.11. The real answer to climate change is to leave fossil fuels in the ground

2.1. China shutters 11.1 mln kw of thermal power capacity

3.1. International Energy Agency calls for mitigation of climate change now by realising huge potential of energy efficiency; CO2 emissions are already some 20% higher today than in 1997
3.2. Upcoming car emission law: Commission about to flunk climate test
3.3. EU Ministers must step up!
3.4. World needs 30 nuke plants/year for power, emission cuts: IEA

17. 12. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Minister Podobnik ni omenil potrebnih ciljev za zmanjšanje emisij po letu 2012

Nusa Dua, Bali, 12. december - Minister za okolje in prostor, Janez Podobnik, je v svojem nagovoru na ministrskem delu podnebnih pogajanj na Baliju izpustil omembo ciljev zmanjšanja emisij, ki so potrebni za preprečevanje vsaj najhujših posledic podnebnih sprememb. Po mnenju organizacije Focus društvo za sonaraven razvoj je minister s tem pokazal na omahljivost Slovenije pri spopadanju z vse resnejšim problemom podnebnih sprememb.

12. 12. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E – news update 10 December 2007

1.1. Europe offers steeper greenhouse gas cuts
1.2. China, India Urged to Curb Energy Use
1.3. G8, emerging nations must coordinate on energy: Germany

2.1. Cameron announces green energy policy
2.2. ‘Common energy policy needed’
2.3. Here come the Tories to launch their green energy policy

3.1. Int'l groups concerned over free trade in climate policies
3.2. Preserving Tropical Forests Is Key Issue at Talks on Global Warming 3.3. Bali Global Warming Success May Depend on China
3.4. The country adopts legislation Wednesday to cut emissions 36 percent as delegates hammer out a post-Kyoto treaty.
3.5. 'We must revisit the polluter-pays norm'
3.6. Bali negotiations so far: solid start BUT improvements needed

4.1. The New Dawn of Solar

5.1. United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 13 and CMP 3)
5.2. Roundtable on the impact of nuclear liability regimes on the EU energy market
5.3. World Biofuels Markets '08

10. 12. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update December 3 2007

1.1. Save energy to 'reduce' climate woes
1.2. Google invests millions in green energy plans

2.1. Entire world has vital stake in China's energy challenge
2.2. European Parliament passes resolution to end taxpayer support for fossil fuels projects
2.3. Developing external energy policy for the EU

3.1. EU call for climate change action
3.2. Rudd Kyoto promise pleases business
3.3. 150 global business leaderscall for legally binding UN framework to tackle climate change
3.4. Climate change: the role of trade policy
3.5. Climate and energy priorities on the Slovenian presidency of the EU

4.1. Changing Climates: Interdependencies on Energy and Climate Security for China and Europe
4.2. Greenhouse gas emission trends and projections in Europe 2007
4.3. The Bali Climate Negotiations
4.4. Failed Mechanism: How the CDM is subsidizing hydro developers and harming the Kyoto Protocol

5.1. United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 13 and CMP 3)
5.2. Roundtable on the impact of nuclear liability regimes on the EU energy market

3. 12. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Naša usoda odvisna od konference na Baliju

Ljubljana, 30. november 2007 – Med 3. – 14. decembrom bo na Baliju potekala Konferenca ZN o spremembi podnebja, kjer se morajo predstavniki svetovnih vlad dogovoriti o poteku in vsebini podnebnih pogajanj za celostni dogovor o nadaljnih ukrepih v boju proti globalnemu segrevanju po letu 2012. V kolikor do dogovora ne pride sedaj, bomo zaprli vse možnosti za pravočasno stabilizacijo podnebja in preprečitev katastrofalnih posledic podnebnih sprememb. 

30. 11. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update November 26 2007

1.1. Then there was one: US now alone as Kyoto holdout
1.2. Rich nations fail to honour climate pledge
1.3. India and China ink climate change agreement
1.4. Trade Unions Advocate Ambitious Climate Change Goals
1.5. Canada blocking Commonwealth global warming agreement
1.6. UN climate panel co-head pessimistic about progress in Bali
1.7. Asia disappoints in climate change efforts
1.8. Climate change: IPCC report highlights urgent need for negotiations on global emission cuts

2.1. China considers national strategy to boost rural energy development
2.2. European Commission proposes a plan to accelerate energy technologies for a low-carbon
2.3. Renewables, gas-fired power to drive Europe's plant growth: SG

3.1. U.N.: Greenhouse Gases Hit High in 2006
3.2. UNFCCC: Emissions of industrialized countries rose to all time high in 2005

4.1. Natural disasters, disaster management and climate change in Alpine regions
4.2. United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 13 and CMP 3)

5.1. Compensating for Climate Change: Principles and Lessons for Equitable Adaptation Funding
5.2. The AR4 Synthesis Report

26. 11. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update November 12 2007

1.1. U.N. climate chief confident on Bali progress
1.2. Merkel Asks India to Do More on Climate Change
1.3. China launches CDM fund to address climate change
1.4. Asia-Pacific states to adopt climate goals at summit: report
1.5. Climate change: why China matters
1.6. British NGOs challenge Indonesian government and industry on palm oil claims

2.1. International Conference Connecting Clean Mobility
2.2. International Renewable Energy Storage Conference
2.3. CAN-E EU ETS Workshop
2.4. Renewable Heating & Cooling
2.5. 3rd Annual European Energy Policy Conference 2007
2.6. Natural disasters, disaster management and climate change in Alpine regions
2.7. United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 13 and CMP 3)

12. 11. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Slovenija s skupnimi močmi za učinkovito mednarodno razvojno sodelovanje

Lizbona, 9. november 2007 – Slovenija s svojimi tranzicijskimi izkušnjami, zlasti nevladne in razvojne organizacije s svojimi dobrimi praksami ter vzpostavljenimi lokalnimi in mednarodnimi partnerstvi, pomembno prispevajo k učinkovitemu izvajanju razvojne pomoči. Tako so danes na Evropskih razvojnih dnevih ob obisku slovenske stojnice poudarili visoki državni predstavniki, pristojni za razvojno sodelovanje predsedujoče trojke, Nemčije, Portugalske in Slovenije: Friedrich Kitchelt, generalni direktor na nemškem ministrstvu za razvojno sodelovanje, João Gomes Cravinho, državni sekretar na portugalskem Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve in Andrej Šter, državni sekretar na slovenskem Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve. 

9. 11. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update October 22 2007

1.1. Oceans are 'soaking up less CO2'
1.2. Bush: Kyoto approach on climate is "bad policy"
1.3. India seeks joint initiative to tackle climate change goals

2.1. Don't neglect poor for sake of the environment, says World Bank boss
2.2. Climate Change is Investment "Megatrend"
2.3. Morgan Stanley Sees US$1 Trillion Green Mkt by 2030

3.1. What's Right with Kansas ? Big Coal Rejected in the Heartland Decision Renews State's Energy Future

4.1. Warnings grow of 2008 CER delivery squeeze

5.1. Science or Fiction – Is there a Future for Nuclear?
5.2. CAN-E EU ETS Workshop
5.3. 3rd Annual European Energy Policy Conference 2007
5.4. European Conference - "Towards a Post-Carbon Society"
5.5. United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 13 and CMP 3)

22. 10. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|
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