E-news update October 15 2007

1.1. Gore Shares Peace Prize for Climate Change Work
1.2. IPCC expresses surprise and gratitude at announcement of Nobel peace prize
1.3. Fed Govt interested in modified Kyoto Protocol: Turnbull

2.1. EIB reinforces financial support for cleaner energy
2.2. Barroso rejects Greens’ nuclear demand

3.1. UN Millennium Development Goals - discussing practical examples on a local level
3.2. UNDP/IIIEE Energy for Sustainable Development Online Course
3.3. Science or Fiction – Is there a Future for Nuclear?
3.4. CAN-E EU ETS Workshop
3.5. 3rd Annual European Energy Policy Conference 2007
3.6. European Conference - "Towards a Post-Carbon Society"
3.7. United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 13 and CMP 3)

16. 10. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

1.1. Gore Shares Peace Prize for Climate Change Work
1.2. IPCC expresses surprise and gratitude at announcement of Nobel peace prize
1.3. Fed Govt interested in modified Kyoto Protocol: Turnbull

2.1. EIB reinforces financial support for cleaner energy
2.2. Barroso rejects Greens’ nuclear demand

3.1. UN Millennium Development Goals - discussing practical examples on a local level
3.2. UNDP/IIIEE Energy for Sustainable Development Online Course
3.3. Science or Fiction – Is there a Future for Nuclear?
3.4. CAN-E EU ETS Workshop
3.5. 3rd Annual European Energy Policy Conference 2007
3.6. European Conference - "Towards a Post-Carbon Society"
3.7. United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 13 and CMP 3)

16. 10. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update October 1 2007

1.1. The message from the UN: We can combat climate change
1.2. Europeans angry after Bush climate speech 'charade'
1.3. Bush struggles to stay relevant in climate debate
1.4. Commission proposes a global alliance to help developing countries most affected by climate change
1.5. Poor nations suffer most in climate change deal

2.1. EU outlines plans to open energy market
2.2. European Parliament votes for renewable heat obligations
2.3. Commission allows market distortion in favour of nuclear
2.4. Biofuels could boost global warming, finds study
2.5. Korea Aims for 9% Renewable Energy by 2030
2.6. Greenpeace highlights 50years of nuclear disaster in Mayak , Russia
2.7. Glut of European Carbon Permits Likely - Report
2.8. Analysis - Carbon price is poor weapon against climate change

3.1. European Sustainable Energy Seminar and Tour
3.2. European Meeting Point: Energy for Development 2007
3.3. Climate Change at the EU REGIONS Open Days
3.4. CDM 2.0: what post-2012 mechanisms do we need
3.5. Future Climate Change Policy: Looking beyond 2012
3.6. UN Millennium Development Goals - discussing practical examples on a local level
3.7. 3rd Annual European Energy Policy Conference 2007
3.8. European Conference - "Towards a Post-Carbon Society"
3.9. United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 13 and CMP 3)

4.1. The right to development in a carbon constrained world 

5.1. New FoE web page

1. 10. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Aktivisti pozvali EIB naj ustavi financiranje podnebnih sprememb

Ljubljana, 27. september 2007 – Okoljski aktivisti iz različnih evropskih držav so z današnjo akcijo v središču Ljubljane od Evropske investicijske banke (EIB) – banke Evropske Unije in enega največjih javnih posojilodajalcev na svetu - zahtevali, da preneha podpirati investicije, ki prispevajo k podnebnim spremembam.

27. 9. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update September 17 2007

1.1. Czech, Swedish, French leaders for road map on climate protection
1.2. UNFCCC workshop on adaptation planning and practices concludes in Rome
1.3. Berlin climate meeting helps to pave way for Bali
1.4. US states win right to set carbon target

2.1. Fossil fuel efficiency projects to receive much-needed investment under Kyoto Protocol’s CDM
2.2. Renewable energy to be a priority for nation
2.3. Breaking up is hard to do
2.4. OECD slams agrofuels - Friends of the Earth Europe urges EU to scrap 10 percent target
2.5. US gets more countries to join in GNEP nuke-energy programme

3.1. Short Training Course on Energy
3.2. General Conference of the Union of the Baltic Cities
3.3. RENEXPO 2007 - International Trade Fair and Conference for Renewable Energies
3.4. European Sustainable Energy Seminar and Tour
3.5. European Meeting Point: Energy for Development 2007
3.6. Climate Change at the EU REGIONS Open Days
3.7. CDM 2.0 conference: what post-2012 mechanisms do we need?
3.8. UN Millennium Development Goals - discussing practical examples on a local level
3.9. 3rd Annual European Energy Policy Conference 2007
3.10. United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 13 and CMP 3)

17. 9. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Nova orodja za spodbujanje trajnostne mobilnosti

Ljubljana, 15. september 2007 – Focus društvo za sonaraven razvoj je pripravilo nekaj novih orodij za spodbujanje trajnostne mobilnosti. V tednu mobilnosti bomo v društvu predstavili zloženko »Vsi v enega, eden za vse! «, nalepko »En avto manj. «, nagradni natečaj in delavnice za srednje šole »Javni prevoz je kul« in spletno stran o upravljanju mobilnosti v podjetjih.

13. 9. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update September 10 2007

1.1. APEC sets "aspirational" target to tackle climate change
1.2. Climate Talks Will Test US Resolve
1.3. EU climate flight plans 'deluded'

2.1. China launches $133.3 billion renewable energy plan
2.2. Megatrucks on EU roads? Yes, but under strict conditions
2.3. Asia-Pacific businesses call for carbon pricing
2.4. Plan To Ban 'Energy-Guzzling' Goods - UK

3.1. Short Training Course on Energy
3.2. General Conference of the Union of the Baltic Cities
3.3. RENEXPO 2007 - International Trade Fair and Conference for Renewable Energies
3.4. European Sustainable Energy Seminar and Tour
3.5. European Meeting Point: Energy for Development 2007
3.6. Climate Change at the EU REGIONS Open Days
3.7. CDM 2.0 conference: what post-2012 mechanisms do we need?
3.8. UN Millennium Development Goals - discussing practical examples on a local level
3.9. 3rd Annual European Energy Policy Conference 2007
3.10. United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 13 and CMP 3)

4.1. Coming clean: The Truth and Nuture of Coal in Asia Pacific
4.2. Annual European Community greenhouse gas inventory 1990-2005 and inventory report 2007

5.1. Job announcement - Climate Change Programme Coordinator
5.2. Job annoncement – WWF senior climate change advisor

10. 9. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update September 3 2007

1.1. Vienna UN conference shows consensus on key building blocks for effective international response to climate change
1.2. Climate talks end without clear pledge on emissions cuts
1.3. APEC Leaders Week opens with focus on climate change, free trade
1.4. Merkel makes new proposal on climate change as she revisits site of Kyoto conference
1.5. Britain Set to Miss Climate Change Targets – Report

2.1. China launches energy saving drive

3.1. European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition
3.2. International Congress on Plant Oil Fuels
3.3. Short Training Course on Energy
3.4. General Conference of the Union of the Baltic Cities
3.5. RENEXPO 2007 - International Trade Fair and Conference for Renewable Energies
3.6. European Sustainable Energy Seminar and Tour
3.7. European Meeting Point: Energy for Development 2007
3.8. Climate Change at the EU REGIONS Open Days
3.9. CDM 2.0 conference: what post-2012 mechanisms do we need?
3.10. UN Millennium Development Goals - discussing practical examples on a local level
3.11. 3rd Annual European Energy Policy Conference 2007
3.12. United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 13 and CMP 3)

4.1. 'Worst EU Lobbying' Awards 2007 -- Call for Nominations

3. 9. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update August 20 2007

1.1. Vienna Climate Change Talks to set stage for UN Climate Change Conference in Bali
1.2. APEC to Back "Aspirational" Climate Targets
1.3. British climate bill nearing completion
1.4. Wolfowitz 'tried to censor World Bank on climate change'
1.5. U.S. calls for co-op with China on climate change

2.1. Britain 's EU climate change goals a 'challenge'

3.1. Scientific framework of environmental and forest governance
3.2. Intersessional: AWG 4 and the Dialogue 4
3.3. European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition
3.4. International Congress on Plant Oil Fuels
3.5. General Conference of the Union of the Baltic Cities
3.6. RENEXPO 2007 - International Trade Fair and Conference for Renewable Energies
3.7. European Sustainable Energy Seminar and Tour
3.8. European Meeting Point: Energy for Development 2007
3.9. Climate Change at the EU REGIONS Open Days
3.10. CDM 2.0 conference: what post-2012 mechanisms do we need?
3.11. UN Millennium Development Goals - discussing practical examples on a local level
3.12. 3rd Annual European Energy Policy Conference 2007
3.13. United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 13 and CMP 3)

20. 8. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update August 13 2007

1.1. Global Warming Will Step Up After 2009 – Scientists
1.2. Climate change likely to increase risk of hunger

2.1. EU electricity consumption "still rising"
2.2. Commissioner Piebalgs welcomes more stringent energy efficiency standards in public procurement
2.3. China falling short on energy conservation goals

3.1. Scientific framework of environmental and forest governance
3.2. Intersessional: AWG 4 and the Dialogue 4
3.3. European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition
3.4. International Congress on Plant Oil Fuels
3.5. General Conference of the Union of the Baltic Cities
3.6. RENEXPO 2007 - International Trade Fair and Conference for Renewable Energies
3.7. European Sustainable Energy Seminar and Tour
3.8. European Meeting Point: Energy for Development 2007
3.9. Climate Change at the EU REGIONS Open Days
3.10. CDM 2.0 conference: what post-2012 mechanisms do we need?
3.11. UN Millennium Development Goals - discussing practical examples on a local level
3.12. 3rd Annual European Energy Policy Conference 2007
3.13. United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 13 and CMP 3)

13. 8. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update August 6 2007

1.1. UN climate chief calls on rich nations to cut emissions
1.2. UN Climate Debate Tries to Kick-Start New Treaty
1.3. Bush sets global climate meeting
1.4. Water scarcity and droughts in Europe : Commission addresses key challenge

2.1. US House Shifts US$16 Bln Toward Renewable Energy
2.2. Emissions Permit Overallocation Increased in 2006

3.1. Carbon emissions - Binding rules on passenger car CO2 emissions agreed
3.2. Congestion charge returns to Stockholm

4.1. Scientific framework of environmental and forest governance
4.2. Intersessional: AWG 4 and the Dialogue 4
4.3. European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition
4.4. International Congress on Plant Oil Fuels
4.5. General Conference of the Union of the Baltic Cities
4.6. RENEXPO 2007 - International Trade Fair and Conference for Renewable Energies
4.7. European Sustainable Energy Seminar and Tour
4.8. European Meeting Point: Energy for Development 2007
4.9. CDM 2.0 conference: what post-2012 mechanisms do we need?
4.10. UN Millennium Development Goals - discussing practical examples on a local level
4.11. 3rd Annual European Energy Policy Conference 2007
4.12. United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 13 and CMP 3)

5.1. Futu[r]e Investment – A sustainable investment plan for the power sector to save the planet

6.1. Public consultation "Living with climate change in Europe "
6.2. Vacancy announcement - Climate Adaptation Specialist
6.3. Vacancy announcement - Climate Witness Program Manager

6. 8. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update July 16 2007

1.1. India makes climate change move
1.2. MEPs urge EU transport carbon reduction target
1.3. Europe can be happy and low-carbon, shows new index

2.1. China 's premier urges action in energy-saving drive
2.2. The European Union deepens energy relations with Brazil

3.1. Scientific framework of environmental and forest governance
3.2. European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition
3.3. International Congress on Plant Oil Fuels
3.4. General Conference of the Union of the Baltic Cities
3.5. RENEXPO 2007 - International Trade Fair and Conference for Renewable Energies
3.6. European Sustainable Energy Seminar and Tour
3.7. European Meeting Point: Energy for Development 2007
3.8. UN Millennium Development Goals - discussing practical examples on a local level
3.9. COP 13, COP/MOP3

4.1. Vacancy announcement - Online Communications Manager - 2 Year contract

16. 7. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update July 9 2007

1.1. Stars rock around the world for climate change
1.2. Brit's Eye View: New prime minister steps up to the plate

2.1. Renewable Energy Future Could Save the World Billions of Dollars a Year
2.2. Merkel confronts German energy industry with radical policy overhaul
2.3. Member states late on plans to cut energy waste
2.4. WWF urges EU to drop duties on China light-bulbs

3.1. Scientific framework of environmental and forest governance
3.2. European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition
3.3. International Congress on Plant Oil Fuels
3.4. General Conference of the Union of the Baltic Cities
3.5. RENEXPO 2007 - International Trade Fair and Conference for Renewable Energies
3.6. European Sustainable Energy Seminar and Tour
3.7. European Meeting Point: Energy for Development 2007
3.8. UN Millennium Development Goals - discussing practical examples on a local level
3.9. COP 13, COP/MOP3

4.1. Hotspot June 2007
4.2. Agrofuels – towards a reality check in nine key areas
4.3. Too Hot to Handle? The Future of Civil Nuclear Power

5.1. Vacancy announcement - EU Policy Campaigner with focus on transport policy

9. 7. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update July 2 2007

1.1. Live Earth concerts to deliver climate SOS
1.2. Europe must take adaptation measures to lessen impacts of current and future warming
1.3. EU, China launch project on climate change
1.4. Dutch Customers Start Moving to Climate-Conscious Banks
1.5. Swinney assault on climate change 'long on hot air, short on substance'
1.6. US Ambassador urges APEC declaration on climate change

2.1. EU households urged to shop around for energy
2.2. Biofuels stampede 'damaging the environment'

3.1. Energy for a Clean Environment
3.2. "Adapting to Climate Change - Launching a public debate on options for EU Action"
3.3. Energy Supply Security - Present and Future Issues
3.4. Scientific framework of environmental and forest governance
3.5. European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition
3.6. International Congress on Plant Oil Fuels
3.7. General Conference of the Union of the Baltic Cities
3.8. RENEXPO 2007 - International Trade Fair and Conference for Renewable Energies
3.9. European Sustainable Energy Seminar and Tour
3.10. European Meeting Point: Energy for Development 2007
3.11. UN Millennium Development Goals - discussing practical examples on a local level
3.12. COP 13, COP/MOP3

4.1. Impact of CO2 quota allocation to new entrants in the electricity market

5.1. Invitation for inputs: Energy Security in the Balkans
5.2. Call for proposals - Developing the capacity of environmental NGOs through transfer of best practices from NGOs in the EU25
5.3. Call for project proposals – WISIONS

2. 7. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Slovenija ne dela dovolj, da bi zaustavila razmetavanje z energijo

Ljubljana, 29. junij 2007 - Jutri, 30. junija, se izteče rok za oddajo nacionalnih akcijskih načrtov za energetsko učinkovitost, ki jih morajo države članice EU pripraviti v skladu s smernico o učinkovitosti rabe končne energije in energetskih storitvah. Z nacionalnimi akcijskimi načrti morajo države članice predvideti ukrepe, s katerimi bodo med leti 2008 in 2016 kumulativno prihranile 9 % energije. Številne države, med njimi tudi Slovenija, bodo rok za oddajo zamudile, kar kaže na neresen odnos pri obravnavanju problematike neučinkovite rabe energije. Za takšen odnos je kriv tudi Bruselj.

29. 6. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update June 18 2007

1.1. U.N. Bali meeting should map out new climate treaty
1.2. Climate change: A burning topic
1.3. Emissions fell slightly in the EU during '05
1.4. EU still not on track to meet Kyoto targets

2.1. Nuclear Power Can't Curb Global Warming – Report
2.2. Cogeneration on the rise
2.3. A calculator to help save the planet

3.1. Mobilising the energy saving potentials in local authorities
3.2. Espace - Planning in a Changing Climate
3.3. IEW meeting 2007
3.4. Energy for a Clean Environment
3.5. "Adapting to Climate Change - Launching a public debate on options for EU Action"
3.6. Scientific framework of environmental and forest governance
3.7. COP 13, COP/MOP3

4.1. Annual European Community greenhouse gas inventory 1990-2005 and inventory report 2007
4.2. Emission Impossible: access to JI/CDM credits in phase II of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme

5.1. E-mail action: Tell the EU to make cars more fuel-efficient!

18. 6. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Slovenija še vedno ni na poti za dosego kjotskih ciljev

Ljubljana/Copenhagen, 15. junij 2007 – Včeraj je Evropska okoljska agencija objavila nove podatke o izpustih toplogrednih plinov v EU, ki kažejo, da Evropa kljub rahlemu zmanjšanju izpustov še ni na pravi poti za dosego kjotskih ciljev. Podatki kažejo, da mora tudi Slovenija drastično povečati in pospešiti napore za zmanjšanje izpustov, zato Focus društvo za sonaraven razvoj od vlade zahteva nujno pospešitev ukrepov za boj proti podnebnim spremembam.

15. 6. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update June 11 2007

1.1. G8 Statement
1.2. G8 document reenergises multilateral climate change process under the United Nations
1.3. A big step forward on climate change
1.4. Environmentalists dismiss G8 climate deal
1.5. India says it will cut GHGs by 25% by 2020

2.1. EU and Turkey focus on energy cooperation
2.2. Vatican looks to heavens for energy
2.3. £150m energy-from-waste plan

3.1. Local Renewables Freiburg 2007
3.2. Mobilising the energy saving potentials in local authorities
3.3. Espace - Planning in a Changing Climate
3.4. Energy for a Clean Environment
3.5. IEW meeting 2007
3.6. Scientific framework of environmental and forest governance
3.7. COP 13, COP/MOP3

11. 6. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update June 4 2007

1.1. Bush is moving. G8 must push him further
1.2. Bush kills off hopes for G8 climate change plan
1.3. UN climate executive welcomes Bush initiative; says it exceeds most optimistic timetable
1.4. US told to toe line on climate
1.5. US climate change statement is a delaying tactic, WWF
1.6. G8: Campaigners demand alternative approach
1.7. Germany Fails to Convince Japan on Kyoto Pact Pre-G8
1.8. China to enact action plan on climate change
1.9. Abuse and incompetence in fight against global warming

2.1 Cities for Mobility - Mobility for Citizens
2.2. Local Renewables Freiburg 2007
2.3. Mobilising the energy saving potentials in local authorities
2.4. Espace - Planning in a Changing Climate
2.5. Energy for a Clean Environment
2.6. IEW meeting 2007
2.7. Scientific framework of environmental and forest governance
2.8. COP 13, COP/MOP3

4. 6. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Zmanjšanje nepotrebne rabe elektrike lahko pomembno prispeva k izpolnjevanju kjotskega protokola

Ljubljana, 4.6. – Jutri, 5. junija, je svetovni dan okolja. Focus društvo za sonaraven razvoj bo ob tej priložnosti z ozaveščevalno akcijo v Ljubljani naznanilo začetek izvajanja kampanje o rabi elektrike, ki jo naprave porabijo v stanju pripravljenosti – torej, ko jih sploh ne uporabljamo. Ocenjeno je, da tipično slovensko gospodinjstvo na leto porabi povprečno za 40 W elektrike za naprave v stanju pripravljenosti. S popolnim izklapljanjem naprav iz električnega omrežja v času, ko jih ne uporabljamo, lahko slovenska gospodinjstva prihranijo okoli 170 000 ton CO2.

4. 6. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update May 28 2007

1.1. UN treaty official sees ‘very encouraging signals’ on climate change
1.2. Emissions trading hot topic at APEC
1.3. US rejects all proposals on climate change

2.1. Door left open for deals as Commission calls time on coal subsidies
2.2. U.S. Carbon Emissions Fell 1.3% in 2006

3.1. U.N. says climate change to spur allergies and ticks
3.2. Southern Ocean drowning in carbon dioxide

4.1. International Young Scholar Network for Earth Systems Science
4.2. Cities for Mobility - Mobility for Citizens
4.3. Local Renewables Freiburg 2007
4.4. Mobilising the energy saving potentials in local authorities
4.5. Espace - Planning in a Changing Climate
4.6. Energy for a Clean Environment
4.7. IEW meeting 2007
4.8. Scientific framework of environmental and forest governance
4.9. COP 13, COP/MOP3

5.1. Lost in transportation: The European Investment Bank's bias towards road and air transport

28. 5. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Novosti v cestninjenju

Ljubljana , 24. maj 2007 – Focus društvo za sonaraven razvoj in Cipra Slovenija sta pripravila slovensko različico publikacije Cena, ki jo je vredno plačati. Ker je v Sloveniji trenutno v pripravi nov zakon o cestnini, je publikacija zanimivo branje, saj obravnava tematiko cestninjenja tovornih vozil in spremembe, ki jih na tem področju prinaša nova zakonodaja EU.

24. 5. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update May 21 2007

1.1. Bonn UN meeting moves world closer to comprehensive negotiations on post-2012 climate change regime
1.2. UN climate change debate expected Sept. 24
1.3. US Says No Shift in Climate Change Stance

2.1. Clean Energy Spending Can Curb Climate Change – WWF
2.2. UK Plans World's Biggest Offshore Windfarm
2.3. Biofuel Crops Threaten Indigenous People
2.4. EU Parliament votes to reform nuclear treaty

3.1. Russia and the Kyoto Protocol 2007
3.2. International Young Scholar Network for Earth Systems Science, Third Workshop
3.3. IEW meeting 2007: first announcement
3.4. Scientific framework of environmental and forest governance
3.5. DISCCRS International Interdisciplinary Climate Change Symposium
3.6. COP 13, COP/MOP3

21. 5. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Priprave na podnebno revolucijo?

Ljubljana, 14. maj 2007 – Jutri, 15. 5., obeležujemo dan podnebnih sprememb. Posledice spreminjanja podnebja so postale tako očitne, da jih opazi vsak. Kljub temu si tako svetovna kot lokalna politika zatiskata oči pred potrebnim ukrepanjem. Države sveta niso sposobne doseči dogovora za ukrepanje, med čakanjem pa se hitrost in moč podnebnih sprememb povečujeta. Zato je med mladimi, ki bodo morali preživeti v spremenjenem podnebju, vse pogosteje slišati zamisli o t.i. podnebni revoluciji.

14. 5. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|
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