They presented the official delegations with warm gloves tied together, symbolizing that the hands of the future generations will be tied if we fail to act now and further delay actions against climate change.

½ We have no right to curse the future generations with the dangers of climate change from which we will no longer be there to protect them, ½ believes Lidija Živčič , the climate coordinator of [1] . ½ Therefore we urge the leaders of Central and Eastern European countries to act now, not to tie the hands of the future generations. ½

For almost two decades the CEE countries have been avoiding ambitious action by hiding behind their ‘development’ concerns. Now the CEE countries must increase their commitment to deep emission reductions by 2020 and 2050, since they have a big potential for energy efficiency and renewable energy development.

½ CEE countries can not be in privileged position any longer, ½ comments Andriy Martinyuk from the Ukrainian NGO Working Group on Climate Change [2] . ½ Our politicians need to show a strong commitment to an ambitious agreement in Copenhagen. By doing so the politicians must show that CEE countries are also responsible for the climate change crisis and are ready to take their share of action, ½ he adds.

For extra information contact: Lidija Zivcic, [email protected] , +38641291091 ,

[1] AGREE.NET (Actions for Green Renewable and Efficient Energy) is network of non-governmental organizations working to build clean energy economy, bring in more jobs and address climate change. The network reaches to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine., Bratislavska 31, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic

[2] NGO Working Group on Climate Change is a network of 16 non-governmental and non-profitable environmental organizations all over Ukraine. Our aim is advocating for transparent use of Kyoto Protocol mechanisms, advocating for introduction of policies directed to emissions reductions, raising public awareness on climate change and mobilizing civil society for actions.