E-news update December 3 2007

1.1. Save energy to 'reduce' climate woes
1.2. Google invests millions in green energy plans

2.1. Entire world has vital stake in China's energy challenge
2.2. European Parliament passes resolution to end taxpayer support for fossil fuels projects
2.3. Developing external energy policy for the EU

3.1. EU call for climate change action
3.2. Rudd Kyoto promise pleases business
3.3. 150 global business leaderscall for legally binding UN framework to tackle climate change
3.4. Climate change: the role of trade policy
3.5. Climate and energy priorities on the Slovenian presidency of the EU

4.1. Changing Climates: Interdependencies on Energy and Climate Security for China and Europe
4.2. Greenhouse gas emission trends and projections in Europe 2007
4.3. The Bali Climate Negotiations
4.4. Failed Mechanism: How the CDM is subsidizing hydro developers and harming the Kyoto Protocol

5.1. United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 13 and CMP 3)
5.2. Roundtable on the impact of nuclear liability regimes on the EU energy market

3. 12. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|
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