European Energy Poverty: Agenda Co-Creation and Knowledge Innovation – ENGAGER

Funded by European Co-operation in Science and Technology – COST.

About: Energy poverty (EP) – commonly understood as a household’s inability to secure socially- and materially-necessitated levels of energy services in the home – is prevalent across Europe. The core aim of this Action is to radically transform the extent and depth of scientific knowledge about EP in Europe. It will generate a step change in how EP is theorised, detected and addressed. This will be achieved by establishing multidisciplinary collaborations at the nexus of several domains in which EP has been treated separately to date – human geography, energy studies, economics, sociology and political science. The Action will also produce innovative methods for knowledge exchange among academics, public policy officials, civil society and representatives of vulnerable households, while fostering a new generation of scholars. It will offer a unified platform to harness the analytical insights and resources produced by the large but highly fragmented landscape of funded research projects on EP in Europe.

Started: November 2017
Ends: December 2022
Contact: [email protected]
Partners: Project has over 60 partners worldwide.


CSOs as equal partners in monitoring of public finance

Funded by the European Commission.

About: Since the beginning of 2016, a group of 10 organizations from 7 countries will carry out the project ‘CSOs as equal partners in the monitoring of public finance‘ for the next four years. The aim of the project is to improve the transparency and accountability of policy and decision making in the area of public finances through strengthening the role and voice of NGOs in monitoring the institutions that operate in the area of public finances. In this way, the project will strengthen CSO knowledge of public finance and IFIs and improve CSO capacities for monitoring. Additionally, it will help advocate for transparency, accountability and effectiveness from public institutions in public finance. Moreover, this project will build know-how in advocating for sustainability, transparency and accountability of public finance and IFIs. This project will also increase networking and cooperation of CSOs on monitoring of public finance at regional and EU level. Lastly, it will increase the understanding of the media and wider public of the challenges in public finance and the impacts of IFIs. Key project activities are research and monitoring, advocacy, capacity building and transfer of knowledge/practices and networking in the field of the 4 specific topics: public debt, public-private partnerships, tax equity and infrastructure projects.

Started: January 2016
Ends: December 2019
Contact: [email protected]
Partners: Project consortium members are listed here.


Catching the train of development – Financing development and developing finance for EYD2015: a Pan-European campaign to align European investments in developing countries with the post-2015 MDG framework and the EU policies that promote sustainable growth and poverty reduction

Funded by European Commission

About: 2015 is the European Year of Development, the EU’s flagship campaign to promote its objectives and activities in the field of development cooperation. As the sustainable development goals replace the millennium development goals at year’s end, EYD is intended to raise awareness about Europe’s role in areas like access to energy, resilient ecosystems, equality. But where the Commission’s actions miss the mark, a coalition of twenty civil society groups from 17 countries across the continent are campaigning together under the heading ‘catching the train of development’. We want to provide a critical understanding of Europe’s approach to ‘development’ – particularly the role played by public and private sources of finance – and to reframe common misconceptions about development: that it is something that happens ‘out there’ to ‘those others’.

Started: January 2015
Ends: December 2017
Contact: [email protected]
Partners: Project consortium members are listed here.


Supply Cha!nge – Boost for sustainable European supermarket store-brands as a key driver for the EYD 2015 and beyond

Funded by European Commission

About: Launched in January 2015, the SUPPLY CHA!NGE project brings together 29 civil society organizations from across Europe, as well as partners from the Global South. In a collaborative EU-wide effort, we are striving to find solutions to the growing challenge of reducing environmental impacts and improving working conditions along the global supply chains of store brand (also known as ‘own brand’ or ‘private label’) food products in European supermarkets.

Started: January 2015
Ends: December 2017
Contact: [email protected]
Partners: Project consortium members are listed here.


Street festival Koseze

Funded through Municipality of Ljubljana

About: On World Environment Day a street festival took place on Koseška road near Koseze pond. On June 5 Koseška road was closed for motorized traffic and it became a space for the different events and activities which attracted many residents of nearby neighborhoods and revitalized the street. With the event the organizers aimed to highlight the fact that increasing motorized traffic (also) threatens the quality of life in neighborhoods outside the city center, and that spatial and transport planning procedures should always include local people. The event was also a great opportunity for people from the neighborhood to socialize.

Started: January 2014
Ended: November 2014
Contact: [email protected]
Partners: IpoP – Institute for spatial policies:


Advocates of the environment

Funded through Norway Grants

About: The project is aimed at solving the problem of lack of capacity for effective legal protection of the environment to support environmental NGOs. The knowledgeof lawyers and other professionals has been linked to the optimal whole – a network through which all the criteria will significantly increase the capacity for legal support for environmental protection in the public interest. This will contribute to a broader legal protection in specific cases, greater investment redress environmental NGOsand civil initiatives, professionally more competent and effective public participation in decision-making and environmental regulations, and professional and actuallylegitimate legislative activity.

Started: June 2014
Ended: November 2015
Contact: [email protected]
Partners: PIC – Legal centre for the protection of human rights and environment:
IpoP – Institute for spatial policies:

REACH – Reduce Energy use And Change Habits

Funded through Intelligent Energy Europe

About: REACH will build on the success of the project ACHIEVE which aim was to contribute to practical and structural solutions for reduction of energy poverty in Europe. Basing its approach on the best practices throughout Europe, ACHIEVE identified households that are the most vulnerable to energy poverty and worked with them to implement suitable steps to reduce unnecessary energy use and costs. Energy poor households are an important issue that needs attention because a lot of people are struggling with high energy bills and lack of knowledge about preventing that.

Started: March 2014
Ends: February 2017
Contact: [email protected]
Partners: Energy agency of Plovdiv, Bulgaria:
Society for Sustainable Development Design, Croatia:
Macedonian Centre for Energy Efficiency, Macedonia:



Funded through IPA

About: Increasing the understanding of EU climate and energy policy and its impacts in everyday life. Project wishes to increase the general understanding of EU climate and energy policy and its impacts in everyday life in Croatia before and after the EU accession. It informs public on changes resulting from application of EU climate and energy policy, enhances public debate on the issue, increases visibility of EU funded projects related to climate and informs and educates potential beneficiaries on EU funding possibilities for energy and climate related projects.

Started: June 2013
Ended: December 2014
Partners: Society for Sustainable Development Design, Croatia:
Forum za slobodu odgoja

CEE partnership on grassroot empowerment: towards an active civil society through learning and practicing

Funded through Grundtvig

Started: August 2012
Ended: January 2014
Contact: [email protected]
Partners: Frank Bold Society (Environmental Law Service), Czech Republik:
Stowarzyszenie Ekologiczne EKO-UNIA, Poland:
Friends of the Earth-Center for Environmental Public Advocacy, Slovakia:
Polish Green Network:
CEE Bankwatch Network, Czech Republic:

Learning for climate action

Funded through Europe for Citizens

About: The “Learning for Climate Action” brought together five well-established NGOs. The aim was to exchange the best practice and knowledge in relation to the problems of climate change and the questions of effective policies and environmental protection within EU. The combating climate change is one of the key priorities for the European Commission. The problem of climate change is from its nature crossing the borders and the EU fosters the solutions that could be encouraging for other nations and regions. Although the EU shows the way forward through its strategy to fight climate change and its policies, the great deal of responsibility lies on Member states and the civil society. For the environmental NGOs it is necessary to keep track of EU environmental policies as well as the national efforts on this field. 5 EU NGOs from Slovenia, Austria, Czech Republic, Spain and Belgium participated in the project.

Started: August 2011
Ended: July 2013
Contact: [email protected]
Partners: Environmental Law Service, Czech Republic:
Friends of the Earth Spain:
Friends of the Earth Austria:
Friends of the Earth Europe:


ACHIEVE – ACtion in low-income Households to Improve energy Efficiency through Visits and Energy diagnosis

Funded through Intelligent Energy Europe

About: ACHIEVE is an EU wide action for practical and structural solutions that help Europeans to reduce fuel poverty. Basing its approach on the best practices throughout Europe, ACHIEVE will identify households that are most vulnerable to fuel poverty and work with them to implement suitable steps to reduce unnecessary energy use and costs.

Started: May 2011
Ended: April 2014
Contact: [email protected]
Partners: CLER – Réseau pour la transition énergétique (Coordinator):
Caritasverband Frankfurt e.V:
EAP – Energy Agency of Plovdiv:
Croix-Rouge Insertion – IDEMU:
GERES – Groupe Energies Renouvelables, Environnement et Solidarités:
SWEA – Severn Wye Energy Agency:

REPAM – Renewable energy policies advocacy and monitoring

Funded through IPA

About: The overall objective, of this action was to increase the effectiveness in participation of Croatian CSOs in monitoring and advocacy in respect to renewable energy sources (RES). With strong and educated CSOs on RES topic, local and regional authorities gained reliable partner in creating local and regional energy policies.

Started: March 2011
Ended: February 2013
Contact: [email protected]
Partners: Society for Sustainable Development Design, Croatia:
EIHP – Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar:

Enough! (Dovolj!)

About: The project promoted critical thinking and awareness of our responsibility to society and the environment in which we live. It provoked a different understanding of quality of life and promoted ways of thinking and acting that we can bring to society and the environment for the responsible development.

Started: March 2011
Ended: October 2011
Contact: [email protected]

EJOLT, Environmental Justice Organizations, Liabilities and Trade

Funded through FP7

About: The project supports the work of Environmental Justice Organisations, uniting scientists, activist organisations, think-tanks, policy-makers from the fields of environmental law, environmental health, political ecology, ecological economics, to talk about issues related to Ecological Distribution. Central concepts are Ecological Debts (or Environmental Liabilities) and Ecologically Unequal Exchange. We focus on the use of these concepts in science and in environmental activism and policy-making. Focus is one of the 23 partners.

Started: March 2011
Ended: March 2015
Contact: [email protected]
Partners: Acción Ecológica – OCMAL, Spain:
Bogazici University (BOG), Turkey:
Business and Human Rights, UK:
CCS – Centre for Civil Society, SA:
CDCA – Centro Documentazione Conflitti Ambientali, IT:
CFJ – Citizens For Justice, Malawi:
CRIIRAD – Commission de Recherche et d’Information Indépendantes sur la RADioactivité, France:
EEB – European Environmental Bureau:
ELN – Earthlife Namibia:
ENSP/FIOCRUZ – Fundação Oswaldo Cruz:
ERA – Environmental Rights Action, Nigeria:
GRAIN – Genetic Resources Action International:
IFF – Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Fortbildung, Austria:
JNU – Jawaharlal Nehru University, India:
Lund University, Sweden:
Nature Kenya:
REEDS – International Centre for Research in Ecological Economics, Eco-Innovation and Tool Development for Sustainability, France:
SERI – Sustainable Europe Research Institute, Germany:
UAB – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona:
URV – Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Catalonia:
WRM – World Rainforest Movement, Uruguay:
Za Zemiata, Bulgaria:

Mobilisation for public passanger transport

Funded though Swiss Mechanism

About: The specific objective of the project was to increase the visibility of the issue of public transport in the Slovenian through the promotion of public transport. The public thereby generated public pressure for more effective policies and measures to revitalize public transport .Tools to promote public transport were developed and the public was encouraged to create pressure. Project also raised awareness among people about the use of public transport and encouraged them to press a on decision-makers for better public transport through regional events. The pressure on decision-makers to revitalize public transport was established.

Started: January 2011
Ended: July 2012
Contact: [email protected]
Partners: KAZINA Association:
Studio 12:

Meet me at the station: Integrated public transport in Slovenia

About: The “Meet at the station” project was part of the activities of the Ministry of Infrastructure in the field of integration of public transport. It dealt with educating, informing and the awareness raising of the importance of public transport. The target groups of the project were the children and teachers in kindergartens, primary school students and teachers, students and users of private cars. The project raised awareness of public transport as an important alternative to car travel and encouraged changing travel habits in the direction of its greater use within the target groups.

Started: January 2011
Ended: June 2013
Contact: [email protected]
Partners: Urban Planning Institute of the Republic Slovenia:
CIPRA Slovenija:
VALICON d.o.o.:
Mayer McCann:
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts:

ESdPI – Education for Sustainable Development Partnership Initiative

Funded through IPA

About: The Action developed a strong regional partnership among educational and environmental CSOs to instigate, sustain and address at public authorities and local businesses educational activities concerning environmental aspects of the EU acquis and the common EU policies and action on climate change. Actions were located in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Estonia, Romania and Georgia.

Started: December 2010
Ended: November 2012
Contact: [email protected]
Partners: Network of Education Policy Centres, Croatia:
Forum for Freedom in Education, Croatia:
Zelena Akcija, Croatia:
proMente social research, Bosnia and Herzegovina:
Kosovo Education Center:
5 MAR – Environmental Protection and Rehabilitation, Kosovo:
Macedonian Civic Education Center, FYROM:
Environmental association Planetum – Strumica, FYROM
PRAXIS Center for Policy Studies, Estonia:
Foundation Centre Education 2000+, Romania:
International Institute for Education Policy, Planning and Management, Georgia:

Anti Thermo power plant Šoštanj Campaign – Anti TEŠ 6 campaign

About: Focus is campaigning against project TEŠ6, a new 600MW block in Thermal Power Plant Šoštanj. With price tag of over 1.43 bln EUR and ongoing fraud investigations, this project locks the future of energy sector in Slovenia in fossil fuel burning. Campaign tried to open public debate on TEŠ6, make the decision-making process on TEŠ6 more transparent and to prevent the financing of the project from public banks.

Started: October 2010
Ended: ongoing
Contact: [email protected]
Partners: CEE Bankwatch:
Frank Bold:

LESSON – Local Energy Sustainability for Schools and Our Neighbourhood

Funded through Ministry of Foreign Affairs

About: The overall purpose of LESSON was to stimulate educational facilities to teach about sustainable energy concepts and practices, while at the same time implementing EE and RES plans that provide a positive model to their students, other schools, decision-makers and local communities, and empowers them to become active drivers for sustainable energy use in society.

Started: April 2010
Ended: September 2011
Contact: [email protected]
Partners: CEETZ, Bosnia
Proaktiva, Macedonia
Ecoclub, Ukraine:
Society for Sustainable Development Design, Croatia:

Policy work on European transport issues

About: The overarching objective of this project is to contribute to progressive European transport policy in the areas of cars, fuels, aviation, freight transport and ETS by strengthening advocacy capacity and influence on national and EU decision-makers.

Started: March 2009
Ended: ongoing
Contanct: [email protected]
Partners: Transport&Environment:

Raising awareness of the development impact of our life-style (TUDI JAZ)

Funded through DG Development

About: The project encouraged individuals to live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle and raise awareness about the consequences of the individuals lifestyle on the situation in the world.

Started: May 2008
Ended: May 2010
Contact: [email protected]
Partners: HUMANITAS, society for human rights and supportive action:
Ekvilib inštitut
Društvo Afriški center
Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung
Embracing Hidden Talents Network

The Big Ask campaign

About: The overall aim of the campaign was to stimulate adoption of a climate bill that would oblige Slovenia to reduce emissions on annual basis and in the long-term. Since the political will for climate law existed in Slovenia, we linked the Big Ask activities with the ‘Copenhagen process’. Ambitious Copenhagen agreement was essential for ambitious national emission reduction targets. We created public pressure to bring about political decisions needed for successful climate agreement in Copenhagen.

Started: May 2008

Ended: December 2009
Contact: [email protected]
Partners: Friends of the Earth Europe:

Nuclear energy – No, Thanks! campaign

About: Focus started working on nuclear issues in an organized manner – the work was triggered by plans about the second reactor. Sloven anti nuclear NGO’s were identified and we had a first gathering of regional activists in January 2007. several activities were held during the project: participation in an NGO coalition, policy work, following the EIA procedures, informing international community, seeking international support, running a NPP Krško mailing list, public relations and media work, events and debates, street actions, web site…

Started: 2007
Ended: ongoing
Contact: [email protected]

Energy diet

About: Purpose of the project The Energy Diet was to encourage people to implement simple and easily feasible measures to reduce energy use, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. Project Energy Diet was also for promoting RES and efficient energy use in educational programs, informing potential investors about the technologies for energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources and promoting energy-efficient driving.

Started: May 2006
Ended: November 2006
Contact: [email protected]
Partners: Enery Club, Hungary:

Bye-bye stand-by!

About: The overall goal of the project is is to inform people about the use of stand-by electricity and stimulate them to reduce its use.

Started: 2007
Ended: 2007
Contact: [email protected]

One tonne challenge

About: The purpose of the project was to show that economical and efficient use of energy an important contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and to present to the general public and decision makers.

Started: May 2008
Ended: December 2008
Contact: [email protected]