E-news update 3 May 2010


1.1. SAARC leaders propose common stand for Cancun
1.2. UN report pushes for energy access and efficiency to fight poverty and climate change
1.3. Germany to lobby for tougher EU climate goal


2.1. World needs clean energy revolution: UN chief


3.1. EU Move to 30% affordable and feasible
3.2. Climate Bill Delay Stymies Voluntary CO2 Market
3.3. Romania to launch carbon trading scheme
3.4. Europe's transport emissions keep rising
3.5. Brussels pushes for electric cars


4.1. How climate change will impact our ability to achieve the MDGs


5.1. Public Debate "Tar sands - undermining EU Climate Ambitions?"

2010-05-02T19:30:07+02:002. 5. 2010|Pomembno|

E-news update 26 April 2010


1.1. Developing nations want global climate accord by 2011
1.2. Cuban VP Says Bolivia Summit on Climate Change Was a Success
1.3. People's climate summit seeks to halve emissions by 2020
1.4. Global Climate Deal Best Option, But Road Rough: U.N.


2.1. Derivatives Bill Calls For U.S. Carbon Market Study
2.2. France pleads for better regulation of carbon market
2.3. France awaits clearer EU strategy on e-cars


3.1. EU public affairs and advocacy officer, Brussels


4.1. Meetings of the Convention Bodies - 31 May to 11 June

2010-04-26T13:35:38+02:0026. 4. 2010|Pomembno|

Sporočilo za javnost_Ob 24-letnici jedrske nesreče v Černobilu: Jedrsko tehnologijo še vedno upravlja človek

Ljubljana, 23. april 2010 - 26. aprila 1986, je svet pretresla najhujša jedrska katastrofa v zgodovini človeštva. Zaradi človeške napake je v ukrajinskem mestu Černobil eksplodiral četrti reaktor jedrske elektrarne. Po eksploziji so neustavljivi nevarni izpusti radioaktivnih snovi prepotovali svet in negativno vplivali na življenja milijonov ljudi. Učinke te nesreče je po 24 letih mogoče videti še danes in zato želi Focus društvo za sonaraven razvoj ob obletnici te tragedije opozoriti na nevarnosti, ki jih še vedno odpira raba jedrske energije.

2010-04-23T11:26:21+02:0023. 4. 2010|Pomembno|

E-news update 20 April 2010


1.1. Climate judgement stops airport expansion
1.2. Eco-activists mass for alternative climate summit in Bolivia


2.1. WWF: 100% Renewable Power is Possible as Shown by Breakthrough McKinsey Study


3.1. Transport emissions likely to hold back EU climate effectiveness
3.2. World Bank says East Asia can stabilize CO2 by 2025
3.3. 30% CO2 reduction through 80 km/h speed limit
3.4. EU carbon at fresh 2010 high after weak open
3.5. Sarkozy withdraws carbon tax as France resists trend towards higher fuel taxes


4.1. “Case for EU industry fleeing climate regime up in smoke”
4.2. Creating an Eco-Internet


5.1. The 40% Seminar
5.2. The Growth of Electric Vehicles:

2010-04-20T10:28:08+02:0020. 4. 2010|Pomembno|
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