Pismo Focus društva ministru Žarniæu glede izhodišč za zasedanje Sveta EU za okolje

Focus društvo za sonaraven razvoj se je seznanilo z osnutkom izhodišč za zasedanje Sveta EU za okolje, ki so bila 2. marca 2010 objavljena na spletni strani vlada.si. V Focus društvu nas veseli, da Slovenija pozitivno pristopa k vprašanju nadaljevanja pogajanj o mednarodnem podnebnem dogovoru in k potrebi po sprejetju emisijskih standardov za lahka gospodarska vozila. Kljub temu pa menimo, da bi lahko bila stališča Slovenije še izboljšana. Zato smo ministru za okolje in prostor RS, Roku Žarniæu, v petek, 5. marca 2010, poslali odprto pismo z našim pogledo do teh dveh vprašanj.

Do celotne vsebine pisma lahko dostopate tukaj.

2010-03-08T11:25:03+01:008. 3. 2010|Novice|

E-news updade 8 March 2010

1.1.Copenhagen: EU Not Done Yet!
1.2. More Warming Worries: Methane from the Arctic
1.3. China sticks to int'l climate cooperation
1.4. World leaders, top academics selected for Ban’s climate change advisory group


2.1. NEW REPORT: EU funds must plug clean energy gap in central and eastern Europe
2.2. EU drafts warn of biofuels' link to hunger


3.1. Don't let the carbon fat cats stop us moving to 30%
3.2. EU plans centralised CO2 auctioning from 2011


4.1. 'Difficult birth' awaits EU diplomatic service
4.2. EU’s new 10-year plan lacks ambition in green economy


5.1. 18/03/2010 - Conference: Start-Stop or Full Throttle - Europe's transport decarbonisation strategy

2010-03-07T23:20:40+01:007. 3. 2010|Pomembno|

E-news update 1 March 2010


1.1. UNEP Chief: Environment Ministers Find Collective Voice Again
1.2. New deal unlikely this year: De Boer
1.3. Green economy, climate change get support
1.4. World warming unhindered by cold spells: scientists
1.5. EU official warns climate aid 'will not come for free'
1.6. First round of formal UN climate change negotiations to take place in April in Bonn, Germany


2.1. European Funding Coordinator, Brussels, Belgium


3.1. Position paper on Benchmarking and allocation rules in phase III of the EU Emissions Trading System


4.1. 18/03/2010 - Conference: Start-Stop or Full Throttle - Europe's transport decarbonisation strategy

2010-02-28T22:50:44+01:0028. 2. 2010|Pomembno|
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