Akcija ob svetovnem dnevu ukrepanja

V soboto, 12. decembra 2009, je Svetovni dan ukrepanja (Global action day). Po vsem svetu bodo posamezniki na ta dan s simbolnimi akcijami pošiljali sporočilo upanja in pričakovanja, da se svetovni voditelji dogovorijo o novem globalnem podnebnem sporazumu, ki nam bo zagotovil, da ukrotimo v tem trenutku nenadzorovane podnebne spremembe.

2009-12-07T13:41:03+01:007. 12. 2009|Pomembno|

E-news update 7 December 2009


1.1. UN upbeat on Copenhagen global climate deal
1.2. Obama Must Make Ambitious Climate Goals, De Boer Says
1.3. U.N. says biggest climate talks in history must deliver
1.4. EU, US citizens split over climate change
1.5. Hedegaard: 'Time is up' for climate choices


2.1. Renewables to supply one-third of China's energy by 2050


3.1. Europe 'could cut emissions by 40%'
3.2. CO2 auctioning creates EU stir
3.3. Green NGOs launch clean car leasing scheme


4.1. The 40 % study


5.1. Copenhagen Climate Summit
2009-12-06T21:39:31+01:006. 12. 2009|Pomembno|
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