E-news update 7 September 09


1.1. EU proposes U.N. war chest for climate funds
1.2. Rich countries face $100bn annual climate change aid bill
1.3. India wants a fair deal on global warming: Govt


2.1. WWF urges EU to ban all energy wasting light bulbs
2.2. The end of inefficient lightbulbs
2.3. Balkans power supply needs may spur nuclear push
2.4. Areva threatens to halt work on Finnish reactor


3.1. EU carbon rises in quiet trade, U.S. holiday
3.2. Carmakers taking us for a ride?
3.3. Climate expert urges EU to speed carbon capture


4.1. Director of Policy and Campaigns


5.1. Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee, seventeenth meeting (JISC 17)
5.2. Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism, forty-ninth meeting (CDM EB 49)
5.3. Resumed ninth session of the AWG-KP and resumed seventh session of the AWG-LCA

2009-09-07T21:35:30+02:007. 9. 2009|Pomembno|

Focus društvo opozarja na sporno oglaševanje avtomobilov, ki zavaja potrošnike

Ljubljana, 5. avgust 2009 – Focus društvo za sonaraven razvoj je danes ponovno opozorilo na problematiko naraščajočega števila ekološko spornih terenskih vozil in sporno oglaševanje osebnih vozil. Izpostavili so predvsem nezakonito navajanje informacij o izpustih iz vozil. Skupaj z Impro ligo so na humoren način javnost opozorili, da avtomobilska industrija vztrajno krši zakonodajo o oglaševanju izpustov iz vozil s tem, da posreduje za potrošnika pomembne informacije na način, ki ni v skladu s predpisi.

2009-09-04T12:57:39+02:004. 9. 2009|Pomembno|
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