E-news 29 September 2008
1.1. Europe 'must hurry' on climate change
1.2. Climate, Security, Stability to Dominate EU-India Summit
1.3. Climate change fears after German opt-out
2.1. UK accused of 'sabotaging' Europe's green energy plans
2.2. Portugal Opens Pioneer Commercial Wave Power Plant
3.1. Cars and CO2: MEPs stand up for fuel-efficient cars
3.2. Car lobby loses fight to ease emission rules
4.1. Climate Change and the achievement of the MDGs
4.2. European NGOs Discussing Sustainable Energy in Paris, France, October 13-15, 2008
4.3. Stakeholder conference on post-2012 climate change agreement
4.4. The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Poznañ, Poland - COP 14