testno sporočilo
Ubi concordia ibi victoria.
Ubi concordia ibi victoria.
Fokus v okviru projekta Evropski skladi za trajnostno energetiko in promet poskuša vplivati na trajnostno rabo evropskih skladov na področju energetike in prometa. Ker smo skupaj močnejši, vas vabimo, da se pridružite našim naporom.
1.1. Climate issues to feature strongly during Finland 's EU presidency
1.2. EC releases climate change figures
1.3. EU trade chief moots new WTO round on energy
1.4. EU's climate change leadership loses credibility
2.1. CO2 case before US Supreme Court
2.2. UK announces measures to move to low carbon economy
2.3. New German Rule Could Increase Greenhouse Gas Emissions
2.4. Big Three Cars Emit 230 Million Tons of Greenhouse Gas
2.5. Broad Coalition Calls for Action on Efficient Industrial Motor Systems
3.1. Ice Sheets and Sea Level Rise: Model Failure is the Key Issue
4.1. Living with Climate Variability and Change: Understanding the Uncertainties and Managing the Risks
4.2. "KyotoPlus - Escaping the Climate Trap"
5.1. Hotspot Issue 42 - June 2006
5.2. The thematic accuracy of Corine land cover 2000 - Assessment using LUCAS
5.3. Energy and environment in the European Union - Tracking progress towards integration
5.4. Documentation from the conference Linking Schemes…
5.5. Why the CDM can reduce carbon leakage
5.6. Two new U.S. EPA reports on global non-CO2 GHG projections and mitigation
5.7. Invasion of Piper aduncum in the shifting cultivation systems of Papua new Guinea
6.1. Invitation for comments – JI project in Russia
Fokus bo s podnebno kampanjo Podnebni dogovor tudi letos obiskal Rock Otočec med 7. in 9. julijem. Pridite svoj dogovor napisat na Rock Otočec!"