Pomoč pri poletni podnebni kampanji
Iščemo pomoč pri izvedbi poletne podnebne kampanje.
Iščemo pomoč pri izvedbi poletne podnebne kampanje.
1.1. Poor nations to tell rich to do more on climate
1.2. Fresh UN talks on future climate action set to begin in Bonn
2.1. CO2 emissions: EU member states abuse Emissions Trading System
2.2. Spain Likely to Tighten CO2 Emissions in 2008-12
2.3. Germany Sets Quotas for Biofuel in Fuel from 2007
2.4. European Climate Alliance of local authorities agrees long-term CO2 reduction targets at Vienna meeting
3.1. Global warming weakens vast Pacific climate system
4.1. What is next after the Kyoto Protocol? Assessment of options for international climate policy post 2012
4.2. Climate change & Complience book
4.3. EEA Briefing 2/2006 - Air quality and ancillary benefits of climate change policies
4.4. Incentives for the implementation of agriculture and forestry activities under the Kyoto Protocol
4.5. 'Show me the Money'
4.6. Gold Standard has updated its Manual for CDM project developers
4.7. Kyoto targets and population growth
5.1. Documentary film on the EFR
Ob Dnevu podnebnih sprememb, 15. maju, smo za vas pripravili novi spletni strani o dveh trenutno perečih podnebnih temah: trgovanju z emisijami in post 2012 debati.