Fokusovo letno poročilo 2005
Letno poročilo Fokusa za 2005 je na voljo na spletnih straneh. Poročilo predstavlja naše delo in dosežke v letu 2005. "
Letno poročilo Fokusa za 2005 je na voljo na spletnih straneh. Poročilo predstavlja naše delo in dosežke v letu 2005. "
3.5. Study: Climate change may melt permafrost 26 December 2005 ,
1.1. Challenges 2005-2006: Kyoto 's Timetables, UN Red Tape Count Against Africa
1.2. Riding the wave of 'new' Kyoto
1.3. India must show leadership on climate change
1.4. Kyoto Protocol confirmed as the only game in town
2.1. Panama jungle power plan worries environmentalists
2.2. Gas Emissions Reached High in U.S. in '04
2.3. Seven US States Sign CO2 Plan in Break with Bush
2.4. China firms, World Bank in $930 mln emissions deal
2.5. Ford Calls for Broad Discussion On Carbon-Dioxide Emissions
2.6. We'd rather keep the lights on than be green
3.1. Pollutants ward off global warming, study finds
3.2. Pollution May Slow Warming; Cleaner Air May Speed It, Study Says
3.3. Polar bears drown as ice shelf melts
3.4. The weather in 2026
3.5. Study: Climate change may melt permafrost
4.1. Household consumption and the environment
4.2. Review of New Zealand climate change policy
5.1. Invitation for comments - JI project in Russia
5.2. Invitation for comments – JI project in Bulgaria
5.3. Invitation for comments – JI project in Bulgaria
5.4. The UNEP Risoe CDM Pipeline Overview has been updated
5.5. Vacancy announcement
Slovenske okoljske organizacije Fokus, Gajo, Slovenski E-forum in Umanotera so predsednika vlade danes pozvale, da naj v imenu slovenske vlade zahteva, da je Slovenija vključena v čezmejno presojo vplivov na okolje za podaljšanje življenjske dobe madžarske jedrske elektrarne Paks.