Vabilo za medije_Focus društvo ponovno opozarja na sporno oglaševanje avtomobilov, ki zavaja potrošnike

KAJ: Ulična akcija z Imprologo, ki bo opozarjala na sporno oglaševanje avtomobilov               

KDAJ: petek, 27. november 2009, ob 13.00

KJE: Kavarna Tromostovje, Prešernov trg

KDO: Focus društvo za sonaraven razvoj v sodelovanju z Impro ligo

VEČ INFORMACIJ: Anela Bešo, [email protected],  031 204 595 

KONTAKT:  Katarina Otrin, [email protected] ,  041 773 814 

2009-11-23T10:58:07+01:0023. 11. 2009|Pomembno|

E-news update 23 November 2009


1.1. Merkel and Sarkozy throw down climate gauntlet to Obama
1.2. Copenhagen summit will be 'success': UN climate chief
1.3. Voting opens for Angry Mermaid Award for worst climate lobbying
1.4. EU ministers to outline expectations for Copenhagen


2.1. WWF Disappointed by Poor Energy Efficiency in Buildings Directive
2.2. EU agrees on new energy-efficiency labels


3.1. Electric cars likely to lead to more CO2 because of EU legal loopholes
3.2. EU proposes global aviation and shipping targets for Copenhagen
3.3. Vans regulation carries fingerprints of strong industry lobbying
3.4. Biofuels reports: separating the good from the bad and the ugly
3.5. Russia makes emissions pledge, but WTO confusion remains
3.6. EU reaches agreement on energy savings in buildings


4.1. Cheating the atmosphere


5.1. Second all-Africa Carbon Forum to be held in Nairobi
2009-11-22T21:50:17+01:0022. 11. 2009|Pomembno|

Z etično potrošnjo nad podnebne spremembe

KAJ: Javna razprava s katero bomo obeležili svetovni dneva brez nakupov in predstavili glasilo Etični potrošnik.

KDAJ: torek, 24. november 2009, med 16. in 18. uro

KJE: Hiša EU, Breg 14, Ljubljana

KDO: Focus društvo za sonaraven razvoj v sodelovanju s Humanitas, Ekvilib in Afriškim centrom


2009-11-18T12:47:53+01:0018. 11. 2009|Napovednik|
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