The activities of the platform Enough for All – Sustainable Management of Community Resources for the period 2019–2026 take place in the framework of the LIFE IP CARE4CLIMATE project (LIFE17 IPC/SI/000007). It is an integral project that employs awareness-raising, education and training of key stakeholders to promote the implementation of measures that will help Slovenia reduce greenhouse gas emissions more effectively by 2030, i.e. a transition to a low-carbon society as quickly as possible.

The platform Enough for All – Sustainable Management of Community Resources is based on the idea that we cannot ensure our wellbeing as individuals, but must strive for it as a community. And that the wealth of resources can only be transformed into all-inclusive and lasting prosperity for people when we know how to manage resources in a sustainable and natural way. As part of the sustainable management of community resources, we address five key areas in which we can sustainably create wellbeing for the individual, for the community, and for the planet:

  1. land use planning,
  2. food self-sufficiency,
  3. energy efficiency and energy supply from local renewable sources,
  4. sustainable mobility, and
  5. local circular economy and sustainable consumption.

The project will run until 2026, and we can highlight the following activities that will take place within the framework of the platform Enough for All – Sustainable Management of Community:

  • Research on the environmental, social and economic benefits of community projects;
  • Organization of 8 national conferences;
  • Upgrade of the web platform with a map of good practices;
  • Production of 14 videos on good community practices;
  • Community project implementation training for 15 municipalities;
  • Implementation of 8 concrete projects of community based management of living resources;
  • Development of 4 financial models for community projects and presentation on leaflets;
  • Other communication activities (press releases, press meetings, presentation of the concept at 15 other events, infographics).

The activities of the platform Enough for All – Sustainable Management of Community Resources are carried out by Focus Association for Sustainable Development and Umanotera, The Slovenian Foundation for Sustainable Development.

More information:

The integrated project LIFE IP CARE4CLIMATE is co-financed by the European LIFE programme, the Climate Change Fund, and project partners.