The European institutions are coordinating on the so-called Anti-Deforestation Regulation (Regulation on the import/export of certain product groups related to deforestation and forest degradation). Support for such a law is high, with 8 out of 10 Europeans supporting a ban on deforestation. Under the Regulation, companies importing/exporting and selling products in Europe will be obliged to carry out a mandatory due diligence process. Only raw materials and products for which importers and traders can prove that their production does not cause deforestation will be traded on the EU market.

The regulation is currently being negotiated in a trilogue (between the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU (member states)), which we are trying to influence through a coalition of NGOs from the Member States to ensure that the legislation is as ambitious as possible and covers human rights violations. The aim is to ensure that the legislation includes clear legal obligations, effective sanctions and means of implementation. In addition to advocacy activities, we are also running an awareness-raising campaign on the link between the products we consume on a daily basis (coffee, cocoa, soya, meat, etc.) or consume (wood products, rubber, leather) and imported deforestation.


Advocate for effective EU legislation through addressing national level decision makers and Slovenian representatives in the European Parliament: continue to be a civil society watchdog and help prepare the national actors for the long-term impact of the regulation.

Increase awareness of linkages among consumption and imported deforestation at national level: together with the media and consumer rights-based organisation and other stakeholders

Learning among NGOs participating in this project and the wider European network.


Updated and amended existing communication and dissemination plan in the centre of which will be an awareness raising campaign.

Regular media work will be done thought the project: press releases, media briefings and events for journalist.

Cooperation with the Consumer association of Slovenia

Advocacy at national level and EU level for an effective EU legislation on forest risk commodities.

Communication of Focus`s and the network`s views the decisions’ makers (government representatives and the Slovenian MEPs): position papers, briefings, meetings

All this is being done with close connection to the network of NGO on which we rely for sharing political intelligence and strengthening the value of civil society engagement.


Fern (coordinator), ZERO Portugal, Südwind Austria, DUH Germany, Forests of the World Denmark, PKE Gliwice Poland, Canopée France, Envol Vert France, Ecologistas en Acción Spain, Mai bine Romania