Coalitions for Community Energy Catalysation in Eastern EU
Life COMET will catalyze the mapping and capacity building of community energy stakeholders across Eastern EU, with the aim of forming community energy coalitions on national levels.
The project aims at shaping a future of enhanced community energy: collaborating to build strong national coalitions, elevating community energy to new heights, and enabling empowering frameworks and services for organisational growth and impact in Eastern EU.
Focus leads capacity-building activities for key stakeholders in the field of energy communities.
We will build national energy community coalitions by identifying, involving and empowering relevant national stakeholders.
To better understand the state of the art of energy communities, we will analyse local specificities and contribute to building a more supportive environment – through advocacy, the development of tools, methodologies and technical support for the creation of new energy communities. We will build on existing networks, platforms and projects with innovative and comprehensive approaches to address existing bottlenecks in the development of energy communities in the region.
Partners: Zelena energetska zadruga (ZEZ), Electra Energy Cooperative, RESCOOP EU ASBL, Tallinn University of Technology, Szövetkezetiséget Támogató Egyesület (Association for the Support of Co-operatives), Focus Association for Sustainable Development, PLZ Spółdzielnia, Cooperativa de Energie
Project website:
Project duration: november 2023 – october 2026
Contact: [email protected]