Aktivni mladi iz več evropskih držav so pred kratkim poslankam in poslancem v Evropskem parlamentu predstavili Srednjeevropski mladinski manifest, ki so ga pripravljali v preteklem letu. Rdeča nit Manifesta mladih iz srednjeevropskih držav je ohranjanje humanitarnih in demokratičnih načel ter poudarjanje nujnosti varstva okolja in družbene pravičnosti, ki so po njihovem mnenju najpomembnejša vprašanja tega stoletja.

“Človeštvo vztrajno škoduje okolju, kar se že kaže v vse pogostejših naravnih nesrečah, onesnaževanju in številnih drugih okoljskih težavah. Ti negativni trendi neposredno vplivajo na naša življenja, zato se moramo osredotočiti na ključne izzive, kot so zavržena hrana, hitra moda, pretirana uporaba plastike in pretirana odvisnost od letal in avtomobilov. Reševanje teh vprašanj zahteva skupna prizadevanja, ki vključujejo EU, vlade njenih držav članic. kot tudi podjetja in posameznike. ” poudarijo v uvodu manifesta.

V nadaljevanju sledi blog ene izmed udeleženk iz Slovenije, v katerem je opisala predstavitev Manifesta v Evropskem parlamentu.

Napisala: Vasilena Argirova, udeleženka v projektu Moja revolucija – sodelovanje

Blog je v angleškem jeziku.

Six train transfers, missed connection because of a delay, and 18 hours of travelling in total… starting at 5am in Ljubljana. This is exactly how you can describe our journey to Brussels. Even though it sounds overwhelming, and the pressure of not missing a connection was quite high, being with the right people makes such trips fun and unforgettable.


Upon our arrival in Brussels, which was obviously pretty late, we settled in our rooms really quickly and went out to the centre to grab some authentic Belgian pomme frit for dinner. We were excited to meet our friends that we worked with in Vienna and Bologna but we had to wait until the morning, because they were already in their rooms, probably sleeping peacefully.

As one can imagine there were really warm hugs and loads of life updates exchanged between us and our friends from Austria, Poland and Italy, maybe a little bittersweet of a feeling, provided we were aware that this is the last stage of this edition of the project and there isn’t another stage to look forward to.

On Saturday, our first day, we explored Brussels with the Slovene group, starting with a visit to the Magritte Museum. Afterward, we walked around the city, trying to take in as much as possible. The next day, all teams visited the Parlamentarium for an engaging introduction to European politics. After lunch, we explored the House of European History, which was a well-organised museum with five floors of exhibits that seamlessly transitioned between topics. It presented vast knowledge in a way that was both captivating and easy to follow. Monday was dedicated to preparing our final presentations and recording videos for the project’s social media.

mladi v evropskem parlamentu

The day when we presented at the Parliament started with a lot of excitement to meet the Members of European Parliament (MEPs) and present what we have worked on for nearly two years. Our Manifesto with our demands. As we were sitting in the hall, I realised that there was something so special about bringing young active people from different countries to identify common challenges that they face and work on solutions to those challenges. This whole experience fostered in us the feeling of belonging in something so much bigger, what we should cherish, celebrate and take good care of. The presentations went smoothly and the feedback from the MEPs was promising which was all we needed to hear.

After we finished, we had a few hours of free time for lunch and some rest before heading to the farewell dinner. I can easily say this was the hardest part of the entire project. Saying goodbye to friends we had made over the past year was incredibly difficult. The bonds we formed made it feel like we were leaving a second family. We exchanged contacts, promising to stay in touch, and there’s real hope that we’ll see each other again in the future, despite the distance between us.

The next morning, we woke up and headed towards Ljubljana. This time our trains were just three and the ride seemed a lot smoother. However, at the end, the long-anticipated night train with beds turned out to have only seats for the remaining hours of our journey. Being in one train compartment, all of us, trying every possible way to find a place to get some sleep, was truly the most ridiculous ending of this unforgettable trip and the breathless laughter from this night will ring into our ears forever.

I believe that every single one of us appreciates the memories , the new friendships and mainly the opportunity to work on issues that affect us and we are passionate about. We will cherish this opportunity provided by Focus forever and we cannot wait to apply for the next edition.

Mladi v Evropskem parlamentu


Projekt “My Participation Revolution” kot del programa EU-CERV (državljani, enakost, pravice in vrednote) podpira mlade iz različnih okolij in držav na njihovi poti, da postanejo politično angažirani in aktivni državljani, z zavedanjem svoje evropske identitete. Poudarek je na v prihodnost usmerjenih idejah mladih in njihovih pričakovanjih glede evropske politik.

Spomladi 2023 so številni mladi v Avstriji, na Poljskem, v Italiji in Sloveniji začeli izvajati t. i. „Moja revolucija – sodelovanje” – projekt, ki sledi sloganu „Engage! Connect! Empower!“.

Na zanimivih interaktivnih delavnicah in nacionalnih konferencah so obravnavali v prihodnost usmerjena vprašanja o politiki Evropske unije. Na dveh mednarodnih konferencah, ki sta leta 2024 potekali na Dunaju in v Bologni, je sodelovalo približno 100 mladih, da bi pripravilo manifest o naslednjih temah:

  1. Trajnost in potrošnja
  2. Okolje in pravice živali
  3. Trajnost in potrošnja
  4. Migracije in vključevanje
  5. Zdravje in sociala
  6. Gospodarstvo – politika notranjega in zunanjega trga
  7. Delo in delovna sila
  8. Izobraževanje
  9. Digitalizacija, družbeni mediji in varstvo podatkov

Projekt Moja revolucija 5.0 – sodelovanje, sofinancira evropska komisija – program EACEA. Vsebine, izražene v projektu so v izključni odgovorosti Focusa, društva za sonaraven razvoj, in partnerjev projekta.