Manj kot 300 dni za sklenitev svetovnega podnebnega dogovora

Ljubljana, 19. februar 2009 - Slovenija, Evropska unija in druge svetovne države pospešeno sprejemajo ukrepe za boj proti finančni krizi, okoljevarstveniki pa voditelje držav članic EU opozarjajo, da svetu poleg finančne krize preti tudi podnebna kriza, ki je ne gre prezreti. Ukrepi za reševanje obeh kriz morajo biti skladni in učinkoviti, predvsem pa je nujno oblikovanje pravičnega svetovnega podnebnega dogovora, ki bo zagotovil sredstva za podnebno ukrepanje državam v razvoju.

2009-02-18T14:41:08+01:0018. 2. 2009|Pomembno|

E-news update 16 February 2009


1.1. Nations must ‘act now’ on climate change
1.2. Commission looking to introduce climate in transport TENs policy
1.3. Model sees severe climate change impact by 2050


2.1. Commission expert groups biased towards business


3.1. EU enlists support of award-winning animators to teach children about energy saving
3.2. Greece wins acclaim saying yes to clean energy, no to new coal and nuclear


4.1. Whose views count?

4.2. Economic Assessment of Post-2012 Global Climate Policies - Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Scenarios with the POLES and GEM-E3 models


5.1. Seventh session of the AWG-KP and fifth session of the AWG-LCA
5.2. ISC 14 - Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee

2009-02-16T10:02:11+01:0016. 2. 2009|Pomembno|

E-news update 9 February 2009


1.1. World cannot afford to ignore climate change, Ban says at New Delhi summit
1.2. United on climate change: Obama's Chinese revolution
1.3. Scientists plan emergency summit on climate change


2.1. France's Nuclear Failures
2.2. Wind at work


3.1. Ireland sets electric vehicle goal


4.1. Japan calls on nations to cut emissions


5.1. *Programme Manager - Clean Freight*
5.2. Looking for a career with Oxfam?


6.1. Seventh session of the AWG-KP and fifth session of the AWG-LCA
6.2. CDM-EB 45 - Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism
6.3. ISC 14 - Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee

2009-02-09T16:09:00+01:009. 2. 2009|Pomembno|
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