Izziv, težak eno tono

Ljubljana, 26. november 2008 – Focus društvo za sonaraven razvoj je danes v Okoljskem centru v Ljubljani predstavilo projekt ‘Izziv, težak eno tono’, s katerim so v društvu opozorili na potencial varčne in učinkovite rabe energije. Izziv sta pospremila dr. Pavel Gantar, predsednik Državnega zbora, in Franc Beravs, direktor Eko sklada, aktivisti društva pa so na Prešernovem trgu v Ljubljani mimoidočim omogočili, da sami 'pretehtajo', koliko izpustov CO2 lahko prihranijo z varčno in učinkovito rabo energije.

26. 11. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Izziv, težak eno tono

Ljubljana, 26. november 2008 – Focus društvo za sonaraven razvoj je danes v Okoljskem centru v Ljubljani predstavilo projekt ‘Izziv, težak eno tono’, s katerim so v društvu opozorili na potencial varčne in učinkovite rabe energije. Izziv sta pospremila dr. Pavel Gantar, predsednik Državnega zbora, in Franc Beravs, direktor Eko sklada, aktivisti društva pa so na Prešernovem trgu v Ljubljani mimoidočim omogočili, da sami 'pretehtajo', koliko izpustov CO2 lahko prihranijo z varčno in učinkovito rabo energije.

26. 11. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 27 November 08


1.1. Greek PM inundated with e-cards for climate action
1.2. Survey of Climate Change Solutions
1.3. Climate change to cut back tourism
1.4. Britons gloomiest over ‘green jobs’


2.1. UK to auction carbon permits
2.2. Rising industrialized countries emissions underscore urgent need for political action
2.3. Governments, Companies Must Hasten Carbon Capture, IEA Says


3.1. Calls to reject car industry loan
3.2. Last chance saloon for EU car emissions legislation


4.1. Worst EU Lobbying Awards 2008


5.1. CO2 from cars – the Council position on car emissions
5.2. Limits for the use of Clean Development Mechanism and Joint Implementation certificates within the EU Emissions trading Scheme in Germany 2008-2012


6.1. The United Nations Climate Change Conference, Poznañ, Poland - COP 14
1-12 December 2008
6.2. Seventh session of the AWG-KP and fifth session of the AWG-LCA
6.3. Thirtieth sessions of the UNFCCC Convention subsidiary bodies - SBSTA and SBI, sixth session of the AWG-LCA and eighth session of the AWG-KP

24. 11. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Vabilo na tiskovno konferenco

Z namenom predstavitve projekta "Izziv težak 1 tono" in njegovih izdelkov vas vabimo na tiskovno konferenco, ki bo potekala 26. 11. 2008 ob 12. uri v prostorih Okoljskega centra na Trubarjevi 50.

20. 11. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Kdo je etični potrošnik?

Ljubljana, 17. november 2008 – Ob etični malici, kavici in čaju so danes okoljske in razvojne nevladne organizacije v Okoljskem centru v Ljubljani predstavile prvo številko glasila Etični potrošnik. Glasilo potrošnike opozarja, da imajo naša potrošniška dejanja globalen vpliv, ki je sicer včasih pozitiven, največkrat pa negativen tako za okolje kot za družbo. Etični potrošnik pozna gobalne vplive svojih odločitev in zna zmanjševati njihov negativni vpliv.

17. 11. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 17 November 2008


1.1. Obama Is Key to Global Climate Agreement, Danish Official Says


2.1. European Commission makes new proposals to improve energy security


3.1. EU needs carbon-free energy policy by mid-century, says WWF


4.1. EU continues to turn deaf ear to traffic noise as MEPs vote for weaker limits
4.2. Dutch lead opposition to French attempts to weaken CO2 standards for new cars


5.1. Maximising the environmental benefits of Europe's bioenergy potential


6.1. The United Nations Climate Change Conference, Poznañ, Poland - COP 14
6.2. Seventh session of the AWG-KP and fifth session of the AWG-LCA
6.3. Thirtieth sessions of the UNFCCC Convention subsidiary bodies - SBSTA and SBI, sixth session of the AWG-LCA and eighth session of the AWG-KP

16. 11. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Predstavitev glasila »Etični potrošnik« z etično malico

Vabimo vas na predstavitev prve številke glasila Etični potrošnik, katerega rojstvo se bo zgodilo 17. novembra ob 9. uri v prostorih Okoljskega centra na Trubarjevi 50 v Ljubljani. Predstavitev glasila bo pospremila okrepčilna in etična malica s kavico in čajem.

12. 11. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update10 November 2008


1.1. Alliance against parts of EU climate plans widens
1.2. UN announces Beijing Declaration on climate change
1.3. WWF welcomes Obama’s election


2.1 Swedish nuclear plant posted cleaners as guards
2.2. Parliament puts the brakes on energy-efficient tyres


3.1. Annual circulation tax to be introduced


4.1. Nuclear power - Undermining climate protection


5.1. Campaign Coordinator for its European Car Campaign
5.2. CDMWatch – a joint NGO project to monitor the CDM


6.1. The United Nations Climate Change Conference, Poznañ, Poland - COP 14
6.2. Seventh session of the AWG-KP and fifth session of the AWG-LCA
6.3. Thirtieth sessions of the UNFCCC Convention subsidiary bodies - SBSTA and SBI, sixth session of the AWG-LCA and eighth session of the AWG-KP

10. 11. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news 3 November 2008


1.1. Ban asks private sector to join fight against climate change
1.2. World's first climate law is a victory for people power


2.1. Wedding ceremony celebrates EU Commission's love-in with big business


3.1. European Scientists: 'Let's Set Up A Global Solar Energy Grid'
3.2. European biofuels win last-minute reprieve
3.3. France to phase-out inefficient lamps from 2009


4.1. Emissions from land-use change must not be ignored


5.1. Living Planet analysis shows looming ecological credit crunch
5.2. New global energy [R]evolution report


6.1. The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Poznañ , Poland - COP 14

1. 11. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 27 October 08


1.1. Danish PM Says China Onboard For Climate Pact Goal
1.2. EU’s Climate Change Role May Be Weakened By Credit Crisis
1.3. Ban calls on European Union leaders to take urgent action on climate change
1.4. Climate change accelerating far beyond the IPCC forecast, WWF says


2.1. European climate leadership runs down blind alley
20 October 2008, WWF
2.2. The heat is on – climate change gathers pace faster than scientists expected
2.3. Do we need to go nuclear to stay green?


3.1. The world is watching


4.1. Laying the Regulatory Foundations for Carbon Capture and Storage in the EU


5.1. "Towards a low carbon energy: the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan"
5.2. The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Poznañ, Poland - COP 14

26. 10. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 20 October 2008


1.1. Italy and Poland fail to scupper EU climate change deal
1.2. Climate change measures 'could be watered down due to financial crisis'
1.3. Environment officials meet in Warsaw to address climate change
1.4. UN: crisis must not stop climate change action
1.5. Merkel Says EU Sticks to December Climate Deadline


2.1. Britain pledges 80% emissions cut
2.2. EU, Kyoto carbon link to cut climate costs
2.3. Europeans split over goals to cut emissions


3.1. The co-benefits to health of a strong EU climate change policy


4.1. Pre-sessional workshop on the second review of the Kyoto Protocol pursuant to its Article 9
4.2. Forty-third meeting of the CDM Executive Board - CDM EB 43
4.3. The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Poznañ , Poland - COP 14

18. 10. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Podnebno odgovornost skrivajo za finančno krizo

Ljubljana, 16. oktober 2008 – Na včerašnjem zasedanju evropskega sveta je osem držav članic iz vzhodne in srednje Evrope pozvalo k reviziji podnebno-energetskega paketa, kar lahko resno ogrozi pravočasen sprejem paketa. V Focus društvu za sonaraven razvoj pozdravljajo odločnost slovenske vlade pri podpori podnebno-energetskemu paketu in obenem poudarjajo, da je pravočasen sprejem paketa nujna osnova za mednaroden podnebni dogovor.

16. 10. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 13 October 2008


1.1. Climate change and energy policies lack cohesion, says Oxfam report
1.2. EU committee approves climate change bill
1.3. EU's climate package 'in crisis'
1.4. EU countries may use economic crisis to ditch climate change commitments
1.5. EU Parliament falls short of improving EU’s answer to climate


2.1. Member States endorse Commission proposals to reduce electricity consumption
2.2. EU’s first enlightened move on energy efficiency
2.3. Banks set to finance disastrous Kashagan oil project
2.4. EU energy Council: France put EU renewables leadership at risk


3.1. France eyes CO2 opt-outs for industry


4.1. Why carbon capture and storage won't save the climate
4.2. Power plant emission performance standard (EPS) for CO2


5.1. European NGOs Discussing Sustainable Energy in Paris, France, October 13-15, 2008
5.2. Stakeholder conference on post-2012 climate change agreement
5.3. The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Poznañ, Poland - COP 14

11. 10. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Pismo Focusa ministru Podobniku pred svetom okoljskih ministrov

Spoštovani minister Podobnik, Dnevni red prihajajočega sveta okoljskih ministrov vključuje tako podnebna pogajanja v Poznanu kot intenzivna pogajanja o evropskem podnebno – energetskem paketu. Obe točki sta med seboj tesno povezani in obe zahtevata vašo odločnost pri preprečevanju nevarnih podnebnih sprememb. Podnebno – energetski paket predstavlja evropski prispevek k omejevanju dviga povprečne globalne temperature čim nižje pod 2 °C. Dobre rešitve znotraj paketa lahko Evropo postavijo v ospredje na področju tehnoloških inovacij, s posledičnimi ekonomskimi ugodnostmi. Nedavna študija ZN napoveduje, da lahko prenos subvencij iz fosilnih goriv na obnovljive vire energije v naslednjih nekaj desetletjih ustvari milijone novih delovnih mest [več ...]

6. 10. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 6 October 2008


1.1 Europe, It's time to lead!
1.2. EU urged to agree on climate before UN talks open


2.1 Financial crisis could dent nuclear plant growth
2.2. Canada to Curb Tar Sands Exports?


3.1. EU ups efficiency standards for lights, televisions


4.1. Auction update: the price for emitting climate change-causing pollution
4.2. France proposes phasing in CO2 curbs for cars


5.1. Car industry squares up to economic storm


6.1. Massive health benefits from stronger climate policies, shows new study


7.1. European NGOs Discussing Sustainable Energy in Paris, France
7.2. Stakeholder conference on post-2012 climate change agreement
7.3. The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Poznañ, Poland - COP 14

4. 10. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news 29 September 2008


1.1. Europe 'must hurry' on climate change
1.2. Climate, Security, Stability to Dominate EU-India Summit
1.3. Climate change fears after German opt-out


2.1. UK accused of 'sabotaging' Europe's green energy plans
2.2. Portugal Opens Pioneer Commercial Wave Power Plant


3.1. Cars and CO2: MEPs stand up for fuel-efficient cars
3.2. Car lobby loses fight to ease emission rules


4.1. Climate Change and the achievement of the MDGs
4.2. European NGOs Discussing Sustainable Energy in Paris, France, October 13-15, 2008
4.3. Stakeholder conference on post-2012 climate change agreement
4.4. The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Poznañ, Poland - COP 14

29. 9. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 22 September 2008


1.1. Arctic sea ice at lowest level ever
1.2. UN chief appoints two new special envoys on climate change
1.3. Economic crisis threatens EU measures on climate change


2.1. First US greenhouse gas auction set for Thursday
2.2. Germany opposes EU plans on carbon auctions


3.1. MEPs’ call for ‘phased’ CO2 limits amounts to a postponement, IEEP study shows
3.2. MEPs vote to keep 10% biofuels target but with land-use criteria


4.1. Operations Director, WWF European Policy Office, Brussels, Belgium


5.1. European NGOs Discussing Sustainable Energy in Paris, France, October 13-15, 2008
5.2. Stakeholder conference on post-2012 climate change agreement
5.3. The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Poznañ, Poland - COP 14

22. 9. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Ljudje so zaskrbljeni zaradi podnebja, politika pa tega ne opazi

Ljubljana, 17. september 2008 – Pred nekaj dnevi objavljena raziskava Eurobarometra kaže, da kar 89 % državljanov in državljank Slovenije meni, da so podnebne spremembe zelo resen problem. Te skrbi se politične stranke ne zavedajo dovolj, saj so se podnebja v predvolilnih razpravah dotaknile le bežno. Stranke so se ukvarjale predvsem z vprašanji reševanja posledic podnebnih sprememb, medtem ko je odpravljanje vzrokov zanje ostalo zaprta tema.

17. 9. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news 15 Septembr 2008


1.1. Hot air at UN to curb global warming a success
1.2. Adapt or die


2.1. Nuclear´s Great Expectations


3.1. EC mulls proposals to set emissions limit for new EU power plant
3.2. Greenpeace convoy drives low-emissions message to MEPs


4.1. Euro MPs vote to weaken EU biofuels target
4.2. Statement on renewables vote in European Parliament industry committee


5.1. Seeking European Organizer for Fall Staff Position on Global Grassroots Climate Project


6.1. EU Climate & Energy Package: WWF position paper on climate & EU employment
6.2. Europeans' attitudes towards climate change


7.1. The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Poznañ, Poland - COP 14
7.2. Third meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board

15. 9. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 8 September 2008


1.1. Eat less meat to fight climate change: UN expert
1.2. UK gives £50m to Bangladesh climate change fund


2.1. Survey of Experts on Climate and Energy
2.2. A North Sea Electricity Grid [R]evolution


3.1. Industry Committee votes for long-term reduction target of CO2 emissions from cars


4.1. UNFCCC Technical Workshop on Joint Implementation
4.2. 12th meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC-12)
4.3. Developing Countries and the EU Climate Package The key to a new international climate agreement
4.4. Countdown to Poz'n'Hagen: The Young Friends of the Earth Climate Tour

8. 9. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news 2 September 2008

1.1. Environment: Johnson unveils secret weapon in war on climate change - the roof garden

2.1. Areva takes new provision for Finnish nuclear plant losses:report
2.2. UK minister says energy comes before climate: report
2.3. Surprise Nuclear Plant in Kaliningrad


3.1. FEATURE-Aid agencies plan CO2 offsets that also help poor
3.2. Cutting Fossil Fuel Subsidies Can Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions Says UN Environment Report


4.1. MEPs stall in vote on car fuel efficiency
4.2. European poll shows huge public support for fuel efficient cars


5.1. Reforming Energy Subsidies


6.1. Developing Countries and the EU Climate Package The key to a new international climate agreement
6.2. Countdown to Poz'n'Hagen: The Young Friends of the Earth Climate Tour

2. 9. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E – news update 25 August 2008


1.1. UN climate change talks kick off in Ghana
1.2. UN considers more greenhouse gases
1.3. Africa stands to gain little at UN climate talks: experts
1.4. Why US must invest against climate change


2.1. New CO2 emissions treaty is imminent


3.1. Economic Policy Program Officer, Biofuels


4.1. Upcoming Climate Change Talks
4.2. Countdown to Poz'n'Hagen: The Young Friends of the Earth Climate Tour

25. 8. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Stranke bi svet popeljale v katastrofo

Ljubljana, 21. avgust 2008 – Dan pred začetkom uradne volilne kampanje za letošnje državno zborske volitve, je Focus društvo za sonaraven razvoj političnim strankam predstavilo svoje razočaranje nad tem, da podnebne spremembe v njihovih predvolilnih programih niso prepoznane kot ključno razvojno vprašanje, ter jim obenem predstavilo zahtevo po sprejetju podnebnega zakona.

20. 8. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Vabilo na predstavitev velike zahteve kampanje Big Ask političnim strankam

21. avgusta 2008, en dan pred uradnim začetkom volilne kampanje za letošnje državno zborske volitve, bo Focus društvo za sonaraven razvoj politične stranke opozorilo na pomembnost podnebnih sprememb. Z obiskom na sedežih strank želimo stranke motivirati, da podnebne spremembe postavijo na vidno mesto v svoji volilni kampanji.

18. 8. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update 11 August

1.1. What we are doing about climate change
1.2. OECD calls for Australia to lead on climate change
1.3. Commission launches public consultation on post-2012 agreement


2.1. Climate protesters fail to stop E.ON output


3.1. Region aims for greener future
3.2. Japan Power Exchange to Start Carbon-Credit Trading in October


4.1. Upcoming Climate Change Talks
4.2. Countdown to Poz'n'Hagen: The Young Friends of the Earth Climate Tour

11. 8. 2008|Kategorije: Pomembno|
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