E-news update November 14 2005

1.1. Renewable Energy Markets Show Strong Growth
1.2. Beijing International Renewable Energy Conference
1.3. UK 'losing authority' on global warming as emissions rise
1.4. Dimas' speech at Beijing RES conference
1.5. U.S. , International Partners Pledge Faster Greenhouse Gas Reductions with Methane Program
1.6. REEEP To Disburse EUR3 million for Sustainable Energy Policy, Regulation and Innovative Finance Projects
1.7. China to raise $180 bln for renewable energy projects
1.8. World Energy Outlook 2005

2.1. The role of improved tropical forest management for climate change mitigation and sustainable
2.2. Cetex – Clean energy technology conference & exposition
2.3. Side-events at COP/MOP 1 in Montreal
2.3.1. Sustainable CDM Best Practice: Corporate Sustainability and Offsetting Climate Impacts through Flexible Mechanisms
2.3.2. The Gold Standard and the role of voluntary offsets in mitigating climate change
2.3.3. Renewable Solutions

3.1. Guidebook on preparing for climate change in small islands
3.2. WWF EU ETS reports
3.3. Studies: Potential of CO2 capture and geological storage in the world and World CO2 emission reduction by forest plantations on agricultural land up to 2050
3.4. Priority issues in the Mediterranean environment

4.1. Vacancy announcement – WWF Climate Change Campaign - Policy Officer, UK

14. 11. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Predaja podpisov ministru Podobniku

Vabilo na predajo podpisov peticije ministru za okolje in prostor: V akciji Spreminjam navade, ne pa podnebja! smo zbrali nekaj več kot 2500 podpisov, ki jih bomo 17. novembra 2005 ob 15. uri v prostorih Ministrstva za okolje in prostor na Dunajski 48 v Ljubljani izročili ministru za okolje in prostor, Janezu Podobniku.

14. 11. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Spreminjanje podnebja lahko zaustavimo

Bruselj, Ljubljana, 3. november 2005 – Mednarodna okoljevarstvena organizacija WWF je izdala poročilo, ki dokazuje, da lahko EU svoje izpuste toplogrednih plinov zmanjša za eno tretjino do leta 2020, če energijo uporablja bolj učinkovito in jo pridobiva iz obnovljivih virov energije. Da bi olajšali delo lokalnim skupnostim, ki želijo izrabljati obnovljive vire energije, so v Fokus društvu za sonaraven razvoj pripravili brošurico Vključevanje lokalnih skupnosti v financiranje obnovljivih virov energije.

2. 11. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update November 2 2005

1.1. EU Must Do More To Fight Climate Change, Dimas Says
1.2. EU’s second climate change programme to put onus on technology
1.3. Europe looks to adapt to climate change
1.4. Further action needed to cut emissions across Europe , Moreley tells EC Conference
1.5. EU has power to freeze climate change
1.6. Parliament steps back from fight on f-gases

2.1. Britain hosts energy summit while failing to meet its emission targets
2.2. Talks opened on climate change
2.3. Call for G8 action on energy efficiency
2.4. Indonesia Gears Up amid Global Green Fuel Rush

3.1. Climate Change Linked to Rise in Malaria, Asthma
3.2. Europe study shows climate risks
3.3. Climate change 'could ruin drive to eradicate poverty'

4.1. Short courses on energy and environment

5.1. Target 2020: Policies and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the EU
5.2. 'CDM and JI in Charts' upgraded to Ver. 4.1.
5.3. EEA Briefing 2/2005 - How much biomass can Europe use without harming the environment?
5.4. Multi-gas emissions pathways to meet climate targets
5.5. Climate vulnerability in Cuba : The role of social networks
5.6. CDM – Wind manual
5.7. Input from Environmental NGOs at the start of the next round of the European climate change program (ECCP)

2. 11. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Več kot 2500 podpisov za varnejše podnebje ni doseglo naslovnika

Ljubljana, 25. oktober – S konferenco »Kam po Kjotu?« se je zaključila petmesečna akcija »Spreminjam navade, ne pa podnebja!«, ki jo je izvajalo Fokus društvo za sonaraven razvoj. V sklopu akcije je razstava o spreminjanju podnebja obiskala šest mest in dva glasbena festivala, zbranih pa je bilo preko 2500 podpisov ljudi, ki od slovenske vlade zahtevajo aktivnejši boj proti spreminjanju podnebja. Minister Podobnik žal podpisov ni utegnil prevzeti.

26. 10. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update October 24 2005

1.1. Climate change: start of the second European Climate Change Programme
1.2. Climate change - Council conclusions
1.3. Europe misses chance to agree ambitious action agenda for next climate negotiations

2.1. Koizumi urges industrialized nations to ratify Kyoto accord
2.2. Fuel Use Spreads Vegoil too - Thin for Margarine Firms
2.3. China could become the world leader in wind power, says Greenpeace
2.4. Dutch Kyoto target can be met despite increasing energy consumption

3.1. Dutch windmills at risk from climate change
3.2. Global Warming a Major Threat to Africa
3.3. Antarctic species feel the warmth
3.4. Storms blowing us back to Kyoto
3.5. Climate Change may Mean Green Sahel
3.6. Small Africa Farmers seen Vulnerable to Climate Change
3.7. Antarctic Ice Melts as Sea Warms but Cause Unknown

4.1. Full Draft Agenda for 2nd Annual Methane to Markets Partnership Meeting

5.1. A new website on environment, conflict, and cooperation
5.2. The Second Finnish small-scale CDM Tender

23. 10. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update October 17 2005

1.1. EU to hold climate change talks
1.2. MEPs urge stronger EU climate policies
1.3. Commission to take action on alternative fuels
1.4. MEPs give F-gas bill a 'green boost'
1.5. Fluorinated gases vote a victory for environment
1.6. EU launches climate change project in Russia
1.7. EU to launch second climate change programme

2.1. European Public Banks Accept World Commission on Dams Guidelines
2.2. Analysis - On Plate or In Tank? Europe Vegoils in Demand
2.3. Malaysia to Make Biofuel Mandatory by 2008 - Report
2.4. Energy a la Francaise
2.5. Country's most polluting power companies - Consumers urged to 'pull the plug' on polluters

3.1. Don't Blame Tree Loss For Flooding, Study Says, Climate Patterns Called Driving Force
3.2. World Temperatures Keep Rising With a Hot 2005
3.3. Climate change and pollution are killing millions, says study

4.1. Stakeholder conference: European Climate Change Programme second phase
4.2. A technical workshop on JI/CDM
4.3. 'Climate Policy 2005 and Beyond: Japanese-German Impulses'
4.4. 2nd Annual Methane to Markets Partnership Meeting in Buenos Aires
4.5. Frontiers in Forest Information: a centenary conference/workshop

5.1. Joint Implementation Quarterly, October 2005
5.2. Special Report on Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage
5.3. CO2 Price Dynamiscs: The Implications of EU Emissions Trading for the Price of Electricity

6.1. Website with relevant information on the Workshop on Emissions Trading was created

17. 10. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Ministra Podobnika pozvali, naj se bori za varno podnebje

Ljubljana, 14. oktober - V ponedeljek, 17. oktobra 2005, bo na svetu okoljskih ministrov EU potekala razprava o stališču, ki ga bo EU predstavljala na naslednji konferenci držav pogodbenic Okvirne konvencije ZN o spremembi podnebja, ki je obenem tudi prvo srečanje pogodbenic Kjotskega protokola (COP11/MOP1). Omenjeno srečanje je za svet zelo pomemben dogodek, saj se morajo na tem srečanju postaviti temelji za boj proti spreminjanju podnebja po izteku Kjotskega protokola.

14. 10. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update October 3 2005

1.1. MEPs call for up to 25% of EU energy to be renewable by 2020
1.2. European Aviation Could Join Climate Emissions Trading Scheme
1.3. Commissioner Dimas to hold first sectoral dialogue on climate change
1.4. European commission to publish plan to tackle aviation emissions 

2.1. Steps to Limit Global-Warming Gas
2.2. IPCC Report Finds CO2 Storage Could Reduce Climate Change Effects

3.1. Drastic Climate Change to Dry Europe in 100 Y - Survey
3.2. Alaska landscape transformed by warmer climate
3.3. Arctic ice 'disappearing quickly'

4.1. Invitation to the South African national conference on climate change
4.2. EMA 9th Annual Fall Conference
4.3. Fourth Municipal Leaders Summit on Climate Change

5.1. Verification system design for RGGR and RGGI
5.2. CO2 Price Dynamiscs: The Implications of EU Emissions Trading for the Price of Electricity
5.3. The Emerging Spot Market for Certified Emission Reductions

6.1. News from Ad-hoc group for modeling and assesment of contributions of climate change

3. 10. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update September 27 2005

1.1. International Conference on "Energy Intelligence for Europe " Provides Strong Evidence for the Need of a Euratom Treaty Reform
1.2. EU sees no major post-Kyoto climate deal at talks

2.1. Big Auto Makers Want Bush to Act on Energy - WSJ
2.2. The e5-SEA establishes first national programmes in Czech Republic and Bulgaria
2.3. Special cell to promote bio-diesel
2.4. France to Launch 1.8 Million Tonne Biofuel Tender on October 20

3.1. Caribbean Corals Hit by Warm, Storm-Spawning Seas
3.2. Global Warming Could Cause up to 10,000 Deaths Per Year in Asia-Pacific
3.3. Heatwave study raises new global warming fear

4.1. The registration process to COP 11/MOP 1
4.2. Promoting Private Involvement in Sustainable Development
4.3. First Annual Conference - Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign 2005-2008
4.4. Youth activities at COP11
4.5. Energy Convention 2005
4.6. Moving beyond 2012: International perspectives on future climate change policy options
4.7. The climate change conference in Nottingham

27. 9. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update September 19 2005

1.1. UN World Summit : Empty Words on Climate Change
1.2. MEPs call for more investment in hydrogen
1.3. Canada Doesn't see Breakthrough at Post-Kyoto Meet
1.4. EU pushes biofuel to fight climate change, high oil
1.5. EU Commissioner urges U.S. climate change rethink 

2.1. World Bank bending the carbon credit rules in Czech Republic

3.1. Global warming could end Sahara droughts, says study
3.2. CO2 from soil across Britain a 'disaster'

4.1. 'Blueprint for a Changing Climate
4.2. "Climate or Development"

5.1. Release of four Lines of Inquiry papers by IISD
5.2. A Ten-Year Rule to Guide the Allocation of EU Emission Allowances
5.3. European Environment Outlook (EEA Report No 4/2005)

6.1. Invitation for comments: JI project in Poland
6.2. Invitation for comments – Wind Farm JI project in Estonia
6.3. The Carbon Disclosure Project report available
6.4. New web site features climate news
6.5. Vacancy: senior campaigner on power, Greenpeace International

19. 9. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Izstopi iz kolone!

Avtomobil nam škoduje veliko bolj, kot bi si bili pripravljeni priznati. Neizmerne količine škodljivih emisij, številne nesreče in krepki stroški so le najbolj opazne posledice pretirane rabe avtomobila. Številna svetovna mesta zato vsako leto 22. septembra izpeljejo akcijo Dan brez avtomobila: javnost želijo spodbuditi k razmišljanju o tem, kako zaživeti bolj trajnostno, z manj povzročene škode in z več gibanja.

15. 9. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update September 12 2005

1.1. Commission to speed up policies to reduce energy demand
1.2. EU warned of climate impacts on biodiversity
1.3. EU ministers discuss climate change impact on farming
1.4. EU says high oil prices and nuclear power to stay
1.5. EU to help China tackle greenhouse gas
1.6. EU and China climate policy cut from the same cloth

2.1. Climate Proofing Danish Development Cooperation
2.2. World Bank Blowing Hot Air on Carbon Credits, Undermining Kyoto
2.3. German car giants outsmarted by Brazilian sugar cane
2.4. Gold Standard Scores First CDM Registration
2.5. Warning on damage from climate change
2.6. Katrina – a global wake-up call on climate change
2.7. CO2 rise threatens Britain 's hope of meeting Kyoto target

3.1. Global Warming Could Hit Indian Agriculture, Study Reveals
3.2. Global warming causes soil to release carbon -study
3.3. Climate change raises risk of hunger
3.4. Climate change to hit UK insurance premiums

4.1. New Strategies for Developing and Financing Energy in Central & Southeast Europe
4.2. 5th Balkan Power Conference, BPC 2005

5.1. Addressing Opportunities and Challenges of a Sectoral Approach to the CDM
5.2. Tiempo Climate Newswatch
5.3. Handbook of Renewable Energies in the European Union. Case studies of the EU-15 States

6.1. The IEA Dealing with Climate Change policies and measures online database updated

10. 9. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Noben odpadek ni dober odpadek

Ljubljana, 6. september 2005 - Spodbujanje in ukrepanje na področju preprečevanja nastajanja odpadkov in zmanjševanja količin odpadkov so velika priložnost in izziv za slovensko gospodarstvo. V iskanju odgovorov na razvojna vprašanja je področje preprečevanja nastajanja odpadkov velikokrat potisnjeno na rob razprav. Fokus in Umanotera sta na javni razpravi v Državnem svetu Republike Slovenije predstavile vrsto priporočil Vladi za izboljšanje stanja na tem področju. Preprečevanje zahteva drugačno okoljsko in industrijsko politiko, povezovanje med raziskovalci in industrijo, razvoj spodbudnih sistemskih in finančnih rešitev.

6. 9. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update September 5 2005

1.1. UK , China in cleaner power plan
1.2. Solar Power Firms Warm Up for Stock Market Ipos
1.3. Soaring Oil to Trigger New Renewables Boom
1.4. Spain Aims to Double Energy from Renewable Sources
1.5. CO2 Reduction Efforts Save BP $650 Million
1.6. US CO2 Market Needs Federal Push to Blossom
1.7. Huge coalition to combat climate change

2.1. Katrina's Real Name

3.1. Reduction of emissions and geological storage of CO2 : innovation and industrial stakes

4.1. Call for papers: Development and adaptation day at COP11
4.2. CDM Project Tender
4.3. Invitation for EVS applications FoE Flanders

3. 9. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update August 29 2005

1.1. Talks renew vigour to tackle warming
1.2. Sparks fly over Kyoto and emissions trading 

2.1. US states plan to cut emissions

3.1. UK birds face climate change impacts

4.1. Linking the Kyoto Project-Based Mechanisms with the EU ETS
4.2. Energy futures - the role of RTD
4.3. Power market drivers 2005-2006
4.4. International Policy Approaches to Address the Climate Change Challenge
4.5. International conference "climate or development?"
4.6. CETEX Germany 2005 ­ Clean Energy Technology - International Conference and Exhibition

5.1. A Guide to Energy’s Role in Reducing Poverty
5.2. Anniversary of renewables2004 - Status of the implementation of the conference results

6.1. Invitation for comments on N2O JI project in Czech Republic
6.2. Two EU online consultations (urban environment, flooding)

28. 8. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update August 22 2005

1.1. Plea to stop squabbles ends Greenland climate talks
1.2. Another Kyoto Protocol? U.S.-led Climate Pact Should Not Deter Existing Treaty
1.3. Greenland Dialogue, Chairs summary
1.4. Denmark urges "new thinking" on climate change 

2.1. Joint Statement on the First Meeting of the U.S. - Germany Working Group on Energy, Development, and Climate Change

3.1. World Assembly for Renewable Energy
3.2. UNFCCC informal workshop on vulnerability and adaptation

4.1. Review of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme
4.2. Tiempo Climate Newswatch

5.1. UNEP Risoe Centre CDM capacity building website updated

22. 8. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update August 16 2005

1.1. Bush Signs Energy Bill,…
1.2. Special report: London leads in carbon market 

2.1. Warming hits 'tipping point'
2.2. Europe feels heat of climate change

3.1. The EU ETS workshop
3.2. Climate change and business
3.3. 11th PhD Workshop on International Climate Policy
3.4. The 2nd Australia–New Zealand Climate Change and Business Conference

4.1. Tiempo Climate Newswatch

5.1. Invitation for comments on two landfill gas utilization projects in Romania
5.2. News Zealand – review of climate change policies
5.3. New web site on climate news

16. 8. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update August 8 2005

1.1. Solar project could advance 'green' fuel
1.2. Sluggish progress to EU solar thermal target

2.1. Alaskan people tell of climate change
2.2. Climate change 'increases cholera spread'
2.3. Climate change may be fueling storms

3.1. Seminar on Emissions Trading/Linking Directive
3.2. Energy Intelligence and the Euratom Treaty
3.3. 2nd technical workshop on JI/CDM
3.4. Forest-based Sector Research Forum

4.1. Citizens Guide to Climate Refugees
4.2. Electronic Joint Implementation Quarterly
4.3. The UNECE/FAO Forest Products Annual Market Review
4.4. The Swiss Climate Penny: An innovative approach to transport sector emissions

5.1. The determination of the UHE hydropower rehabilitation project in Ukraine
5.2. Austrian JI/CDM programme launches new call for expression of interests
5.3. Vacancy announcement – WWF-UK
5.4. Vacancy announcement – WWF China
5.5. Vacancy announcement – WWF

8. 8. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update August 1 2005

1.1. Six nations agree on Asia-Pacific climate pact
1.2. EU Commission welcomes six-nation climate pact
1.3. Greenpeace media statement on US Asia climate 'pact'
1.4. EU pushes binding climate deal

2.1. Public consultation underlines support for tackling aviation’s contribution
2.2. EU Emissions Trade to Dampen Aviation Demand – Study
2.3. Environment minister urges 'green holidaymaking'
2.4. More greenhouse gas found in rain forests

3.1. ' Beijing International Renewable Energy Conference 2005
3.2. UNIDO Francophone African CDM project
3.3. Invitation to attend meetings on CCS
3.4. Event: Forestry policy
3.5. European Emissions Trading 2005

4.1. The new issue of JIKO Info
4.2. Foundation JIN – CDM guide and thesis on unilateral CDM

5.1. EBRD renewables website
5.2. The Gold Standard project registry for CDM projects online now
5.3. Flood protection: Commission consults public on EU action programme
5.4. Vacancy announcement, UKCIP
5.5. Vacancies for senior carbon experts at EcoSecurities
5.6. Vacancies at Ecofys

31. 7. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|
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