E-news update July 25 2005

1.1. Climate Change - Speech by Stavros Dimas
1.2. World Bank to Take Lead in New Climate Change Plan
1.3. G8 news – message from Tony Blair
1.4. General Assembly endorses small island states' call for help with climate change

2.1. Romania adopts the first National Climate Change Strategy
2.2. Drive to save energy leaves Asians hot under collar
2.3. Spanish energy saving and efficiency plan
2.4. DEFRA release: EU ETS consultation
2.5. Four year campaign to raise public awareness on sustainable energy launched
2.6. Commission authorises the climate change levy rebate for the agriculture sector in the UK

3.1. Greenpeace - Greenland glacier discovery
3.2. UN investigates Everest threat

4.1. Environmental policy integration in Europe - Administrative culture and practices
4.2. Tiempo Climate Newswatch
4.3. IPCC F - gases briefing

5.1. UNFCCC – Workshop on innovative options for financing...
5.2. UNFCCC – 15th Asia-Pasific Seminar on Climate Change
5.3. Consultation on the Community Strategic Guidelines
5.4. The new call of the LIFE programme
5.5. On-Going Project on the US Government Climate Change Budget

24. 7. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update July 18 2005

1.1. How to make a difference on climate change
1.2. Wolfowitz Offers World Bank Help on Climate Change
1.3. Faced with this crisis, Instead of denying climate change is happening, the US now denies that we need proper regulation to stop it
1.4. German right takes position on green policies
1.5. Stavros Dimas - Speaking Notes on Climate Change, Lunch at the Environment Council

2.1. For South Africa 's Proteas, Change Is Not a Good Thing

3.1. European Sustainable Energy NGO Seminar
3.2. Engineering Institute of Canada Climate Change Technology Conference.

4.1. Joint Implementation Quarterly, July 2005
4.2. Tiempo Climate Newswatch
4.3. CDM Investment Newsletter
4.4. The Cutting Edge; Climate Science to April 05

5.1. Invitation for comments; wind project in Hungary
5.2. Invitation for comments, JI project in Ukraine
5.3. Call for input on two CDM documents
5.4. Info on EU-China/ EU-India/ ASEM-Summits
5.5. Delphi survey on the perspectives of CDM and JI
5.6. Call for papers
5.7. Vacancy announcement

18. 7. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update July 11 2005

In this issue:

1.1. Fresh talks but little hope on climate change, No new pledges as US objections scupper action
1.2. G 8 leaders boost climate negotiations
1.3. EU Commission Targets Member States over Biofuels

2.1. Next steps for EU carbon trading explored
2.2. Japan Delays Biofuel Introduction, Scarcity Seen
2.3. Europe 's pollution penalties up 10% to record

3.1. NASA Able to Pinpoint Changes in Sea Levels, New Satellites May Help Explore Global Warming 3.2. North Atlantic Ocean Temps Hit Record High

4.1. "How attractive are forest carbon sinks? Economic insights into supply and demand of CER"
4.2. New publications by Henderson Global Investors
4.3. The political declaration of the APPCRE
4.4. G8 Climate Scorecards
4.5. Modelling 2 °C global warming
4.6. Climate Change & the Financial Sector: An Agenda for Action
4.7. A Guide to Bundling Small-scale CDM Projects
4.8. Tiempo Climate Newswatch
4.9. A new policy brief by CEPS on the US budget for climate change
4.10. Climate deniers' toolkit

5.1. JI project in Ukraine for comments
5.2. Vacancy for Ukrainian JI specialist
5.3. Internship at Friends of the Earth Europe: Anti-nuclear campaign 2005-2006

11. 7. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update July 4 2005

In this issue:

1.1. Climate Plan Splits U.S. and Europe , Parties Dicker on Draft for G-8 Talks
1.2. Blair may snub US on climate
1.3. Energy council backs weakened efficiency law

2.1. EU and the US vie for China 's support on emissions
2.2. Personal carbon quotas considered in UK
2.3. U.S. Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Fossil Fuels in 2004
2.4. Small-Scale Renewable Energy Producers Are Walloping Nuclears in the Marketplace
2.5. Finland 's GHG emission figures a national shame
2.6. Clean energy development arrested in Balkans, public lenders challenged to do a lot more

3.1. One in six countries facing food shortage
3.2. Rising ocean acidity "requires carbon cuts"
3.3. Future Climate Could be Hotter than Thought – Study
3.4. Climate change - a serious business risk for the financial industry

4.1. Call for papers – Workshop 2005 – Climate change and risk
4.2. One Earth – Global Science into Policy - Launch of NERC's programme QUEST
4.3. Emissions trading financial aspects

5.1. "How the European Union responds to the global threat of climate change"
5.2. Climate change and a European low-carbon energy system
5.3. Climate Change and the Financial Sector: An Agenda for Action
5.4. Annual report 2004
5.5. Annual European Community greenhouse gas inventory 1990-2003 and inventory report 2005

6.1. Vacancy announcement
6.2. Position available in WWF’s climate change programme
6.3. A new Position Senior Climate Policy Researcher SEI
6.4. UNIDO seeks intern
6.5. Brazilian CDM specialist

4. 7. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update June 27 2005

1. UK sets out stall for EU Presidency
1.2. EU ministers agree f-gas law
1.3. Commissioner Piebalgs: Europe could save 20% of its energy by 2020
1.4. Commission approves last allocation plan ending NAP marathon
1.5. Bush may agree pollution plan if rivals also sign up

2.1. World Bank helps China scale up use of renewable energy
2.2. Developing countries receive boost for renewable energy under new UN plan
2.3. Swiss Government adopts details on Climate Penny and CO2 tax
2.4. Alarm Bells to Ring Over Climate Change
2.5. Appliances on standby fuel climate change
2.6. Plans to finance RE programs in Armenia
2.7. Dramatic rise in EU emissions
2.8. Increased power production drives EU greenhouse gas emissions up in 2003
2.9. Denmark launches ?13 million JI/CDM tender
2.10. EU post-2012 target "not too ambitious"
2.11. Belarus considers profiting from Kyoto

3.1. Climate or development?, International conference
3.2. UNIDO seminar on EU ETS/Linking directive
3.3. "1/3 of Our Planet: What Can Asia and Europe Do for Sustainable Development?"

4.1. Annual report 2004
4.2. Optimal intensity targets for emissions trading under uncertainty
4.3. Approaches for Future International Co-operation
4.4. Annual European Community greenhouse gas inventory 1990-2003 and inventory report 2005 4.5. A new report on F - gases and the EU
4.6. Africa - Up in Smoke
4.7. Oxford Climate Policy: Recent Briefing Notes and Articles

5.1. Internship at Friends of the Earth Europe: Climate Change campaign 2005-2006

29. 6. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Rastejo, namesto, da bi padale

Ljubljana, 21. junij 2005 – Danes objavljeni podatki Evropske okoljske agencije kažejo, da se Evropske vlade niso zmožne soočiti z izzivom globalnega segrevanja. Emisije toplogrednih plinov na ravni EU so se v letu 2003 dvignile za 1.5%, kar kaže na to, da bo težko doseči zaveze iz Kjotskega protokola.

21. 6. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Razstava v Celju

14. in 15. junija bo med 10. in 18. uro na Zvezdi v Celju gostovala razstava o spreminjanju podnebja.

7. 6. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Razstava v Murski Soboti

8.  in 9. junija bo med 10. in 18. uro na Trgu zmage v Murski Soboti gostovala razstava o spreminjanju podnebja.

30. 5. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Razstava v Novem mestu

31. maja in 1. junija bo med 10. in 18. uro na Glavnem trgu v Novem mestu gostovala razstava o spreminjanju podnebja.

26. 5. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Velike priložnosti na področju preprečevanja nastajanja odpadkov

Preprečevanje nastajanja odpadkov in posledično zmanjševanje količin odpadkov je naslednji veliki izziv pred slovensko družbo in gospodarstvom. Dosedanji razvoj ravnanja z odpadki je predvsem osredotočen na sisteme ravnanja z odpadki in veliko manj na uvajanje ukrepov in dejavnosti za njihovo zmanjševanje in preprečevanje. Republika Slovenija bo morala slediti trendom trajnostne rabe naravnih virov.

26. 5. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Razstava o spreminjanju podnebja v Ljubljani

27. in 28. maja bo med 10. in 18. uro v ljubljanskem parku Zvezda gostovala razstava o spreminjanju podnebja, ki je bila pripravljena v okviru ozaveščevalne kampanje Spreminjam navade, ne pa podnebja!

23. 5. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|
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