E-news update 5 July 2010


1.1. Italy sees intermediate steps at UN climate summit


2.1. Studies cast further doubt on sustainability of bioenergy
2.2. EU fuelling hunger by grabbing land for biofuels
2.3. Russia floats barge for waterborne nuclear plant
2.4. Obama commits nearly $2 billion to solar companies
2.5. Exclusive: Europe gets first glimpse of solar and windfarm plans


3.1. EC to set 2013 EU ETS allowance quantity in 'days': official
3.2. Bad grades for carbon offset reviewers
3.3. Global carbon emissions steady for first time since 1992
3.4. Chinese, Indian emissions nullified world cuts: report


4.1. Invitation to launch of Energy [R]evolution report


5.1. COP 16 & CMP 6 - Launch of host country website
2010-07-05T10:21:35+02:005. 7. 2010|Pomembno|

Sporočilo za javnost_Študije povečujejo dvom o trajnosti bioenergije

Bruselj/Ljubljana, 29. junij 2010 – Dve novi neodvisni znanstveni študiji, ki so bile javnosti predstavljene danes, povečujejo dvom v evropsko politiko spodbujanja rabe biomase za  ogrevanje in proizvodnjo električne energije ter biogoriv za transport [1], sporočajo organizacije BirdLife International [2], Evropskegi okoljski biro [3] in Transport & Environment [4]. 

2010-06-29T11:02:43+02:0029. 6. 2010|Pomembno|

E-news update 28 June 2010


1.1. 'Climate conference in Cancun should produce realistic result'
1.2. G20: Ban urges green investments
1.3. “You don’t have to be a super-hero to save the planet”


2.1. Clean energy: wanted everywhere but in the latest G20 text
2.2. Russia-Belarus gas row leaves bitter aftertaste
2.3. EU states agree to close dirty coal plants by 2024
2.4. German nuclear talks between Merkel and CEOs end without results


3.1. Hedegaard throws weight behind EU carbon tax
3.2. Study shows vans can be more fuel efficient and cheaper
3.3. Poland 'needs more time' to meet EU climate target
3.4. Enel Presses EU to Honor CO2 Credits as Officials Weigh Curbs


4.1. Transparency still out of sight on lobby register’s second anniversary
4.2. Belgium pledges 'sustainable' EU presidency

2010-06-28T11:12:24+02:0028. 6. 2010|Pomembno|

Pogrešam te! (Tvoje kolo)

DSC08704.JPG  DSC08701.JPG
V teh dneh bodo prostovoljci Focus društva po Ljubljani delili letake Pogrešam te! (Tvoje kolo) po avtomobilih, ki že navsezgodaj zapolnijo še tako majhne kotičke ulic. Stoječ promet v mestih velikokrat otežuje mobilnost nemotoriziranih oblik transporta. S to akcijo želimo opozoriti na še vedno preveliko uporabo osebnih avtomobilov v mestih in hkrati poudariti prednosti kolesarjenja. Več>>

2010-06-22T11:36:59+02:0022. 6. 2010|Novice|
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