E-news update 25 January 2010


1.1. Copenhagen & beyond: Stage set for BASIC meet in Delhi
1.2. EU Environment Ministers agree to carry on doing nothing
1.3. Coreper I Discussion on Climate Targets for Copenhagen Accord
1.4. Biodiversity loss to cost Europe €1.1 trillion per year in 2050 unless an ambitious EU target is adopted now
1.5. Greens embrace enzymes in climate change fight
1.6. Copenhagen : EU Not Done Yet!


2.1. Energy Summit balances Copenhagen setbacks


3.1. Govt preparing decree to cut gas emissions
3.2. Carbon market exec still hopes for climate bill


4.1. Monitoring the CO2 emissions from new passenger cars in the EU: data for the year 2008


5.1. UNFCCC events in 2010

2010-01-25T12:10:11+01:0025. 1. 2010|Pomembno|

S TV iskalnikom do bolj ekomičnega TV sprejemnika v vsak dom

Ljubljana, 19. januar 2010 – Focus društvo za sonaraven razvoj je pripravilo t.i. TV iskalnik, ki kupcem omogoča, da z izbiro energetsko najučinkovitejšega TV sprejemnika prihranijo na stroških elektrike. Večji televizijski sprejemniki porabljajo več energije, vendar pa je mogoče enako udobje doseči ob bistveno nižjih ravneh porabe energije.

2010-01-20T11:50:18+01:0020. 1. 2010|Pomembno|
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