Zelena energija za električne avtomobile

Izkoriščanje potencialov električnih avtomobilov za zmanjševanje emisij 

Študijo pripravil: CE Delft
Naročniki: Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth Europe, Transport and Environment*

2010-02-05T14:44:29+01:005. 2. 2010|Novice|

E-news update 1 February 2010


1.1. Putting a stop to the Arctic Meltdown
1.2. Ocean Acidification
1.3. Time for Lukewarm Europe to turn up the heat
1.4. EU continues failed Copenhagen climate tactics
1.5. Copenhagen climate deal gets low-key endorsement


2.1. Zapatero announces EU electric car plan
2.2. Oil demand has peaked in developed world: IEA
2.3. Approval sought for new Slovenian reactor
2.4. Europe launches nuclear academy


3.1. U.S. pledges 17 percent emissions reduction by 2020
3.2. Oslo reiterates pledge of at least 30 pct CO2 cut


4.1. Regional Nuclear Campaigner


5.1. UNFCCC events in 2010

2010-02-01T08:58:48+01:001. 2. 2010|Pomembno|
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