E-news update 16 November 2009


1.1. UN chief encourages world leaders to accept invitation to climate summit
1.2. Denmark invites 191 leaders to U.N. climate talks
1.3. Climate pact text not fit for approval yet
1.4. China impetus on climate likely during Obama visit
1.5. Eurelectric Study Shows Europe Short on Climate Action
1.6. Climate change 'playing havoc' with health systems


2.1. International Energy Agency fails to light the way to a safe climate future
2.2. EU biofuel rules likely to cause more harm than good


3.1. Power firms unveil low-carbon electricity 'choices'


4.1. A captive Commission - the role of the financial industry in shaping EU regulation

2009-11-15T21:39:41+01:0015. 11. 2009|Pomembno|

Vabilo za medije_Predaja podpisov peticije kampanje Ukrepaj zdaj! predsedniku vlade Borutu Pahorju, 16. november 2009 ob 10.45

KAJ : Predaja 10.000 podpisov peticije kampanje Ukrepaj zdaj! predsedniku vlade Borutu Pahorju.

KDAJ : Ponedeljek, 16. November 2009, ob 10.45 uri

KJE : Modri salon, Vlada RS, Gregorčičeva 20, Ljubljana

KDO : Umanotera, Focus društvo, Greenpeace Slovenija, Brez izgovora Slovenija

VEČ INFORMACIJ : Anela Bešo, [email protected],  031 204 595  


Barbara Kvac, [email protected],  040 722 149  

Vida Ogorelec Wagner, [email protected],  01 439 7100  

Nina Štros, [email protected],  040 871 530  

2009-11-13T16:13:06+01:0013. 11. 2009|Pomembno|
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