Javna aktivnost na Prešernovem trgu za Kopenhagen v torek 17. marca 2009
KAJ: javna aktivnost
KJE: Prešernov trg, pred Prešernovim spomenikom
KDAJ: 17. marec 2009, med 10. in 11. uro
KDO: Focus društvo za sonaraven razvoj in Greenpeace Slovenija
KAJ: javna aktivnost
KJE: Prešernov trg, pred Prešernovim spomenikom
KDAJ: 17. marec 2009, med 10. in 11. uro
KDO: Focus društvo za sonaraven razvoj in Greenpeace Slovenija
1.1. Finance ministers dodge responsibility in climate cash decision
1.2. Sweden sets climate goals example for EU
1.3. Copenhagen summit urges immediate action on climate change
1.4. UN's Ban Says U.S. To Work For 2009 Climate Deal
2.1. EU must not cool its commitment to efficient appliances
3.1. Action needed to avoid world water crisis, UN says
4.1. CEE Bankwatch and Greenpeace reaction to EIB loans to carmakers
4.2. External cost charging moves closer in Eurovignette review
5.1. European Parliament resolution of 11 March 2009 on an EU strategy for a comprehensive climate change agreement in Copenhagen and the adequate provision of financing for climate change policy
6.1. Seventh session of the AWG-KP and fifth session of the AWG-LCA
6.2. . The world in crisis: Economics and Policies for Global Transformation – Alternative Ecofin Conference
Pridruži se spletni akciji organizacije Avvaz in prispevaj k sprejetju ambicioznih standardov energetske učinkovitosti za naprave, ki za delovanje potrebujejo električno energijo.
1.1. UN agency targets clean technologies
1.2. Rips in the Arctic Safety Net
1.3. Obama's Cap-and-Trade Plan
1.4. China clings to clean-up amid economic woes
2.1. Green VAT proposal likely to be scrapped
2.2. Recycled nuclear fuel arrives at French port
3.1. Europe’s new climate gambit - shifting the heat onto developing nations?
4.1. Has recession trimmed CO2 output? We'll know by 2010
5.1. EU should not encourage subsidies for new cars
6.1. Job opening at CEE Bankwatch Network -- Energy coordinator
7.1. Seventh session of the AWG-KP and fifth session of the AWG-LCA
7.2. Adaptation planning and practices workshop
7.3. The world in crisis: Economics and Policies for Global Transformation – Alternative Ecofin Conference