E-news update 13 October 2008


1.1. Climate change and energy policies lack cohesion, says Oxfam report
1.2. EU committee approves climate change bill
1.3. EU's climate package 'in crisis'
1.4. EU countries may use economic crisis to ditch climate change commitments
1.5. EU Parliament falls short of improving EU’s answer to climate


2.1. Member States endorse Commission proposals to reduce electricity consumption
2.2. EU’s first enlightened move on energy efficiency
2.3. Banks set to finance disastrous Kashagan oil project
2.4. EU energy Council: France put EU renewables leadership at risk


3.1. France eyes CO2 opt-outs for industry


4.1. Why carbon capture and storage won't save the climate
4.2. Power plant emission performance standard (EPS) for CO2


5.1. European NGOs Discussing Sustainable Energy in Paris, France, October 13-15, 2008
5.2. Stakeholder conference on post-2012 climate change agreement
5.3. The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Poznañ, Poland - COP 14

2008-10-11T09:18:17+02:0011. 10. 2008|Pomembno|

Javni potniški promet je kul!

Focus ob podpori Veleposlaništva kraljevine Nizozemske, Predstavništva Evropske komisije in MOP v Sloveniji nadaljuje s projektom Javni potniški promet je kul!, ki smo ga začeli izvajati v letu 2007. V preteklem letu smo obiskali 16 srednjih šol po Sloveniji. Opis projekta  je na voljo tukaj,  več o doganjanju na delavnicah pa najdete na blogu.


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2008-10-09T11:25:19+02:009. 10. 2008|Novice|
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