E – news update 5 May 2008

1.1. Climate change could force 1 billion from their homes by 2050
1.2. Asian leaders issue poverty warning
1.3. U.N. sees world climate change deal in 2009
1.4. Poor children main victims of climate change - U.N.

2.1. Africa's biggest oil producer goes green
2.2. Oil industry accused of undermining emissions reduction efforts
2.3. Nuclear's CO2 cost 'will climb'

3.1. Sweden's carbon-tax solution to climate change puts it top of the green list

4.1. CDM technology transfer report

5.1. European Patent Forum 2008, 6/7 May 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia
5.2. IPCC Expert Meeting on estimating emissions and removals from land-uses
5.3. Sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies, 2-13 June 2008, Bonn, Germany

2008-05-05T11:49:41+02:005. 5. 2008|Pomembno|

E – news update 28 April 2008


1.1. Kofi Annan Says Polluters Must Pay For Climate Change
1.2. Japan PM to push G8 climate agenda on Russia visit
1.3. UN Climate Change Official: More Incentives Needed for Developing Countries
1.4. Forecast for big sea level rise
1.5. Climate change hitting Arctic faster, harder


2.1. Green schemes for biofuel crops set to fail
2.2. Bank consortium pulls out nuclear loans


3.1. Treaty hot air chills the carbon traders
3.2. Bush: US to halt greenhouse gas rise by 2025
3.3. Shell boss Jeroen van der Veer says EU carbon plan could destroy oil industry in Europe


4.1. Slovenian EU presidency failing to take EU driving seat


5.1. WWF position paper on Climate & Energy Package proposals


6.1. IPCC Expert Meeting on estimating emissions and removals from land-uses
6.2. Sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies, 2-13 June 2008, Bonn, Germany
6.3. Workshop to prepare the second review of the Kyoto Protocol
6.4. European Patent Forum 2008, 6/7 May 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia

2008-04-28T13:02:35+02:0028. 4. 2008|Pomembno|

22 let po jedrski nesreči v Černobilu

Ljubljana, 26. april 2008 – Pred 22 leti je na današnji dan v Černobilu v Ukrajini prišlo do nesreče v jedrskem reaktorju, posledice pa so občutne še danes. Obletnico v Focus društvu za sonaraven razvoj obeležujejo z objavo spletne strani z informacijami o jedrski energiji ter ozaveščevalno akcijo v Okoljskem centru v Ljubljani.

2008-04-25T08:42:05+02:0025. 4. 2008|Pomembno|
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