Obisk jedrske elektrarne Krško
Člani Focusa smo v petek, 15.2.2008, obiskali jedrsko elektrarno Krško. Naš namen je bil dobiti čim več informacij o delovanju in vzdrževanju NEK in o morebitni gradnji drugega bloka JE.
Člani Focusa smo v petek, 15.2.2008, obiskali jedrsko elektrarno Krško. Naš namen je bil dobiti čim več informacij o delovanju in vzdrževanju NEK in o morebitni gradnji drugega bloka JE.
1.1. China urges agreement on climate change
1.2. UN hosts post-Bali ministerial session on climate change
1.3. Prince Charles calls for greater EU efforts on climate change
1.4. Nations seek compromise in climate change talks
1.5. U.N. leader Ban presses Bush on climate change
2.1. Ethanol Revolution Links Agriculture, Energy Sectors In New Model
2.2. Bank concedes to anti-nuclear pressure
3.1. World oil market could slowdown: energy agency
4.1. EU ministers urge caution on cost of climate plan
4.2. Ken Livingstone declares war with £25 congestion charge
4.3. Nobel winner urges oil execs to help cut emissions
4.4. Firms will act on CO2 only if its cost triples, says Shell
5.1. Renewable Energy in Islands: markets for the future 29-30 May 2008
5.2. HIDROENERGIA 2008 Early Bird Registration available till 31 March 2008
5.3. IEA: Meeting Energy Efficiency Goals: Enhancing Compliance, Monitoring and Evaluation
V okviru dejavnosti v času predsedovanja Slovenije organizirata Focus društvo za sonaraven razvoj in Sloga, platforma nevladnih organizacij za razvojno sodelovanje in humanitarno pomoč, okroglo mizo na temo povezovanja podnebnih in razvojnih izzivov.
1.1. Russia, Ukraine next to trade Kyoto carbon credits
1.2. Top UN official: Int'l climate change treaty hardly concluded in 2 years
1.3. G7 to consider climate change fund – Japan
1.4. We Have a Roadmap
1.5. Climate 'tipping point' warning
1.6. Global meltdown: scientists isolate areas most at risk of climate change
2.1. Food-based biofuels can spur climate change
2.2. The case for investing in energy productivity
3.1. Completing the Mochovce Nuclear Power Plant in Slovakia - Reactors from the 70's for the 21st Century
4.1. The 4th Annual Brussels Climate Change Conference 08
4.2. World Biofuels Markets Congress
4.3. IEA: Meeting Energy Efficiency Goals: Enhancing Compliance, Monitoring and Evaluation