1.1. Gore Shares Peace Prize for Climate Change Work
1.2. IPCC expresses surprise and gratitude at announcement of Nobel peace prize
1.3. Fed Govt interested in modified Kyoto Protocol: Turnbull
2.1. EIB reinforces financial support for cleaner energy
2.2. Barroso rejects Greens’ nuclear demand
3.1. UN Millennium Development Goals - discussing practical examples on a local level
3.2. UNDP/IIIEE Energy for Sustainable Development Online Course
3.3. Science or Fiction – Is there a Future for Nuclear?
3.4. CAN-E EU ETS Workshop
3.5. 3rd Annual European Energy Policy Conference 2007
3.6. European Conference - "Towards a Post-Carbon Society"
3.7. United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 13 and CMP 3)
Razpisujemo delovno mesto asistenta/ke za izvajanje programov Focusa
Focus društvo za sonaraven razvoj razpisuje delovno mesto asistenta/ke za izvajanje programov Focusa. Vaše motivacijsko pismo in življenjepis pričakujemo najkasneje do 23. 10. 2007.
E-news update October 1 2007
1.1. The message from the UN: We can combat climate change
1.2. Europeans angry after Bush climate speech 'charade'
1.3. Bush struggles to stay relevant in climate debate
1.4. Commission proposes a global alliance to help developing countries most affected by climate change
1.5. Poor nations suffer most in climate change deal
2.1. EU outlines plans to open energy market
2.2. European Parliament votes for renewable heat obligations
2.3. Commission allows market distortion in favour of nuclear
2.4. Biofuels could boost global warming, finds study
2.5. Korea Aims for 9% Renewable Energy by 2030
2.6. Greenpeace highlights 50years of nuclear disaster in Mayak , Russia
2.7. Glut of European Carbon Permits Likely - Report
2.8. Analysis - Carbon price is poor weapon against climate change
3.1. European Sustainable Energy Seminar and Tour
3.2. European Meeting Point: Energy for Development 2007
3.3. Climate Change at the EU REGIONS Open Days
3.4. CDM 2.0: what post-2012 mechanisms do we need
3.5. Future Climate Change Policy: Looking beyond 2012
3.6. UN Millennium Development Goals - discussing practical examples on a local level
3.7. 3rd Annual European Energy Policy Conference 2007
3.8. European Conference - "Towards a Post-Carbon Society"
3.9. United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 13 and CMP 3)
4.1. The right to development in a carbon constrained world
5.1. New FoE web page
Aktivisti pozvali EIB naj ustavi financiranje podnebnih sprememb
Ljubljana, 27. september 2007 – Okoljski aktivisti iz različnih evropskih držav so z današnjo akcijo v središču Ljubljane od Evropske investicijske banke (EIB) – banke Evropske Unije in enega največjih javnih posojilodajalcev na svetu - zahtevali, da preneha podpirati investicije, ki prispevajo k podnebnim spremembam.