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Avtomobil nam škoduje veliko bolj, kot bi si bili pripravljeni priznati. Neizmerne količine škodljivih emisij, številne nesreče in krepki stroški so le najbolj opazne posledice pretirane rabe avtomobila. Številna svetovna mesta zato vsako leto 22. septembra izpeljejo akcijo Dan brez avtomobila: javnost želijo spodbuditi k razmišljanju o tem, kako zaživeti bolj trajnostno, z manj povzročene škode in z več gibanja.

2005-09-15T11:34:42+02:0015. 9. 2005|Pomembno|

E-news update September 12 2005

1.1. Commission to speed up policies to reduce energy demand
1.2. EU warned of climate impacts on biodiversity
1.3. EU ministers discuss climate change impact on farming
1.4. EU says high oil prices and nuclear power to stay
1.5. EU to help China tackle greenhouse gas
1.6. EU and China climate policy cut from the same cloth

2.1. Climate Proofing Danish Development Cooperation
2.2. World Bank Blowing Hot Air on Carbon Credits, Undermining Kyoto
2.3. German car giants outsmarted by Brazilian sugar cane
2.4. Gold Standard Scores First CDM Registration
2.5. Warning on damage from climate change
2.6. Katrina – a global wake-up call on climate change
2.7. CO2 rise threatens Britain 's hope of meeting Kyoto target

3.1. Global Warming Could Hit Indian Agriculture, Study Reveals
3.2. Global warming causes soil to release carbon -study
3.3. Climate change raises risk of hunger
3.4. Climate change to hit UK insurance premiums

4.1. New Strategies for Developing and Financing Energy in Central & Southeast Europe
4.2. 5th Balkan Power Conference, BPC 2005

5.1. Addressing Opportunities and Challenges of a Sectoral Approach to the CDM
5.2. Tiempo Climate Newswatch
5.3. Handbook of Renewable Energies in the European Union. Case studies of the EU-15 States

6.1. The IEA Dealing with Climate Change policies and measures online database updated

2005-09-10T12:01:16+02:0010. 9. 2005|Pomembno|
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