Vabimo te, da se nam pridružiš in Zemlji simbolično prizaneseš cca 0,5 kg CO2, jo razbremeniš za odpadek ali dva in se vrneš domov z novimi ustvarjalnimi idejami.

2010-09-08T13:37:33+02:008. 9. 2010|Napovednik|

E-news update 6 September 2010


1.1. Money Key To Tackling Climate Change
1.2. Nations meet on climate cash, U.N. sees long haul
1.3. Hope of deal in Cancun fades as rich break vow
1.4. EPA to issue more rules in climate fight


2.1. MEPs re-allocate crisis funds to energy efficiency
2.2. Offset quality needs to take into account more than just HFCs
2.3. Ministers to hold first talks on new energy savings plan
2.4. Analysis: German coal imports to rise despite green lobbying
2.5. German ministers clash on nuclear report


3.1. United Nations Climate Change Conference
2010-09-06T15:35:39+02:006. 9. 2010|Pomembno|
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