Evropska komisija bo raziskala izvajanje zakonodaje o označevanju avtomobilov

Ljubljana, 25. junij 2008 - Evropska komisija bo v šestih državah članicah (Belgiji, Franciji, Nemčiji, Poljski, Španiji in Sloveniji) poizvedovala, ali se upoševa pravica potrošnikov iz smernice 1999/94/EC, ki pravi, da morajo biti podatki o rabi goriva in CO2 emisijah vozil v tiskanih oglasih »lahko berljivi in nič manj opazni kot osnovni del informacije, ki jo [oglas] predstavlja«. Danes so okoljske nevladne organizacije iz teh šestih držav poslale uradno pritožbo na Evropsko komisijo.

2008-06-26T12:36:13+02:0026. 6. 2008|Pomembno|

E-news update 23 June 2008


1.1. New study to force ministers to review climate change plan
1.2. Arctic sea ice melt 'even faster'
1.3. Kyoto Targets Remain Distant Prospect For EU Countries


2.1. Revealed: UK's blueprint for a green revolution
2.2. Lithuania split by the atom
2.3. EU urged to be bold on energy policy
2.4. McCain Talks Energy Policy
2.5. Declaration on high oil prices
2.6. Bush urges Congress to end offshore oil drill ban


3.1. Europe should reject France and Germany's 'disastrous' car CO2 pact
3.2. MEPs keep up pressure on ministers for meaningful ETS terms for aviation


4.1. New UN atlas shows effects of climate change in Africa


5.1. Workshop on Methodological Issues relating to Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries
5.2. The New Nuclear Wave: Perspectives for the 21st Century

2008-06-23T08:14:49+02:0023. 6. 2008|Pomembno|
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