Good practices for tackling Transport Povery in Central and Eastern Europe

In this booklet, we have compiled some examples of good practice in alleviating transport poverty for different vulnerable groups from Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary and Croatia. The booklet is aimed at policy makers from different regions in Europe who are planning measures to reduce transport poverty at local and national level. It was produced as part of the “Transport Poverty in the CEE Region” project, which brought together research organizations and individual researchers to find the best solutions to alleviate transport poverty in the CEE region. ENGLISH SLOVENIAN SLOVAK HUNGARIAN

6. 12. 2024|

Compendium: On existing and missing links between energy poverty and other scholarly debates

Zbornik je eden najbolj podrobnih in obsežnih tovrstnih pregledov, ki so bili objavljeni do danes. Vsebina zbornika je bila pripravljena med marcem 2019 in februarjem 2020. Spremna beseda avtorjev:  »Zbornik objavljamo sredi velike svetovne zdravstvene krize, ki bo spremenila življenje in življenjske okoliščine. Zavedamo se, da bo ta kriza hudo prizadela ranljive ljudi, med njimi energetsko revne. Zdaj šele začenjamo razumeti, kako pomembna je energija kot osnova bivanja in sodelovanja v družbi. Bivanje doma je možno le tistim, ki imajo dom, in je znosno le, če se energija lahko uporabi za kuhanje, ogrevanje - in komuniciranje. Ta zbornik vidimo kot [več ...]

10. 4. 2024|

Central european youth manifesto

Central European youth manifesto 5.0: moja revolucija - sodelovanje, 2024 Central European youth manifesto 5.0: moj upor - moja demokracija, 2023 Central european youth manifesto 4.0, 2022 Central european youth manifesto 3.0, 2021 Central european youth manifesto 2.0, 2019 Central european youth manifesto 1.0, 2018

16. 2. 2023|

Our Food. Our future. youth lab manifesto

As part of the Our Food. Our future project, the partners conducted several Youth Labs – workshops with youth, in order to present the problems of food production and consumption and its consequences for the environment and human rights. The main goal was to empower European youth to be actively engaged in changing their societies for the better by taking action. We compiled a manifesto based on the Youth Labs, which contains young people’s demands for a sustainable, more equitable and fairer future for all.   Projekt #GoEAThical je sofinanciran s sredstvi Evropske komisije, Raising public awareness of development issues and [več ...]

22. 4. 2022|

Climate and energy transition: the untapped potential of EU funds (»Podnebni in energetski prehod: neizkoriščeni potenciali sredstev Evropske unije«)

Za prehod v podnebno nevtralnost so potrebne dolgoročne naložbe v infrastrukturo čiste energije. Za trajnostno oživitev gospodarstva po sedanji krizi pa so ključnega pomena tako javne kot zasebne naložbe v energetsko učinkovitost in obnovljive vire energije. Vendar pa izsledki nove raziskave kažejo, v kako majhni meri države EU izkoriščajo sredstva EU za regionalni razvoj, ki so na voljo v ta namen. Proračun EU je najboljši način za pomoč pri gospodarskem okrevanju, zato morajo države članice pri porabljanju sredstev EU veliko večjo pozornost nameniti podnebnim ukrepom.  

19. 4. 2020|

Education for sustainable development Slovenia – research report 2011

The research sets out to map the content that already exists in the national curricula, the content that is either explicitly aligned with the teaching for sustainable development, or is related to it. Based on such mapping it is expected to show how the existing curricular content can be modified (in minor or substantial manner) to contribute to ESD. Besides curricular mapping it is looking into the subject curricula and textbooks concerning the same ESD content. Though not as comprehensive as the curricular mapping, these provide a clearer idea of how important goals expressed in the Framework Curriculum are presented [več ...]

16. 10. 2019|
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