E-news update February 20 2006

1.1. Kyoto treaty only first step in climate change battle: EU official
1.2. EU pressures Bush over climate accord
1.3. Climate change treaty one year old, but emissions still on the rise
1.4. UNFCCC chief sees Kyoto Protocol countries on their way to reach emissions targets

2.1. China actively responds to climate change challenge
2.2. China and EU sign clean energy partnership
2.3. European Commission takes action against deficient renewable energy legislation

3.1. Glacier Melt Could Signal Faster Rise in Ocean Levels

4.1. Changing Climates - the role of renewable energy in a carbon-constrained world
4.2. V-Carbon News
4.3. Agenda for Climate Action
4.4. Subscribe to the upcoming UNFCCC newsletter
4.5. Montreal 2005: What happened and What it means

5.1. Methane to Markets subcommittee meetings announced

6.1. Invitation for comments: Ji project in Russia
6.2. Major new Dutch climate programme and campaign started
6.3. UNFCCC launches interactive map and reporting system for the CDM
6.4. CAN LULUCF e-mail list
6.5. 'CDM and JI in Charts' upgraded to Ver. 5.0
6.6. Working Papers on Programmatic CDM & Additionality - Input Sought
6.7. UNFCCC JI web site

19. 2. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update February 13 2006

1.1. WWF asks for mandatory eco-certification for biofuels

2.1. Energy Efficiency: The Antidote to the Energy Crisis
2.2. New Report Links Renewable Energy to Climate Change Solutions

3.1. Global Warming Boosting Greenland Glacier Flow
3.2. Global Warming a Major Health Risk – Scientists
3.3. Global warming: passing the 'tipping point'

4.1. Renewable Energy Toolkit: An Operational Guide for Electric Services, (REToolKit)

5.1. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation in Developing Countries
5.2. Linking Schemes: Potential Impacts of Linking the European Union

6.1. New climate adaptation resource webpage
6.2. New WISIONS grants: energy in schools

13. 2. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Javna razprava o prometni politiki bolj potrebna od nadaljnje gradnje avtocest

Ljubljana, 9. februar – Koalicija za trajnostno prometno politiko ostro nasprotuje nadaljnjemu zadolževanju DARS za gradnjo avtocest v višini dobre milijarde evrov. Vlada namreč z odobritvijo nadaljnjega zadolževanja za gradnjo avtocest jasno kaže, da je govorjenje o razvoju železnice in trajnostni usmeritvi prometne politike le 'fasada' za javnost in EU.

7. 2. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update February 6 2006

1.1. US senators debate climate change; bill months away
1.2. Energy and Tourism Top Agenda for Biggest Ever Gathering of Environment Ministers
1.3. EU energy chief says Europe must cut consumption
1.4. European citizens in favour of a European Energy policy, says Eurobarometer survey
1.5. Potocnik stresses importance of climate change research in FP7

2.1. Climate impacts of German export credits to be disclosed
2.2. Governments Must Give Green Incentives
2.3. Investors Press Top 2,000 Firms on Climate Change
2.4. EWEA release of market statistics

3.1. Floods and Drought Boost Global Disasters in 2005
3.2. Global Warming Demands Urgent Solutions, Scientists Say

4.1. New publication on ET and investments in heat and power generation

4.2. Invitation for comments – JI project in Romania

5. 2. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update January 30 2006

1.1. Conflict between two sides blurs global warnings
1.2. Energy takes centre stage in EU growth plan
1.3. EU energy savings drive gains momentum

2.1. Sea energy to power Britain
2.2. Negative Impacts of Carbon Sequestration Strategies
2.3. Italy to Present Energy Crisis Paper to G7, Ecofin
2.4. Sweden : We will break dependence on oil by 2020
2.5. China Sends Smoke Signals on Kyoto Protocol

3.1. 2005 Was Warmest Year on Record - NASA

4.1. Market-based instruments for environmental policy in Europe

30. 1. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update January 23 2006

1.1. EU governments urged to act on buildings energy
1.2. EU states chided over future energy efficiency plans
1.3. Momentum grows for common EU energy policy

2.1. Green marks for black stuff

3.1. Warmer seas will wipe out plankton, source of ocean life
3.2. Europe 's largest climate change experiment launched
3.3. Global warming to speed up as carbon levels show sharp rise

4.1. The European Forum of FEDRE
4.2. CAN-E General Assembly

5.1. The Economics of Wind Power with Energy Storage
5.2. In from the Cold: The Climate Conference in Montreal Breathes New Life into the Kyoto Protocol
5.3. Forest Vocation Lands and Forest Policy: When Simpler is Better
5.4. Agriculture and environment in EU-15 - the IRENA indicator report

6.1. New web page on EU ETS
6.2. The UNEP Risoe CDM Pipeline Overview has been updated 17-01-2006 .

23. 1. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update January 16 2006

1.1. "Alternative" climate change conference challenges Kyoto
1.2. Commission sets out guidance on national allocations for 2008-2012

2.1. California Regulators Adopt $2.9 Billion Solar Power Plan
2.2. India says will not agree to emissions caps
2.3. New Source of Global Warming Gas Found – Plants
2.4. Sweden plans on being the first country in the world to be free from oil in 2020
2.5. Plugging into wind, sun and water

3.1. Study Finds Global Warming Is Killing Frogs

4.1. 12th PhD workshop on International Climate Policy

5.1. Environment and health

6.1. Invitation for comments – JI project in Hungary
6.2. Invitation for comments – JI project in Russian Federation
6.3. Join the snowmen action day against global warming!
6.4. New CURES mailing list on Bioenergy

16. 1. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update January 9 2006

1.1. Climate Change and Energy - review of the year 2005

2.1. More than just hot air?
2.2. European Union Carbon Prices May Rise to EU35 a Ton (Update1)
2.3. Low-cost lamps brighten the future of rural India
2.4. France not Ready for Compulsory Biofuel Blending
2.5. EBRD puts energy efficiency close to top of lending list
2.6. In Russia , Pollution Is Good for Business

3.1. Booming population 'threat to climate change fight'
3.2. Past Hot Times Hold Few Reasons to Relax About New Warming

4.1. Household consumption and the environment
4.2. Sustainable use and management of natural resources

5.1. UNIDO Francophone CDM project

10. 1. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update January 3 2006 – part 1

1.1. Challenges 2005-2006: Kyoto 's Timetables, UN Red Tape Count Against Africa
1.2. Riding the wave of 'new' Kyoto
1.3. India must show leadership on climate change
1.4. Kyoto Protocol confirmed as the only game in town

2.1. Panama jungle power plan worries environmentalists
2.2. Gas Emissions Reached High in U.S. in '04
2.3. Seven US States Sign CO2 Plan in Break with Bush
2.4. China firms, World Bank in $930 mln emissions deal
2.5. Ford Calls for Broad Discussion On Carbon-Dioxide Emissions
2.6. We'd rather keep the lights on than be green

3.1. Pollutants ward off global warming, study finds
3.2. Pollution May Slow Warming; Cleaner Air May Speed It, Study Says
3.3. Polar bears drown as ice shelf melts
3.4. The weather in 2026
3.5. Study: Climate change may melt permafrost

4.1. Household consumption and the environment
4.2. Review of New Zealand climate change policy

5.1. Invitation for comments - JI project in Russia
5.2. Invitation for comments – JI project in Bulgaria
5.3. Invitation for comments – JI project in Bulgaria
5.4. The UNEP Risoe CDM Pipeline Overview has been updated
5.5. Vacancy announcement

3. 1. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Poziv Janezu Janši

Slovenske okoljske organizacije Fokus, Gajo, Slovenski E-forum in Umanotera so predsednika vlade danes pozvale, da naj v imenu slovenske vlade zahteva, da je Slovenija vključena v čezmejno presojo vplivov na okolje za podaljšanje življenjske dobe madžarske jedrske elektrarne Paks.

22. 12. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Potrebujemo trajnostno prometno politiko

Po pregledu objavljene resolucije o prometni politiki z naslovom »Intermodalnost: čas za sinergijo«, se je oblikovala Koalicija za trajnostno prometno politiko, ki bo pozvala politično, strokovno in širšo javnost k sprejetju trajnostne prometne politike, ki bo enakovredno razvijala vse elemente prometnega sistema in zagotavljala mobilnost vsem skupinam, hkrati pa bo jasno določila svoje cilje.

22. 12. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Vabilo na novinarsko konferenco

Koalicija za trajnostno prometno politiko vabi na novinarsko konferenco, ki bo v sredo, 21. decembra ob 12. uri v Regionalnem centru za okolje na Slovenski 5 v Ljubljani.

20. 12. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update December 19 2005

1.1. Developing nations offer hope in climate talks
1.2. Carbon Market Still Green

2.1. 'Threatened' status sought for polar bears
2.2. Global Warming Will Force Santa Into Waterwings – WWF
2.3. Climate, storms hit extremes in 2005

3.1. Large scale integration of wind energy in the European power supply
3.2. Green and White certificate schemes and the EU ETS
3.3. Key terms used in greenhouse gas reporting and accounting for the land use, land use change
and forestry sector

4.1. Invitation for comments – JI project in Bulgaria

19. 12. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update December 12 2005

1.1. Joy as climate talks take Kyoto to next phase
1.2. US stays out of post-Kyoto global climate deal
1.3. Kyoto Protocol moves ahead as Bush's wrecking tactics fail
1.4. U.S. , Under Fire, Eases Its Stance in Climate Talks

2.1. European Commission proposes ambitious biomass and biofuels action plan and calls on Member States to do more for green electricity
2.2. EU Sugar Reforms to Boost Grains, Rapeseed Area
2.3. EU falls short on energy efficiency* again
2.4. EU ‘needs unified energy policy’ on climate change
2.5. Germany to Push for Deeper Emissions Cuts – Minister
2.6. China to give priority to hydropower

3.1. Annual European Community CLRTAP emission inventory 1990-2003
3.2. Source apportionment of nitrogen and phosphorus inputs into the aquatic environment
3.3. Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in Europe
3.4. Towards a Post-2012 Climate Change Regime
3.5. Greenhouse gas emission trends and projections 2005
3.6. "Sectoral CDM: Opening the CDM to the yet Unrealized Goal of Sustainable Development"
3.7. The report of Expert Workshop on Cooking and Carbon,
3.8. CDM Country Guide
3.9. The European environment - State and outlook 2005
3.10. Technology in a Post-2012 Transatlantic Perspective
3.11. Industry Location and Climate Change Policy-Making in the United States
3.12. It’s time to reframe the Climate Change Debate
3.13. Shifting Strategies in the Global Climate Negotiations
3.14. New CDM guidebook on Baseline Methodologies

4.1. "12th PhD Workshop on International Climate Policy"

12. 12. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update December 12 2005

1.1. Joy as climate talks take Kyoto to next phase
1.2. US stays out of post-Kyoto global climate deal
1.3. Kyoto Protocol moves ahead as Bush's wrecking tactics fail
1.4. U.S. , Under Fire, Eases Its Stance in Climate Talks

2.1. European Commission proposes ambitious biomass and biofuels action plan and calls on Member States to do more for green electricity
2.2. EU Sugar Reforms to Boost Grains, Rapeseed Area
2.3. EU falls short on energy efficiency* again
2.4. EU ‘needs unified energy policy’ on climate change
2.5. Germany to Push for Deeper Emissions Cuts – Minister
2.6. China to give priority to hydropower

3.1. Annual European Community CLRTAP emission inventory 1990-2003
3.2. Source apportionment of nitrogen and phosphorus inputs into the aquatic environment
3.3. Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in Europe
3.4. Towards a Post-2012 Climate Change Regime
3.5. Greenhouse gas emission trends and projections 2005
3.6. "Sectoral CDM: Opening the CDM to the yet Unrealized Goal of Sustainable Development"
3.7. The report of Expert Workshop on Cooking and Carbon,
3.8. CDM Country Guide
3.9. The European environment - State and outlook 2005
3.10. Technology in a Post-2012 Transatlantic Perspective
3.11. Industry Location and Climate Change Policy-Making in the United States
3.12. It’s time to reframe the Climate Change Debate
3.13. Shifting Strategies in the Global Climate Negotiations
3.14. New CDM guidebook on Baseline Methodologies

4.1. "12th PhD Workshop on International Climate Policy"

12. 12. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Uspešen konec podnebnih pogajanj v Montrealu

Vladni predstavniki so v Montrealu v zgodnjih jutranjih urah 10. decembra dosegli zgodovinski sporazum o prihodnjih ukrepih za boj proti spreminjanju podnebja. Montrealski akcijski načrt je bil uspešno končan

12. 12. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update November 28 2005

1.1. Montreal 2005: Taking Action on Climate Change
1.2. EU hints at policy shift on climate change talks
1.3. Witnesses bear testimony to climate change
1.4. Clear the air on climate change
1.5. N. Korea Joins Kyoto Protocol

2.1. US greenhouse gas output falls
2.2. Poor nations light their way without Kyoto caps
2.3. Govt to proceed with oil palm project

3.1. Millions face glacier catastrophe - Global warming hits Himalayas

4.1. New guide on COP/MOP process
4.2. Hotspot 40 – November 2005
4.3. Updated ISI-manual on flexible mechanisms for climate protection
4.4. The European Refinery Industry under the EU Emissions Trading Scheme
4.5. Deploying Climate-friendly Technologies through Collaboration with Developing Countries
4.6. Results of the newest Global Forest Resource Assessment 2005
4.7. NGO's WS at BIREC2005 documents
4.8. Post-2012 Climate Targets for the North
4.9. Option Survey for Japan to Acquire Credits from Abroad
4.10. CAIT version 3.0 is now availabe from WRI

5.1. Invitation for comments - Bulgarian Renewable Energy Portfolio
5.2. Invitation for comments: Puck Wind Farm Generation Project, Poland
5.3. Invitation for comments: Methane gas Capture and Electricity Production Kubratovo Wastewater Treatment, Bulgaria
5.4. COP11 Website of the WI 5.5. Call for papers and supporters – EE & RES Congress 2006

28. 11. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update November 21 2005

1.1. Commission to push EU climate change policies
1.2. European Parliament voted through a strong report on climate change
1.3. U.S. won't try to undercut Kyoto climate treaty, official says

2.1. EU states lose grip on climate change targets
2.2. New pricing system for green electricity
2.3. China-EU workshop on climate change opens

3.1. The big thaw
3.2. Climate change kills - WHO

4.1. "Future CDM" Workshop in Montreal

5.1. On the Climate Change Effects of High Oil Prices
5.2. Key GHG data
5.3. CDM PDD Guidebook: Navigating the Pitfalls
5.4. The global market for bioenergy between climate protection and development policy
5.5. Pew Dialogue Report on 2012 climate effort

6.1. Informal Dialogue on The Role of LULUCF in the Climate Change Response
6.2. New Climate Change Exhibition "Clarity" on CD-ROM

21. 11. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Poziv vladi za aktivnejši boj proti spreminjanju podnebja

Ljubljana, 17. november – Člani Fokus društva za sonaraven razvoj so danes ministru Podobniku predali nekaj več kot 2500 podpisov ljudi, ki zahtevajo aktivnejši boj proti spreminjanju podnebja. Vlado pozivajo, da Slovenija sprejme cilj zmanjšanja emisij toplogrednih plinov za 30 % glede na leto 1986 do leta 2020. Ta cilj je v skladu z napovedmi znanstvenikov o potrebnem zmanjšanju emisij toplogrednih plinov v razvitih državah, če želimo ohraniti varno podnebje.

17. 11. 2005|Kategorije: Pomembno|
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