Connected for Forests

The project addresses the loss of biodiversity in Slovenian forests as a result of climate change and the exploitation of forests for economic gain. Biodiversity is key to the normal functioning of forest ecosystems. If the delicate balances within them are upset (due to climate change), the forest can no longer fulfil its primary function. Only biodiverse ecosystems can provide benefits to society – water and air filtration, carbon storage, soil retention, raw materials and social functions such as relaxation and recreation. One effective way to conserve biodiversity is to create protected areas or forest reserves. Forest reserves are [več ...]

29. 5. 2024|

My Resistance, My Democracy

In 2023 and 2024, the project will organise several workshops and conferences for young people, develop a youth manifesto, participate in youth activities and two international meetings where young people will learn about creative methods of political participation and advocacy processes. There will be several meetings with decision-makers and round tables, with a particular focus on young people who are not represented in power structures and whose voices are all too often ignored. We will look at youth activities through the historical prism of youth movements. Project Partners: Südwind (Austria), WeWorld (Italy), BRF – Buy responsibly foundation (Poland), Polis [več ...]

29. 5. 2024|

Moja revolucija 5.0 – sodelovanje

V okviru projekta Moja revolucija 5.0 - sodelovanje se bo v letu 2023 in 2024 odvilo več delavnic in konferenc za mlade, mladi bodo razvili mladinski manifest in sodelovali na mladinskih aktivnostih na Dunaju in v Bolonji, potekalo bo več srečanj z odločevalci, okroglih miz, s posebnim poudarkom na mladih, ki niso zastopani v strukturah moči in katerih glas je vse prepogosto prezrt. Projekt se začne z delom z mladinskimi centri v štirih državah (Slovenija, Italija, Avstrija, Poljska). Delavnice se bodo začele s predstavitvijo različnih možnosti, ki jih imajo mladi za politično participacijo, od lokalnega do EU nivoja. Vzpostavili [več ...]

27. 2. 2023|

OUR FOOD.OUR FUTURE – We are hungry for Justice

#GoEAThical: European youth advocate for sustainable food supply chains that respect migrant workers' rights and reduce climate change, hunger and poverty as key drivers of migration. Our food system has a major impact on climate change and the causes of migration (poverty, hunger, etc.). To ensure a sustainable change in the attitudes and behaviour of more than 30 million young Europeans, we will start by analysing food consumption, highlighting the global links between the issues and making it clear that we all have a leading role to play in promoting a fairer, more dignified and more inclusive world. One [več ...]

21. 10. 2022|


ENERGISE recognises cultural change as a key ingredient in successful energy transitions. Individual energy consumption is a function of who we are, where we come from, and the socio-cultural and material contexts in which we live. Societal norms and routines with regard to work, education, family life, consumption and recreation greatly determine our patterns of energy use as well as our ability and/or willingness to change those patterns. Without a comprehensive understanding of these energy cultures, public policy measures to reduce energy consumption at the individual or household levels are likely to fail. ENERGISE adopts a Living Labs approach to [več ...]

21. 10. 2022|


ENGAGER is a research network aimed at developing and strengthening an international community of researchers and practitioners focused on combating energy poverty – a condition typically manifested by the inability to secure adequate levels of domestic energy services (such as heating, lighting, cooling, appliances). ENGAGER brings together scholars and practitioners based both within and outside Europe who focus on various aspects of complex energy poverty challenges. The ENGAGER 2017-2021 COST Action seeks to bring about transformational change in the investigation and amelioration of household-level energy poverty in Europe. It is facilitating the development of comprehensive, innovative and evidence-based policy frameworks. [več ...]

21. 10. 2022|


EmpowerMed addresses the challenge of energy poverty in the Mediterranean, with a particular focus on the inclusion and empowerment of women. In the Mediterranean countries, coastal areas face a number of specific challenges in the field of energy poverty, mainly related to the thermal comfort of housing. Buildings are barely insulated, often with non-existing or very inefficient heating systems. The cooling component is an important element of energy poverty in these areas. Energy poverty disproportionately affects women and women-led households, but at the same time, women are powerful agents in the fight against energy poverty. Although much is known [več ...]

21. 10. 2022|


Unify: Bringing the EU together on climate action aims to facilitate the effective and early transition of Member States across Europe to low carbon and resilient economies by unifying three key policy opportunities: programming of EU funds, National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs), and national and the EU’s Long Term Strategies. Through its targeted activities in 10 Member States and at the EU level, the Unify project showcases that if these three key EU policy processes are consistent, ambitious and in line with the Paris Agreement objectives, they could help all EU Member States to step up climate action. Through [več ...]

21. 10. 2022|
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