E-news update 15 March 2010


1.1. EU ministers to back 'urgent' climate aid for poor nations
1.2. EU climate strategy: Commissioner Hedegaard picks up the pieces
1.3. Stern backs $100bn IMF climate fund plan


2.1. Few EU countries plan to trade renewable energy
2.2. Green groups sue Commission over withheld biofuels docs
2.3. West worries about Russia turning to coal
2.4. Brussels against exporting nuclear waste outside EU


3.1. EU CO2 tax proposal due in April
3.2. UK import emissions are the highest in Europe, figures show
3.3. Carbon offsetting in the EU: who's buying what, where revealed for the first time
3.4. UNECE announces the introduction in 41 countries of type approval for electric and hybrid vehicles’ electric safety requirements
3.5. Motor lobby attack on van CO2 law is not credible
3.6. Drivers of older cars 'could be charged twice as much to park


4.1. INNOVATIONS - Position paper on Benchmarking and allocation rules in phase III of the EU Emissions Trading System
4.2. The Carbon Rich List : The companies profiting from the EU Emissions Trading Scheme


5.1. Bond Development and Environment Group Coordinator
5.2. Expert to ISO TC 229 Nanotechnologies


6.1. Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism - CDM-EB 53
6.2. The EU Sustainable Energy Week 22-26 March 2010

2010-03-12T13:49:09+01:0012. 3. 2010|Pomembno|

Okoljski glasniki v akciji – vikend delavnica

V soboto in nedeljo (6. in 7. 3.10) sta Focus društvo in Voluntariat izvedla delavnici za 15 Okoljskih glasnikov – prostovoljcev, na temo okoljevarstva, podnebnih sprememb, moči posameznika v boju za boljše okolje.

2010-03-10T15:38:31+01:0010. 3. 2010|Novice|

Poziv ministru Žarniæu: Kaj se dogaja na Upravi RS za jedrsko varnost?

Danes smo ministra Žarniæa pozvali, da oblikuje neodvisno komisijo, ki bo raziskala, kaj se v resnici dogaja na Uprave RS za jedrsko varnost (URSJV). Že nekaj tednov je v medijih mogoče zaslediti poročila o napakah v delovanju URSJV in le vprašanje časa je, kdaj se utegne katera od teh kršitev izkazati za katastrofalno.

2010-03-10T09:53:50+01:0010. 3. 2010|Pomembno|
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