Bodi del živega napisa Ukrepaj zdaj! to soboto, 24.10.2009
Akcija to soboto, 24.10.2009 ob 9.45: Živi napis Ukrepaj zdaj!
Akcija to soboto, 24.10.2009 ob 9.45: Živi napis Ukrepaj zdaj!
Vabilo za medije *** FOTO PRILOŽNOST *** 24. oktober 2009 ob 10.30
1.1. Rapid ice loss found in survey supports trend to summer ice free Arctic within decade
1.2. ANALYSIS - U.N. climate talks may need extra time in 2010
1.3. EU nears tech transfer deal on climate change
1.4. EU countries get cold feet on raising climate goals
1.5. Comprehensive climate deal still out of reach
2.1. Brussels to propose mandatory EU energy savings goal
2.2. Airlines to commit to ambitious fuel savings
2.3. EU promotes smart metering in fight against global warming
2.4. Green groups demand new EU laws to end energy waste in buildings
2.5. U.N. calls for more sophisticated biofuels debate
3.1. EU members failing their citizens over air quality
3.2. Commission asked to weaken planned CO2 cuts for vans
3.3. Finland says aims to cut emissions 80 pct by 2050