E-news update 9 February 2009


1.1. World cannot afford to ignore climate change, Ban says at New Delhi summit
1.2. United on climate change: Obama's Chinese revolution
1.3. Scientists plan emergency summit on climate change


2.1. France's Nuclear Failures
2.2. Wind at work


3.1. Ireland sets electric vehicle goal


4.1. Japan calls on nations to cut emissions


5.1. *Programme Manager - Clean Freight*
5.2. Looking for a career with Oxfam?


6.1. Seventh session of the AWG-KP and fifth session of the AWG-LCA
6.2. CDM-EB 45 - Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism
6.3. ISC 14 - Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee

2009-02-09T16:09:00+01:009. 2. 2009|Pomembno|

E-news update 2 February 2009


1.1. Obama urged not to backburner climate change
1.2. Leaders Discuss Global Climate Change Policies
1.3. Europe needs to go much further towards Copenhagen


2.1. California Waiver Start of Clean Energy Future
2.2. Rebound of nuclear plants raising worries over waste
2.3. Reaction to Commission proposal on an economic recovery plan


3.1. Potočnik challenges car industry to go green


4.1. EEW Brochure "Promoting Energy Efficiency in Europe"


5.1. Seventh session of the AWG-KP and fifth session of the AWG-LCA

5.2. CDM-EB 45 - Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism

5.3. ISC 14 - Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee
2009-02-02T09:49:46+01:002. 2. 2009|Pomembno|

Predlog Evropske komisije ni zadosten za pravičen podnebni dogovor

Ljubljana, 28. januar 2009 - Danes predstavljeni predlog Evropske komisije za t.i. post 2012 podnebni dogovor, ki predlaga cilje zmanjševanja emisij in financiranje podnebnih ukrepov v državah v razvoju, je po mnenju Focus društva za sonaraven razvoj sicer pomemben korak na poti do dogovora v Kopenhagnu, vendar pa ni zadosten za pravičen podnebni dogovor. 

2009-01-28T13:03:32+01:0028. 1. 2009|Pomembno|
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