E-news update10 November 2008


1.1. Alliance against parts of EU climate plans widens
1.2. UN announces Beijing Declaration on climate change
1.3. WWF welcomes Obama’s election


2.1 Swedish nuclear plant posted cleaners as guards
2.2. Parliament puts the brakes on energy-efficient tyres


3.1. Annual circulation tax to be introduced


4.1. Nuclear power - Undermining climate protection


5.1. Campaign Coordinator for its European Car Campaign
5.2. CDMWatch – a joint NGO project to monitor the CDM


6.1. The United Nations Climate Change Conference, Poznañ, Poland - COP 14
6.2. Seventh session of the AWG-KP and fifth session of the AWG-LCA
6.3. Thirtieth sessions of the UNFCCC Convention subsidiary bodies - SBSTA and SBI, sixth session of the AWG-LCA and eighth session of the AWG-KP

2008-11-10T10:15:27+01:0010. 11. 2008|Pomembno|

Ohranimo Slovenijo, pomagajmo Indiji!

Vabimo vas, da tudi vi sodelujete v akciji zbiranja odpadnega papirja slovenskih osnovnih in srednjih šol ter vrtcev Ohranimo Slovenijo – pomagajmo Indiji, ki pod pokroviteljstvom dr. Romane Jordan Cizelj, slovenske poslanke v EP, poteka od oktobra do konca decembra 2008. Denar od odprodaje odpadnega papirja bo namenjen šoli Piali Ashar Alo, ki jo je za najrevnejše otroke Pialija v Indiji februarja 2008 ustanovila Slovenka Mojca Gayen.

2008-11-06T15:12:10+01:006. 11. 2008|Novice|

Vabimo vas, da tudi vi sodelujete v akciji zbiranja odpadnega papirja slovenskih osnovnih in srednjih šol ter vrtcev Ohranimo Slovenijo – pomagajmo Indiji, ki pod pokroviteljstvom dr. Romane Jordan Cizelj, slovenske poslanke v EP, poteka od oktobra do konca decembra 2008. Denar od odprodaje odpadnega papirja bomo namenili šoli Piali Ashar Alo, ki jo je za najrevnejše otroke Pialija v Indiji februarja 2008 ustanovila Slovenka Mojca Gayen.

2008-11-06T15:06:43+01:006. 11. 2008|Novice|

E-news 3 November 2008


1.1. Ban asks private sector to join fight against climate change
1.2. World's first climate law is a victory for people power


2.1. Wedding ceremony celebrates EU Commission's love-in with big business


3.1. European Scientists: 'Let's Set Up A Global Solar Energy Grid'
3.2. European biofuels win last-minute reprieve
3.3. France to phase-out inefficient lamps from 2009


4.1. Emissions from land-use change must not be ignored


5.1. Living Planet analysis shows looming ecological credit crunch
5.2. New global energy [R]evolution report


6.1. The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Poznañ , Poland - COP 14

2008-11-01T14:36:27+01:001. 11. 2008|Pomembno|
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