Akcija ob Forumu Evropske investicijske banke

27. 9. 2007 pripravljata mednarodna organizacija CEE Bankwatch Network in Focus društvo za sonaraven razvoj ulično akcijo, katere namen je opozoriti na netrajnostna posojila Evropske investicijske banke in predlagati usmeritev v posojanje za trajnostno energijo in promet. Akcija bo potekala na Prešernovem trgu v Ljubljani in sicer med 10. in 16. uro.

2007-09-21T16:26:15+02:0021. 9. 2007|Napovednik|

E-news update September 17 2007

1.1. Czech, Swedish, French leaders for road map on climate protection
1.2. UNFCCC workshop on adaptation planning and practices concludes in Rome
1.3. Berlin climate meeting helps to pave way for Bali
1.4. US states win right to set carbon target

2.1. Fossil fuel efficiency projects to receive much-needed investment under Kyoto Protocol’s CDM
2.2. Renewable energy to be a priority for nation
2.3. Breaking up is hard to do
2.4. OECD slams agrofuels - Friends of the Earth Europe urges EU to scrap 10 percent target
2.5. US gets more countries to join in GNEP nuke-energy programme

3.1. Short Training Course on Energy
3.2. General Conference of the Union of the Baltic Cities
3.3. RENEXPO 2007 - International Trade Fair and Conference for Renewable Energies
3.4. European Sustainable Energy Seminar and Tour
3.5. European Meeting Point: Energy for Development 2007
3.6. Climate Change at the EU REGIONS Open Days
3.7. CDM 2.0 conference: what post-2012 mechanisms do we need?
3.8. UN Millennium Development Goals - discussing practical examples on a local level
3.9. 3rd Annual European Energy Policy Conference 2007
3.10. United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 13 and CMP 3)

2007-09-17T11:13:46+02:0017. 9. 2007|Pomembno|

Nova orodja za spodbujanje trajnostne mobilnosti

Ljubljana, 15. september 2007 – Focus društvo za sonaraven razvoj je pripravilo nekaj novih orodij za spodbujanje trajnostne mobilnosti. V tednu mobilnosti bomo v društvu predstavili zloženko »Vsi v enega, eden za vse! «, nalepko »En avto manj. «, nagradni natečaj in delavnice za srednje šole »Javni prevoz je kul« in spletno stran o upravljanju mobilnosti v podjetjih.

2007-09-13T16:55:40+02:0013. 9. 2007|Pomembno|

E-news update September 10 2007

1.1. APEC sets "aspirational" target to tackle climate change
1.2. Climate Talks Will Test US Resolve
1.3. EU climate flight plans 'deluded'

2.1. China launches $133.3 billion renewable energy plan
2.2. Megatrucks on EU roads? Yes, but under strict conditions
2.3. Asia-Pacific businesses call for carbon pricing
2.4. Plan To Ban 'Energy-Guzzling' Goods - UK

3.1. Short Training Course on Energy
3.2. General Conference of the Union of the Baltic Cities
3.3. RENEXPO 2007 - International Trade Fair and Conference for Renewable Energies
3.4. European Sustainable Energy Seminar and Tour
3.5. European Meeting Point: Energy for Development 2007
3.6. Climate Change at the EU REGIONS Open Days
3.7. CDM 2.0 conference: what post-2012 mechanisms do we need?
3.8. UN Millennium Development Goals - discussing practical examples on a local level
3.9. 3rd Annual European Energy Policy Conference 2007
3.10. United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 13 and CMP 3)

4.1. Coming clean: The Truth and Nuture of Coal in Asia Pacific
4.2. Annual European Community greenhouse gas inventory 1990-2005 and inventory report 2007

5.1. Job announcement - Climate Change Programme Coordinator
5.2. Job annoncement – WWF senior climate change advisor

2007-09-10T09:53:51+02:0010. 9. 2007|Pomembno|
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