E-news update December 19 2006

1.1. EU environment chief seeks 30 pct emissions cut
1.2. EU presses Italy , Hungary , Denmark on emissions caps
1.3. EU heads off carbon rift with airlines
1.4. EP calls for climate change and renewables to be the bottom line of EU energy strategy
1.5. Biomass and biofuels: Parliament adopts sustainability criteria and preferences for bioenergy

2.1. Climate Change Melts Kilimanjaro's Snows
2.2. Climate change 'could kill off Alpine skiing'

3.1. Mobilizing Wood Resources
3.2. Climate change; Science, Impacts and Responses

4.1. Realizing Community Futures
4.2. New working paper on an econometric analysis of emission allowances based on 2005-2006 data
4.3. Partnerships in Sustainable Forest Resource Management: Learning from Latin America

5.1. Opening of call for experts (appraisals/reviews)
5.2. Opening of call for experts (JI assessment team members for accreditation)
5.3. Marie Curie European Summer School on Earth System Governance

19. 12. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update December 11 2006

1.1. Global warming, local initiatives
1.2. Kyoto Gets a Slap in the Face from Canada
1.3. Recent Global Stabilisation of Atmospheric Methane
1.4. Germany Aims to Cap Airline's CO2 Emissions
1.5. Four States Set to Join EU Carbon Market
1.6. World Future Council votes for international climate change campaign
1.7. NY Plans to Auction 100 Percent of CO2 Permits

2.1. "Tackling climate change – An appraisal of the Kyoto Protocol and options for the future"

3.1. Nairobi talks made progress on forest conservation for global warming emissions credits
3.2. Offstting in context – new report from the Carbon Trust
3.3. Citizens' Guide to European Complaint Mechanisms
3.4. Deforestation and the Crisis of Global Governance
3.5. Forestry landscape restoration handbook
3.6.How to make Europe the most resource and energy efficient Economy in the World
3.7. Land accounts for Europe 1990-2000
3.8. Achieving GHG Emission reductions in Developing Countries Through Energy Efficient Lighting Projects in the CDM

4.1. Invitation for comments – 2 JI projects in Turkey - correction

11. 12. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Slovenija zamuja priložnost, da si s pomočjo sredstev iz EU zagotovi trajnostno prihodnost

Ljubljana/Bruselj, 5. december 2006 – Primerjalni analizi o načrtovani porabi sredstev iz EU skladov kažeta, da Slovenija ni dodobra izkoristila priložnosti za financiranje trajnostnega razvoja iz teh skladov. Nevladne organizacije ocenjujejo, da obstaja velik potencial za prerazporeditev prioritet na področja trajnostne rabe energije in trajnostne mobilnosti.

5. 12. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update December 4 2006

1.1. EU tries to combat climate change with tough CO2 cut
1.2. Commission tells Members States to cut emissions
1.3. Europe accepts its role as the green pioneer of the world
1.4. New IDB sustainable energy and climate change initiative
1.5. Justices’ First Brush With Global Warming

2.1. Expert Warns China to Act or Suffer Consequences of Climate Change
2.2. Warmer oceans storing climate change dangers
2.3. New Crops Needed to Meet Climate Crisis

3.1. Achieving GHG Emission reductions in Developing Countries Through Energy Efficient Lighting Projects in the CDM
3.2. Overcoming the barriers: mainstreaming climate change adaptation in developing countries
3.3. Impacts of Climate Change in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta
3.4. Urban Sprawl in Europe - The ignored challenge

4.1. Invitation for comments – 2 JI projects in Turkey

4. 12. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update November27 2006

1.1. Portugal to Invest 354 Million Euros to Meet Kyoto
1.2. Danish Vestas Shares Soar as Wind Power Market Booms
1.3. Secret plan to impose EU-wide carbon limit - Industry commissioner urges introduction of unilateral emissions target by 2020
1.4. China to Start Building 6 GW Hydro Plant
1.5. EU ministers dodge commitment to cut energy waste - Empty words from EU Energy Council on increasing energy efficiency

2.1. Climate Change may affect Delivery of WFD objectives

3.1. 3rd Austrian JI/CDM Workshop

4.1. UNEP publishes simplified guides to IPCC reports on CCS and HFCs
4.2. New FEEM Working Paper on the Effect of the EU ETS
4.3. Choosing a forest definition for the Clean Development Mechanism

5.1. NASA scientist wins WWF conservation medal
5.2. New website on forestry

27. 11. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Kjoto gre naprej počasnemu tempu navkljub

Pogajanja ZN o spremembi podnebja v Nairobiju so se končala z večinoma nezadovoljivimi rezultati in le skromnim napredkom v okviru Kjotskega protokola. Podnebne spremembe morajo postati najvišja prioriteta vlad, če resnično želimo preprečiti katastrofalne posledice.

22. 11. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update November21 2006

1.1. “Spirit of Nairobi” prevails as United Nations Climate Change Conference successfully concludes with decisions to support developing countries
1.2. EU hails 'solid progress' at climate conference
1.3. Mixed opinions on climate conference outcome
1.4. Kyoto moves forward despite slow pace
1.5. 2007 crucial in global warming battle
1.6. Barroso a born-again climate warrior
1.7. Still no post-Kyoto plan as climate talks end

2.1. Wind turbine supply contract for first African IPP wind farm signed
2.2. Climate-friendly energy neglected in EU spending plans for new member states
2.3. Spain Makes Solar Panels a Must on New Buildings
2.4. Commission sets out agenda for revising the EU emissions trading scheme from 2013
2.5. No gold medal winners in climate protection competition

3.1. New study on the economic impacts of linking the EU Emission Trading Scheme to emerging schemes beyond Europe in the framework of a post-Kyoto agreement
3.2. Carbon, Land and Water: A Global Analysis of the Hydrologic Dimensions of Climate Change Mitigation through Afforestation/Reforestation
3.3. An Early Assessment of National Allocation Plans for Phase 2 of EU Emission Trading
3.4. European forest types
3.5. Climate Change, Kyoto Protocol and Forest Sector - Afforestation/Reforestation Clean Development Mechanism in Asia
3.6. “Factors underpinning future action”
3.7. Cooperative Climate: Energy Efficiency Action in East Asia

4.1. Vacancy for a policy officer at CAN-Europe

21. 11. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Energetska dieta?!?

Ljubljana, 15. november 2006 – Fokus društvo za sonaraven razvoj je pripravilo zloženko Energetska dieta. Zloženka spodbuja ljudi k manjši rabi energije in rabi obnovljivih virov energije. Predstavlja številne nasvete, kako lahko vsak od nas z majhnimi spremembami prihrani kar nekaj denarja, pripomore k energetski varnosti Slovenije in obenem prispeva še k reševanju problema spreminjanja podnebja.


15. 11. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Ukrepati moramo, preden bo prepozno

Ljubljana, 6. november 2006 – Med 6. in 17. novembrom 2006 bodo v Nairobiju potekala podnebna pogajanja, kjer bodo predstavniki vlad celotnega sveta razpravljali o nadaljnih rešitvah v boju proti podnebnim spremembam. Znanstveniki in nevladne organizacije vse glasneje opozarjajo, da je potrebno ukrepati hitreje, sicer bo prepozno za nas in naš planet. Fokus društvo za sonaraven razvoj politike izziva s t. i. 'Podnebnim dogovorom'."

6. 11. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update October 16 2006

1.1. Commission asks Member States to provide important information in the fight against climate change
1.2. EU moots border tax to offset costs of climate action
1.3. Clean energy fund for poor countries
1.4. UK Government Plans Bill on Climate Change

2.1. Energy efficiency and renewables is the only strategy to meet climate targets
2.2. New Global Framework for Climate Risk Disclosure Released on 11 October 2006
2.3. European Wind Energy Association Recommends Specific Targets for Green Electricity

3.1. New report warns of cost of delaying action on climate
3.2. Trees Respond Slower to Climate Change that Previously Predicted

4.1. Launch of the European Wind Energy Technology Platform (TPWind)
4.2. "Empowering people for sustainable energy" conference, 9 November
4.3. Climate change and business conference 2006
4.4. Renewable energy and liberalization in electricity markets: Lessons and recommendations for policy

5.1. 2 new reports of FoE on climate change
5.2. New study: “Emissions Projections 2008-2012 versus NAPS II

6.1. Invitation for comments – JI project in Russian Federation
6.2. Invitation for comments – JI project in Ukraine (1)
6.3. Invitation for comments – JI project in Ukraine (2)
6.4. Invitation for comments – JI project in Lithuania
6.5. Application for accreditation under JI
6.6. Openning of call for experts (JI assessment team members for accreditation)
6.7. Call for comments on double counting and additional expert members to the CDM A/R WG

16. 10. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update October 2 2006

1.1. Merkel to Target Climate Change as G8, EU Leader
1.2. White House Says No Change on US Carbon Strategy
1.3. Energy efficiency plan hanging in the balance
1.4. Shocking Decision: Commission tells EU countries: 'stop subsidising renewable power'

2.1. Global Bioenergy Partnership Secretariat up, running
2.2. Methane emissions soar as China booms
2.3. Analysis-Economists on climate change: do we care?
2.4. Civil Society Groups criticise World Bank Clean Energy Strategy

3.1. Severe Impacts of Climate Change on Key Ecosystems Worldwide
3.2. U.S. blocked hurricane report, journal says

4.1. 7th Annual WADE Decentralized Energy Conference Expo & Annual Meeting
4.2. Energy Independence powered by Wind
4.3. Carbon Market Insights 2007

5.1. Invitation for comments – JI project in Bulgaria

2. 10. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update September 25 2006

1.1. Climate change tops British agenda in speech to UN
1.2. Update on NAPs II and EU ETS review
1.3. Joint implementation committee kick-starts 'Track 2'
1.4. EU, Asia back Kyoto implementation
1.5. U.N. climate body keeps hope alive on U.S

2.1. India will electrify 25.000 villages based on renewable energy
2.2. China 's energy focused on renewable sources
2.3. Power from pig waste project wins CDM approval
2.4. Annual green investment flow of some 100 billion dollars possible

3.1. Conclusive Proof that Spring is Arriving Earlier across Europe
3.2. Greenland Ice Sheet Melting Faster – Study

4.1. How-to Guide on National Institutional Frameworks for the KP Flexible Mechanism in Eastern Europe and the CIS
4.2. New issue of JIKO Info - EU-15 Missing Kyoto Targets?

5.1. Invitation for comments – JI project in Moscow

24. 9. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update September 18 2006

1.1. Swiss push polluter tax in fight vs climate change
1.2. ASEM seeks synergies between energy security and climate issues
1.3. UK-China climate change working group launched
1.4. Upcoming Launch of Joint Implementation

2.1. The Commission has unveiled concrete plans to manage its portion of ITER
2.2. World's leading companies lack plan on climate change
2.3. World Bank's clean energy plan sells climate and poor people short
2.4. Energy Commissioner Piebalgs presents a car that can drive 2,885 Km on one litre of fuel

3.1. Massive surge in disappearance of Arctic sea ice sparks global warning
3.2. Minister says Hungary to be hit hard by climate change

4.1. The 3rd International Green Energy Conference
4.2. Future Climate Change Policy: Looking beyond 2012

5.1. Climate Risk Management - Integrating Adaptation into World Bank Group Operations

18. 9. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update September 11 2006

1.1. China , EU to further strengthen cooperation on climate change
1.2. Global Warming Heats Up Capitol Hill
1.3. World Needs Far Tougher Action on Warming – UN
1.4. UNFCCC Parties discuss approaches to slow deforestation
1.5. UNFCCC secretariat receives first initial reports under the Kyoto protocol

2.1. Commission takes awareness-raising campaign into schools
2.2. Solar power ready to dominate the consumer energy market
2.3. Methane bubbles climate trouble

3.1. Global Warming Taking Earth Back to Dinosaur Era
3.2. Alpine Glaciers May Disappear within the Coming Decades

4.1. Austrian JI/CDM Workshop
4.2. International Conference Make Markets Work for Climate

5.1. Just one planet. Poverty, justice and climate change

6.1. Energy Green Paper consultation

11. 9. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update September 5 2006

1.1. Romanian NAP published for consultation
1.2. Tests Show Promise for New Environment Friendly Technologies
1.3. Survey predicts private sector to play important role in solving climate change
1.4. US direct action: How American cities have bypassed Bush on Kyoto
1.5. California Strikes Accord on Global Warming Bill

2.1. Climate change will reach point of no return in 20 years, says expert

3.1. The Renewable Resources - Sustainable Future –forum

4.1. The White House and the Kyoto Protocol: Double Standards on Uncertainties and their Consequences
4.2. The third report from the Working Group on Climate Change and Development 

5.1. Invitation for comments – JI project in Romania
5.2. Invitation for comments – JI project in Ukraine
5.3. Climate Deal cyber action
5.4. UK Environment for Europe Fund

5. 9. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Akcija na Muri – vabilo

Vabimo vas, da se v ponedeljek, 4. septembra, ob 17. uri udeležite novinarske konference ob akciji na Muri ter se obenem srečate s kolesarji, ki so v zadnjih 10 tednih prekolesarili pot od Litve do Slovenije.

31. 8. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Prispevek okoljskih organizacij v razpravo o DRP 2007-2013

Skupina petih okoljskih organizacij je posredovala svoj prispevek v razpravo o Državnem razvojnem programu 2007-2013. Prispevek je bil posredovan Službi vlade RS za lokalno samoupravo in regionalno politiko. Osnutku očitajo predvsem napačno razlago koncepta trajnostnega razvoja in zato podajajo številne zamisli, kako preoblikovati osnutek DRP, da bo bolje odseval koncept trajnostnega razvoja. 

30. 8. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update August 28 2006

1.1. Yvo de Boer Appointed New UNFCCC Executive Secretary

2.1. UK publishes final NAP for phase II of the EU ETS.
2.2. Clinton Foundation and ITDP Establish Partnership to Fight Global Warming

3.1. Climate change shifting European seasons

4.1. Workshop on reducing emissions from deforestation in developing countries
4.2. Regulatory framework for RES penetration support
4.3. EU ETS Review: Outlook for its future climate effectiveness
4.4. Climate Change and Business 2006 Conference
4.5. The case of energy autonomy: Storing Renewable Energies (IRES I)
4.6. International course on ‘Communication in Urbanised Forestry and Green-space Management

5.1. "Field Guide to the Future: Four Ways for Communities to Think Ahead"
5.2. Annual European Community greenhouse gas inventory 1990-2004 and inventory report 2006

6.1. Invitation for comments – JI project in Ukraine
6.2. Invitation for comments – JI project in Bulgaria
6.3. Invitation for comments – JI project in Russia
6.4. Invitation for comments – JI projects in Romania and Czech Republic

28. 8. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|


V službi imejmo svojo stalno skodelico ali kozarec, ki je boljša alternativa vedno novim, plastičnim skodelicam in še prijetnejša za pitje. Sodelavcem predlagajmo, da storijo enako.

23. 8. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Nasvet – Služba – Odmor za kosilo

Rajši kot za dostavo hrane z množico (plastičnih) odpadkov se odločimo za resnični odmor od dela in kosilo pojejmo iz pravih krožnikov. V kolikor kosilo prinesemo s seboj, uporabimo embalažo, ki je večkrtano uporabljiva. Če želimo hrano iz restavracije vzeti s seboj, se izognimo zavijaju hrane v stiroporno embalažo; ta je nerazgradljiva in ostane odpadek za vedno.

23. 8. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|


Kupujmo le tiste papirne izdelke, ki vsebujejo visok delež recikliranega papirja. Za proizvodnjo enega lista nerecikliranega belega papirja je potrebne bistveno več energije kot za proizvodnjo enega lista recikliranega papirja, da o sekanju dreves in uporabi zdravju škodljivih belil niti ne govorimo!

23. 8. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|


Faksirajmo dokumente direktno iz računalnika, brez vmesnega tiskanja. Kadar ni nujno, lahko naslovno stran izpustimo ali uporabimo samolepilni listek.

23. 8. 2006|Kategorije: Pomembno|
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