E – news update 17 December 2007

1.1. Climate Plan Looks Beyond Bush's Tenure
1.2. U.S., E.U., compromise on climate change
1.3. EU may boycott US climate change talks
1.4. Government Proposal Has Potential to Derail Bali Climate Conference
1.5. Gore wrong on US being climate change obstacle: US
1.6. Bali Climate Conference Enters Final Negotiations
1.7. Bali climate talks find focus in fund for poor nations
1.8. Crunch time' for climate change
1.9. Gore has 'no plans' for US presidency, warns CO2 cuts needed for survival of civilization
1.10. UN blitz year on climate change is linked to poverty goals
1.11. The real answer to climate change is to leave fossil fuels in the ground

2.1. China shutters 11.1 mln kw of thermal power capacity

3.1. International Energy Agency calls for mitigation of climate change now by realising huge potential of energy efficiency; CO2 emissions are already some 20% higher today than in 1997
3.2. Upcoming car emission law: Commission about to flunk climate test
3.3. EU Ministers must step up!
3.4. World needs 30 nuke plants/year for power, emission cuts: IEA

2007-12-17T09:26:13+01:0017. 12. 2007|Pomembno|

Minister Podobnik ni omenil potrebnih ciljev za zmanjšanje emisij po letu 2012

Nusa Dua, Bali, 12. december - Minister za okolje in prostor, Janez Podobnik, je v svojem nagovoru na ministrskem delu podnebnih pogajanj na Baliju izpustil omembo ciljev zmanjšanja emisij, ki so potrebni za preprečevanje vsaj najhujših posledic podnebnih sprememb. Po mnenju organizacije Focus društvo za sonaraven razvoj je minister s tem pokazal na omahljivost Slovenije pri spopadanju z vse resnejšim problemom podnebnih sprememb.

2007-12-12T15:54:53+01:0012. 12. 2007|Pomembno|
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