E-news update May 14 2007

1.1. Diplomats Begin Work on Climate Accord
1.2. Kyoto expiry looms over climate talks
1.3. 15th Session of the CSD – joint press statement
1.4. US seeks G8 global warming 'dilution'
1.5. Japan to propose post-Kyoto steps to halve emissions by 2050

2.1. Momentum Grows to "Ban the Bulb"
2.2. Four Percent of Global Warming Due to Dams, Says New Research

3.1. Russia and the Kyoto Protocol 2007
3.2. International Young Scholar Network for Earth Systems Science, Third Workshop
3.3. IEW meeting 2007: first announcement
3.4. Scientific framework of environmental and forest governance
3.5. DISCCRS International Interdisciplinary Climate Change Symposium
3.6. COP 13, COP/MOP3

4.1. Energy and transport subsidies in Australia
4.2. Residual Risk
4.3. The Economics of Nuclear Power

14. 5. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update May 7 2007

1.1. UN scientists warn time is running out to tackle global warming
1.2. IPCC report confirms EU call for deep cuts in global greenhouse gas emissions
1.3. Confusion threatens to limit potential of key Kyoto Protocol mechanism
1.4. Bush, EU Leaders Stress `Common' Agreement on Climate
1.5. NGO Statement at the Opening Session of CSD 15 – 30 April 2007
1.6. Climate change threatens security, UK tells UN
1.7. Maritime policy to bring jobs and fight climate change

2.1. Ukraine announces its ambition to become a first player on AAU trade market

3.1. Japan pledges $100m to support clean energy projects in Asia
3.2. Environmental groups condemn IPCC call for large scale biofuels as a climate disaster in the making
3.3. PepsiCo going all renewable energy
3.4. China could overtake US as biggest emissions culprit by November
3.5. India , Japan sign agreement on energy efficiency

4.1. Russia and the Kyoto Protocol 2007
4.2. International Young Scholar Network for Earth Systems Science, Third Workshop
4.3. IEW meeting 2007: first announcement
4.4. Scientific framework of environmental and forest governance
4.5. DISCCRS International Interdisciplinary Climate Change Symposium
4.6. COP 13, COP/MOP3

5.1. Green Paper on Market Based Instruments

7. 5. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update April 23 2007

1.1. Study: Carbon goals require bigger cuts
1.2. Norway aims to be 'zero-emission' state by 2050
1.3. No US Emissions Curbs Without China , India
1.4. World Bank still fuelling climate change
1.5. New report: EU funding plans in clash with climate

2.1. Germany proposes energy efficiency labels for homes
2.2. Europe and its neighbours join forces to promote renewable energies and energy efficiency

3.1. International "Coping with Nuclear Waste" Conference
3.2. Russia and the Kyoto Protocol 2007
3.3. International Young Scholar Network for Earth Systems Science, Third Workshop
3.4. YouPEC - European Youth Perspective on Energy and Climate
3.5. IEW meeting 2007: first announcement
3.6. Scientific framework of environmental and forest governance
3.7. DISCCRS International Interdisciplinary Climate Change Symposium
3.8. COP 13, COP/MOP3

4.1. The Nairobi Climate Change Summit - Article on the climate negotiations in 2006
4.2. Where energy is women's business: National and Regional Reports from Africa , Asia , Latin America and the Pacific

5.1. EU Consultation on European Strategic Energy Technology plan

23. 4. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Podnebne spremembe kot resna grožnja varnosti

Včeraj je varnostni svet ZN na zasedanju obravnaval podnebne spremembe kot resno grožnjo svetovni varnosti. Posledice spreminjanja podnebja po poročilu Velike Britanije vodijo v povečanje možnosti za nastanek konfliktov, kar predstavlja grožnjo svetovni varnosti. Dogodek je mogoče označiti za zgodovinsko prelomnico, saj je problematika spreminjanja podnebja končno obravnavana tako resno, kot si zasluži glede na svoje potencialne posledice.

18. 4. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update April 10 2007

1.1. UN report issues dire climate change warning
1.2. Climate change: poor suffer as world gets hotter
1.3. Global war chest needed to fight impact of climate change on poor

2.1. "International and EU Climate Change Policies after COP 12 / MOP 2
2.2. International "Coping with Nuclear Waste" Conference
2.3. Russia and the Kyoto Protocol 2007
2.4. International Young Scholar Network for Earth Systems Science, Third Workshop
2.5. YouPEC - European Youth Perspective on Energy and Climate
2.6. IEW meeting 2007: first announcement
2.7. Scientific framework of environmental and forest governance -- The role of discourses and expertise
2.8. DISCCRS International Interdisciplinary Climate Change Symposium
2.9. COP 13, COP/MOP3

3.1. On-line consultation on CCS: "Capturing and storing CO2 underground - Should we be concerned?"

10. 4. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update April 2 2007

1.1. Global talks on new climate deal must start now, commissioner says
1.2. European Union's climate change goals will cost €1 trillion
1.3. China , Norway in new climate pact
1.4. New report calls for decisive, concerted, sustained actions to combat climate change
1.5. Commission takes legal action against six Member States over missing information
1.6. Denmark to host 2009 U.N. summit, aims for new climate treaty
1.7. Climate change top of APEC agenda

2.1. The Greens say Biofuels Are Not Green
2.2. Commissioner Piebalgs welcomes increased cooperation with the US on energy issues
2.3. Natura Opens First of Three Spanish Biofuel Plants
2.4. Singapore to Spend US$230 Mln on Clean Energy Research
2.5. “Scrap Euratom!” demand Europeans

3.1. The winners and losers of climate change
3.2. Warming will end some species
3.3. Climate change set to overwhelm the world's poorest

4.1. "International and EU Climate Change Policies after COP 12 / MOP 2
4.2. International "Coping with Nuclear Waste" Conference
4.3. Russia and the Kyoto Protocol 2007
4.4. International Young Scholar Network for Earth Systems Science, Third Workshop
4.5. YouPEC - European Youth Perspective on Energy and Climate
4.6. IEW meeting 2007: first announcement
4.7. Scientific framework of environmental and forest governance
4.8. DISCCRS International Interdisciplinary Climate Change Symposium
4.9. COP 13, COP/MOP3

5.1. Dictionary and Introduction to Global Environmental Governance
5.2. Introduction to Energy Analysis
5.3. Size, structure and distribution of transport subsidies in Europe
5.4. Guidebook to markets and commercialization of forestry CDM projects

6.1. Capturing and storing CO2 underground - Should we be concerned?

2. 4. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Evropejci zahtevajo: “Odstranite Euratom!”

Bruselj, 23. marec – Na 50. obletnico EU in jedrske pogodbe Euratom je 780 organizacij in 630,000 posameznikov zahtevalo opustitev Euratoma in rabe jedrske energije po vsej Evropi. Evropski energetski komisar Pielbags je danes prejel darila ob rojstnem dnevu pogodbe: škatle, polne podpisov proti jedrski energiji. Organizacije so pozvale države članice EU da poiščejo pravno sprejemljivo možnost enostranskega umika iz jedrske pogodbe.

23. 3. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update March 19 2007

1.1. U.S. Disagrees at G8 Climate Meeting, Germany Says
1.2. Poor need more help to adapt to warming - Wolfowitz
1.3. Blair: UK to lead on climate action
1.4. The Giant EU Energy Flag
1.5. £25 fridge gadget that could slash greenhouse emissions

2.1. Global Warming Cuts US$5 Billion in Grain Crops – Study

3.1. New EU Policies for Sustainable Energy and Climate Protection
3.2. Workshop: Climate Change in South-Eastern European Countries: Causes, Impacts, Solutions
3.3. "International and EU Climate Change Policies after COP 12 / MOP 2: Challenges and Opportunities for the New Member States and Candidate Countries"
3.4. International "Coping with Nuclear Waste" Conference
3.5. Russia and the Kyoto Protocol 2007
3.6. International Young Scholar Network for Earth Systems Science, Third Workshop
3.7. YouPEC - European Youth Perspective on Energy and Climate
3.8. IEW meeting 2007: first announcement
3.9. Scientific framework of environmental and forest governance -- The role of discourses and expertise
3.10. COP 13, COP/MOP3

4.1. White paper on the US debate about fixed price feed-in tariffs

5.1. Climate Star 2007 - The European Award for Local Climate Protection Activities

19. 3. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update March 12 2007

1.1. Europe sets benchmark for tackling climate change
1.2. EU leaders take timid steps to fight climate change
1.3. EU's sustainable energy future must not turn into hot air
1.4. EU takes front seat on climate and clean energy
1.5. Eurobarometer: Europeans support greater EU action on energy and climate change
1.6. World renowned experts to advise President Barroso on energy and climate change
1.7. Campaign to demand an end to World Bank spending on oil and other fossil fuels

2.1. Baltic Sea Region to Warm Sharply in 21st Century

3.1. International Workshop on Numerical Modelling - Policy Interface (NMPI 2007)
3.2. New EU Policies for Sustainable Energy and Climate Protection
3.3. Workshop: Climate Change in South-Eastern European Countries: Causes, Impacts, Solutions
3.4. "International and EU Climate Change Policies after COP 12 / MOP 2
3.5. International "Coping with Nuclear Waste" Conference
3.6. Russia and the Kyoto Protocol 2007
3.7. International Young Scholar Network for Earth Systems Science, Third Workshop
3.8. YouPEC - European Youth Perspective on Energy and Climate
3.9. IEW meeting 2007: first announcement
3.10. Scientific framework of environmental and forest governance
3.11. COP 13, COP/MOP3

4.1. Urban Air Pollution in Asian Cities: Status, Challenges and Management
4.2. Cogen Challenge - Database for Cogeneration Units

5.1. Tenders: emission reduction potential – scenario modeling
5.2. 3 million Euro available for supporting energy efficiency and renewable energy projects
5.3. Online Communication Survey
5.4. Greenpeace Job Posting: Climate & Energy Policy Campaigner

12. 3. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update March 5 2007

1.1. U.N. climate talks stagnate despite public worries

2.1. CO2 output from shipping twice as much as airlines
2.2. Germany Says Renewables Growth Faster Than Planned

3.1. Workshop National adaptation strategies
3.2. CO2 Capture and Storage, the cornerstone of the energy–climate challenge
3.3. European Conference on the Future of Energy Certificate Systems
3.4. "Strategies for a Climate Compatible Society"
3.5. International Workshop on Numerical Modelling - Policy Interface (NMPI 2007)
3.6. New EU Policies for Sustainable Energy and Climate Protection
3.7. Workshop: Climate Change in South-Eastern European Countries: Causes, Impacts, Solutions
3.8. Russia and the Kyoto Protocol 2007
3.9. International Young Scholar Network for Earth Systems Science, Third Workshop
3.10. YouPEC - European Youth Perspective on Energy and Climate
3.11. IEW meeting 2007: first announcement
3.12. COP 13, COP/MOP3

4.1. CO2 allowance and electricity price interaction - Impact on industry's electricity purchasing strategies in Europe
4.2. Creating a Climate for Change: Communicating Climate Change and Facilitating Social Change
4.3. TXU’s Expansion Proposal: A Risk for Investors

5.1. Taking Climate Change Discussions Beyond the Science - AMS Launches New Climate Policy Blog
5.2. Opening of call for experts (JI accreditation panel memebers) – second call

5. 3. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update February 26 2007

1.1. EU backs bold climate change goals
1.2. EU heads for double standards on cutting emissions
1.3. Europe Can do More on Climate Change - UNEP Head
1.4. International Group Sets Plan To Curb Global Warming

2.1. Israel has taken a significant step today towards becoming a solar-leader
2.2. Cheap solar power poised to undercut oil and gas by half
2.3. Light bulbs ban to slash emissions

3.1. Workshop National adaptation strategies
3.2. CO2 Capture and Storage, the cornerstone of the energy–climate challenge
3.3. European Conference on the Future of Energy Certificate Systems
3.4. "Strategies for a Climate Compatible Society"
3.5. International Workshop on Numerical Modelling - Policy Interface (NMPI 2007)
3.6. Workshop: Climate Change in South-Eastern European Countries: Causes, Impacts, Solutions
3.7. International Young Scholar Network for Earth Systems Science, Third Workshop
3.8. IEW meeting 2007: first announcement
3.9. COP 13, COP/MOP3

4.1. Research Programme on Climate Change Modelling and Policy - Two junior research fellow positions

25. 2. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Državljani Slovenije zahtevajo trajnostno energijo

Ljubljana, 26. februar 2007 – Danes so prebivalci Slovenije s podpisovanjem peticije v obliki velike zvezde, ki je ponazarjala zvezdo evropske zastave, podprli obnovljive vire energije in učinkovito rabo energije ter se izrekli proti umazanim fosilnim gorivom in jedrski energiji. Akcija, ki sta jo organizirala Focus društvo za sonaraven razvoj in organizacija Friends of the Earth Europe, je bila namenjena ustvarjanju pritiska na predsednika vlade Janeza Janšo, da se na srečanju vodij držav članic EU 8. in 9. marca v Bruslju zavzame za evropski energetski akcijski načrt, ki bo odgovoren do podnebja.

25. 2. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update February 19 2007

1.1. Global leaders reach climate change agreement
1.2. JRC releases report on plight of European coastal and sea waters
1.3. Climate change: scientists warn it may be too late to save the ice caps

2.1. EU States Divided over Energy Shake-up
2.2. Germany Air Industry Embraces CO2 Trading – Paper

3.1. Conference “What jobs in a low carbon European economy?”
3.2. Workshop National adaptation strategies
3.3. CDM/JI workshop
3.4. CO2 Capture and Storage, the cornerstone of the energy–climate challenge
3.5. European Conference on the Future of Energy Certificate Systems
3.6. "Strategies for a Climate Compatible Society"
3.7. International Workshop on Numerical Modelling - Policy Interface (NMPI 2007)
3.8. Workshop: Climate Change in South-Eastern European Countries: Causes, Impacts, Solutions
3.9. International Young Scholar Network for Earth Systems Science, Third Workshop
3.10. IEW meeting 2007: first announcement
3.11. COP 13, COP/MOP3

4.1. 'New impetus for climate policy: making the most of Germany 's dual presidency'
4.2. Climate change and water adaptation issues
4.3. Briefing 1/2007 - Climate change and water adaptation issues

19. 2. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update February 12 2007

1.1. EU urges relaunch of global climate talks
1.2. Global warming 'Live Aid' planned

2.1. Greenhouse Gas Ocean Burial Okayed from Feb 10
2.2. Spain Aims to Cut Energy use by 1 Pct a Year – Report
2.3. Over 145 environmental, development and social organisations call upon EU to abandon bioful targets
2.4. Europe set to weaken key climate target for newcars
2.5. Uganda Tackles Power Crisis with Energy-Saving Bulbs

3.1. JI workshop
3.2. Conference “What jobs in a low carbon European economy?”
3.3. Workshop National adaptation strategies
3.4. CDM/JI workshop
3.5. International Workshop on Numerical Modelling - Policy Interface (NMPI 2007)
3.6. Workshop: Climate Change in South-Eastern European Countries: Causes, Impacts, Solutions
3.7. International Young Scholar Network for Earth Systems Science, Third Workshop
3.8. IEW meeting 2007: first announcement

12. 2. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update February 5 2007

1.1. UNFCCC Executive Secretary calls for speedy and decisive international action on climate change
1.2. New report from the world's leading scientists underlines the need for urgent global action
1.3. Chirac tells U.S. to sign climate accord or face taxes
1.4. Stark findings on climate change
1.5. China preparing national plan for climate change
1.6. Al Gore nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

2.1. Stricter fuel standards to combat climate change and reduce air pollution
2.2. Pennsylvania Launches Energy Independence Plan

3.1. JI workshop
3.2. Conference “What jobs in a low carbon European economy?”
3.3. Workshop National adaptation strategies
3.4. CDM/JI workshop
3.5. International Workshop on Numerical Modelling - Policy Interface (NMPI 2007)
3.6. Workshop: Climate Change in South-Eastern European Countries: Causes, Impacts, Solutions
3.7. International Young Scholar Network for Earth Systems Science, Third Workshop
3.8. IEW meeting 2007: first announcement

4.1. New Version of LEAP Software for Climate Change Mitigation Assessment Released
4.2. Emissions Trading and Business
4.3. Climate Risk Disclosure by the S&P 500
4.4. Citizens' Guide to European Complaint Mechanisms

5.1. Job announcement - Senior Energy/Climate Change Campaigner, FoE Europe

5. 2. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Pomembna sporočila znanstvenikov o spreminjanju podnebja zahtevajo nujno ukrepanje politikov

Pravkar predstavljeno četrto poročilo medvladnega panela za podnebje (IPCC) neizpodbitno ugotavlja, da se podnebni sistem segreva, kar bo vodilo k zelo resnim posledicam za človeštvo, kot so povečana pogostost uničujočih vremenskih dogodkov, taljenje ledu, dvig morske gladine ali spremenjeni vzorci padavin. Poročilo potrjuje, da je za segrevanje v zadnjih 50 letih najbolj odgovoren človek, ki je s svojim delovanjem – predvsem neodgovornim ravnanjem s fosilnimi viri energije – povzročil izpust prekomerne količine toplogrednih plinov.

2. 2. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update January 29 2007

1.1. New EU entrants lagging behind on renewables
1.2. Launch of a comprehensive global energy strategy sets out a blueprint for tackling climate change
1.3. How can Sustainable Development be achieved in Energy Use?
1.4. Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign 2005 – 2008
1.5. European Commission launches first Sustainable Energy Week

2.1. Commission decides on second set of national allocation plans for the 2008-2012 trading period
2.2. Washington Wakes Up to Global Warming

3.1. JI workshop
3.2. Conference “What jobs in a low carbon European economy?”
3.3. Workshop National adaptation strategies
3.4. Workshop: Climate Change in South-Eastern European Countries: Causes, Impacts, Solutions
3.5. International Young Scholar Network for Earth Systems Science, Third Workshop
3.6. IEW meeting 2007: first announcement

4.1. "Global change: "Enough Water for all?"
4.2. New reports on the Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) website
4.3. Nairobi 2006: Trust and the future of adaptation funding
4.4. 'The Emissions Game - How Markets Can Help Save the Planet'

5.1. EcoRes Forum Launches Climate Change E-Conference Series

29. 1. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update January 22 2007

1.1. UNFCCC Executive Secretary: unwarranted fear of economic hardship the root cause for inaction on climate change
1.2. EU climate goal "could cost less than Stern"
1.3. Surge in carbon levels raises fears of runaway warming
1.4. EU makes climate change centre of foreign policy

2.1. 3rd Austrian JI/CDM Workshop
2.2. JI workshop: Call for participation
2.3. Conference “What jobs in a low carbon European economy?”
2.4. Workshop National adaptation strategies
2.5. Workshop: Climate Change in South-Eastern European Countries: Causes, Impacts, Solutions
2.6. IEW meeting 2007: first announcement

3.1. Website on voluntary carbon offsets

4.1. Join the snowmen action day against global warming!

22. 1. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update January 15 2007

1.1. EU aims for 'post-industrial revolution' in energy policy
1.2. Commission proposals on climate and energy would condemn future generations
1.3. EU energy package too feeble to fight climate change
1.4. EU energy package: Fine wrapping conceals lack of substance
1.5. Nuclear power "least popular" - EU poll

2.1. A clear message from the South: We want food sovereignty, not biofuels

3.1. Brussels urges EU to stick its neck out on climate change
3.2. Does carbon offsetting really help in the fight against climate change?
3.3. Climate change will transform the face of the continent
3.4. UN Official Wants World Summit on Global Warming

4.1. Joint Project Workshop: Current Nuclear Energy Policies in the EU
4.2. 3rd Austrian JI/CDM Workshop
4.3. Conference “What jobs in a low carbon European economy?”
4.4. Workshop: Climate Change in South-Eastern European Countries: Causes, Impacts, Solutions
4.5. IEW meeting 2007: first announcement

5.1. Publication of special issue of The Energy journal

6.1. Request for comments: IGES reports on the future climate regime
6.2. The Natural Environment Research Council: funding opportunitiey

15. 1. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Energetski paket EU: veliko ovitkov, malo vsebine

Ljubljana/Bruselj, 10. januar 2007 – Evropska komisija je danes objavila težko pričakovani sveženj energetskih predpisov, ki naj bi začrtal evropsko energetsko podobo v prihodnosti. Po mnenju Fokus društva za sonaraven razvoj vsebina svežnja Evropi ne bo zagotavila trajnostne energetske prihodnosti. Evropska komisija predlaga nadaljno podporo fosilni in jedrski energiji, namesto da bi začrtala prihodnost, ki bi temeljila na energetski učinkovitosti in obnovljivih virih energije.

10. 1. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

Minister Vizjak ne omenja trajnostne energije

Ljubljana, 8.1.2007 – Nekaj okoljskih organizacij se je ostro odzvalo na svarila ministra Vizjaka, da brez nove nuklearke ni dolgoročne oskrbe z elektriko v Sloveniji. Po njihovem mnenju je zavajati državljane z eno možnostjo – gradnjo nove nuklearke – neodgovorno dejanje, še posebej v luči marginaliziranih ukrepov za učinkovito rabo energije.

8. 1. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|

E-news update January 8 2007

1.1. EU Commission to Present Energy Plan

2.1. Japan 's energy conservation obsession - Japan beats oil costs with efficiency

3.1. Pressure to put changing climate higher on agenda
3.2. Climate Change & Energy - Review of the Year 2006
3.3. Barroso Says Germany Must Meet Lower CO2 Targets

4.1. IEW meeting 2007: first announcement
4.2. 3rd Austrian JI/CDM Workshop

5.1. Foreign Carbon Credit Purchasing Options Open to Japan to Achieve the Kyoto Target
5.2. Energy Autonomy
5.3. New renewable energy web site

6.1. Climate change job at IEEP

8. 1. 2007|Kategorije: Pomembno|
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